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Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Magnetyczne i elektromagnetyczne uchwyty obróbkowe - konstrukcja i rozwój
PublicationPrzedstawiono współczesne rozwiązania konstrukcyjne obróbkowych uchwytów magnetycznych i elektromagnetycznych. Podano przykłady zastosowania w operacjach obróbki wiórowej i ściernej oraz w różnorodnych procesach spawania. Omówiono ważniejsze zalecenia technologiczne oraz ograniczenia praktyczne.
PublicationPrzewóz opakowań PET na paletach obarczony jest coraz większym ryzykiem ich odkształcania się pod wpływem obciążenia masą kolejnych warstw butelek. Doświadczenie pokazuje, że w transporcie opakowań PET o dużej objętości (5-6 litrów) decydującym elementem jest wytrzymałość osiowa górnej części opakowania. W artykule omówiono wybrane wyniki z szeroko przeprowadzonych analiz numerycznych wykonanych w celu określenia kształtu górnej...
Management of Complex Root Fractures in Young Patients—Case Series and a Literature Review
PublicationRoot fractures are defined as injuries involving dentine, cementum, and the pulp. They are rare, and they account for 0.5–7% of the dental injuries in the permanent teeth. Root fractures may be the result of direct trauma to the teeth or indirect trauma to the oral cavity. Their incidence is highest in the group of adolescent patients aged 11 to 20 years. The purpose of the paper is to review the literature supported by a case...
Management of energy renovation for traditional rural residential houses
PublicationRenowacja energetyczna ma na celu zmniejszenie energii zużywanej przez budynek poprzez poprawę właściwości cieplnych przegród budowlanych oraz usprawnienie efektywności systemów instalacyjnych. Jest to istotny element w osiąganiu celów klimatycznych zdefiniowanych przez społeczność międzynarodową. Renowacja zabudowy o wartości kulturowej wiąże się z koniecznością zachowania cech architektonicz- nych, decydujących o jej rozpoznawalności,...
Management of ground tire rubber waste by incorporation into polyurethane-based composite foams
PublicationRapid economic growth implicated the developing multiple industry sectors, including the automotive branch, increasing waste generation since recycling and utilization methods have not been established simultaneously. A very severe threat is the generation of enormous amounts of post-consumer tires considered burdensome waste, e.g., due to the substantial emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Therefore, it is essential...
Managing and funding the innovative path: a close look at the SimLE scientific club at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
PublicationThis article presents a case study of the simply learn experience (SimLE) scientific club at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Gdańsk, Poland, showcasing an effective model for blending theoretical knowledge with practical engineering applications. This student-led organisation aims to develop soft skills and handson experience through project work, participation in international contests and conferences. This study...
Managing knowledge in a tourism crisis: case study from Poland
PublicationPurpose: This study deals with a tourism organisation from Poland, which experienced not only the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the close war situation in Ukraine which caused a significant decrease in tourist traffic and revenues. Since, based on the literature, knowledge management can be useful for crisis management, this study aims to explore the role and usefulness of KM during crisis situations in tourism. Methodology: Qualitative...
Mangiferin: A comprehensive review on its extraction, purification and uses in food systems
PublicationWith the target of fabricating healthier products, food manufacturing companies look for natural-based nutraceuticals that can potentially improve the physicochemical properties of food systems while being nutritive to the consumer and providing additional health benefits (biological activities). In this regard, Mangiferin joins all these requirements as a potential nutraceutical, which is typically contained in Mangifera indica...
Manipulating Electrical Properties of Nanopatterned Double-Barrier Schottky Junctions in Ti/TiOx/Fe Systems
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Marine polymers in tissue bioprinting: Current achievements and challenges
PublicationBioprinting has a critical role in tissue engineering, allowing the creation of sophisticated cellular scaffolds with high resolution, shape fidelity, and cell viability. Achieving these parameters remains a challenge, necessitating bioinks that are biocompatible, printable, and biodegradable. This review highlights the potential of marine-derived polymers and crosslinking techniques including mammalian collagen and gelatin along...
Maritime traffic situation awareness analysis via high-fidelity ship imaging trajectory
PublicationSituation awareness provides crucial yet instant information to maritime traffic participants, and significant attentions are paid to implement traffic situation awareness task via various maritime data source (e.g., automatic identification system, maritime surveillance video, radar, etc.). The study aims to analyze traffic situation with the support of ship imaging trajectory. First, we employ the dark channel prior model to...
MARS - BAZA. warsztaty pozaziemskiej architektury ekstremalnej. Warsztaty w ramach Bałtyckiego Festiwalu Nauki
PublicationJak przetrwać w różnych warunkach? Czego potrzebujemy, by przeżyć, a czego, by żyć wygodnie? Poszukamy odpowiedzi na te pytania, by stanąć przed nie lada misją: wspólnie podejmiemy się największego wyzwania przyszłości - zbudujemy bazę na Marsie! Budowa schronienia, bazy, domu - troska o zaspokojenie podstawowych potrzeb towarzyszy nam od zawsze, a budowanie jest jednym z pierwszych trwałych działań ludzi, pomagającym spełnić...
Marta Rusnak, Marta Szmigiel, Malwina Geniusz, Zofia Koszewicz, Monika Magdziak-Tokłowicz, Exploring the impact of cultural context on eye-tracking studies of architectural monuments in selected European cities: Sustainable heritage management.
PublicationSustainable management of architectural heritage requires conducting an inclusive diagnosis of users' opinions, considering both residents and tourists as the recipients of urban space. Given the cultural diversity within these groups, proposing the use of eye-trackers (ET) as an alternative to traditional public consultation prompts the need to assess the method's advantages and disadvantages. It remains uncertain whether individuals...
Matcha Green Tea: Chemical Composition, Phenolic Acids, Caffeine and Fatty Acid Profile
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Materiałowe aspekty budowy narzędzi docierarek tarczowych do płaszczyzn
PublicationPrzedstawiono problematykę doboru materiałów na narzędzia w operacjach docierania i szlifowania powierzchni na obrabiarkach tarczowych. Scharakteryzowano stosowane materiały na tego typu narzędzia oraz wybrane konstrukcje tarcz do obróbki elementów płaskich i płasko-równoległych. Wskazano na korzystne zastosowanie żeliw sferoidalnych w aspekcie aktywizacji powierzchni czynnej docieraków ścierniwem. Przedstawiono analizę modelową...
Materiały do poznania ważek (Odonata) Pojezierza Litewskiego (Polska północno-wschodnia), ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Suwalskiego Parku Krajobrazowego, zebrane przy okazji XIX Sympozjum Sekcji Odonatologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Entomologicznego w 2023 r.
PublicationFrom 6-9 July 2023, the participants of the 19th Symposium of the Odonatological Section of the Polish Entomological Society carried out fieldwork on the dragonflies in and around the Suwałki Landscape Park (SPK) (NE Poland). The symposium was preceded by a field reconnaissance (8-10 June). The results of this fieldwork, which yielded 45 species at 22 sites, are presented and discussed. Three species...
Materiały konstrukcyjne
PublicationRozdział dotyczy materiałów konstrukcyjnych do budowy elektrowni jądrowych. Omówiono wymagania stawiane takim materiałom i dokonano charakterystyki najczęściej stosowanych grup materiałowych takich jak stale węglowe, stale niskostopowe, stopy cyrkonu, niklu i wieloskładnikowe, ceramiki, cementy, betony i in.
Maternal Health Risk Assessment using Digital Twin Application
PublicationPregnancy in a life of a woman, is an important time that is connected with both physiological and psychological changes. This paper aims at developing a digital twin application that allows to assess mother’s health risk and help to diagnose them. The system presented in this paper includes models for three health outcomes: maternal health risk level, diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and diagnosis of late onset...
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Dynamics in the Area of the Planned Siarzewo Reservoir
PublicationRiver regulation is an inseparable aspect of the economic progress of countries, and based on the examples of highly developed countries, it may be concluded that their development could be partially supported by properly conducted water management. The construction of dams in cold regions or areas where ice phenomena are observed in winter, requires taking into account the impact of ice on the structure and the impact of the designed...
PublicationWystawa podejmie problem konstytuowania i określania stopnia „zrozumiałości” wypowiedzi artystycznych (w jej różnych formach). Punktem odniesienia dla powstałych prac są pojęcia matrycy społecznej oraz treści percepcyjnej. >>Jaka może być najmniejsza porcja informacji? Jaka może być najmniejsza porcja doświadczenia? << Nikt nie wie do czego funkcjonalnie służy świadomość. Super inteligencja umożliwia szybkie przetwarzanie...
Maximizing Bio-Hydrogen and Energy Yields Obtained in a Self-Fermented Anaerobic Bioreactor by Screening of Different Sewage Sludge Pretreatment Methods
PublicationEgypt faces significant challenges in managing its sewage sludge generated in large quantities from wastewater treatment plants. This study investigates the feasibility of utilizing sewage sludge as a renewable resource for hydrogen production through anaerobic digestion at the 100 L bioreactor level. Hydrogen is considered a promising alternative energy source due to its high energy content and environmental benefits. To optimize...
Maximizing SDN resilience to node‐targeted attacks through joint optimization of the primary and backup controllers placements
PublicationIn Software Defined Networks (SDN) packet data switches are configured by a limited number of SDN controllers, which respond to queries for packet forwarding decisions from the switches. To enable optimal control of switches in real time the placement of controllers at network nodes must guarantee that the controller-to-controller and switch-to-controller communications delays are bounded. Apart from the primary controllers that...
Maximizing the output power of magnetically geared generator in low-speed applications using subdomain modeling and particle swarm optimization
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Measurement Performance Verification of Asynchronous Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Object Position and Orientation
PublicationThe paper describes the results of a measurement verification of the effectiveness of an asynchronous method of locating an object on a plane using localization signals sent simultaneously from two transmitters placed on that object at a known distance from each other. The advantage of proposed solution is ability to estimate position of mobile object by set of reference receivers that can work asynchronously, which simplifies...
Measuring Tilt with an IMU Using the Taylor Algorithm
PublicationThis article addresses the important problem of tilt measurement and stabilization. This is particularly important in the case of drone stabilization and navigation in underwater environments, multibeam sonar mapping, aerial photogrammetry in densely urbanized areas, etc. The tilt measurement process involves the fusion of information from at least two different sensors. Inertial sensors (IMUs) are unique in this context because...
Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Parts and Their Injection Molded Alternatives Subjected to Environmental Aging
PublicationAdditive manufacturing is the technology used in medical, industrial, or lifestyle applications. The scientific literature include works reporting various manufacturing parameters’ influence on changes in additive manufacturing components’ mechanical behavior, especially with fused filament fabrication (FFF). The changes in mechanical strength and toughness of FFF compared to injection molding parts were studied. In the study,...
Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Polymeric Materials—PLA and PETG—For Biomechanical Applications
PublicationThe study presented herein concerns the mechanical properties of two common polymers for potential biomedical applications, PLA and PETG, processed through fused filament fabrication (FFF)—Material Extrusion (ME). For the uniaxial tension tests carried out, two printing orientations—XY (Horizontal, H) and YZ (Vertical, V)—were considered according to the general principles for part positioning, coordinates, and orientation typically...
Mechanical response of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy subjected to dynamic testing at low temperature: Experiment and modelling
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Mechanical response of human thoracic spine ligaments under quasi-static loading: An experimental study
PublicationPurpose This study aimed to investigate the geometrical and mechanical properties of human thoracic spine ligaments subjected to uniaxial quasi-static tensile test. Methods Four human thoracic spines, obtained through a body donation program, were utilized for the study. The anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL), posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL), capsular ligament (CL), ligamenta flava (LF), and the interspinous ligament and...
Mechanical Synthesis and Calorimetric Studies of the Enthalpies of Formation of Chosen Mg-Pd Alloys
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Mechanisms of Li deposition on graphite anodes: surface coverage and cluster growth
PublicationLi plating on the anode is a side reaction in Li-ion batteries which competes with Li intercalation and leads to loss of capacity. Growth of Li clusters into dendrites is a potential safety hazard for batteries which can lead to internal short-circuit and fires. We consider two possibilities of Li deposition on the surface of graphite anode: deposition of Li+ ions uniformly on the surface and deposition of clusters of metallic...
Medical Tourism Market Segmentation
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Medical Tourism Marketing
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Medicinal Anti-Inflammatory Patch Loaded with Lavender Essential Oil
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Melanoma skin cancer detection using mask-RCNN with modified GRU model
PublicationIntroduction: Melanoma Skin Cancer (MSC) is a type of cancer in the human body; therefore, early disease diagnosis is essential for reducing the mortality rate. However, dermoscopic image analysis poses challenges due to factors such as color illumination, light reflections, and the varying sizes and shapes of lesions. To overcome these challenges, an automated framework is proposed in this manuscript. Methods: Initially, dermoscopic...
Meldrum’s acid assisted formation of tetrahydroquinolin‑2‑one derivatives a short synthetic pathway to the biologically useful scaffold
PublicationA new method for the preparation of tetrahydroquinolin-2-one derivatives is presented. This approach involves a two-step reaction between enaminones and acylating agents, immediately followed by electrophilic cyclization, all within a single synthesis procedure, eliminating the need to isolate intermediates. The entire process is facilitated by the use of acyl Meldrum’s acids which not only shortens the preparation time of the...
MEMS Modeling in the Context of Inertial Navigation
PublicationUnderwater navigation is a research topic current undertaken in many areas of underwater research. The article presents an analysis resulting from MEMS modelling in the context of inertial navigation. The ideal approach was confronted with its limitations, but a non-linear approach, close to the real one, was also presented. Both models were compared in the context of inertial navigation. Random disturbances and their impact on linear...
Merton-type default risk and financial performance: the dynamic panel moderation of firm size
PublicationPurpose – The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the probability of default and examine the relationship between default risk and financial performance, with dynamic panel moderation of firm size. Design/methodology/approach – This study utilizes a total of 1,500 firm-year observations from 2013 to 2018 using dynamic panel data approach of generalized method of moments to test the relationship between default risk and financial...
Mesoscopic simulations of a fracture process in reinforced concrete beam in bending using a 2D coupled DEM/micro-CT approach
PublicationW tej pracy zbadano numerycznie w warunkach 2D złożony proces pękania w krótkiej prostokątnej belce betonowej wzmocnionej jednym prętem podłużnym (bez zbrojenia pionowego) i poddanej quasi-statycznemu zginaniu w trzech punktach. Krytyczne pęknięcie poprzeczne w belce spowodowało jej uszkodzenie podczas doświadczenia. Symulacje numeryczne przeprowadzono klasyczną metodą elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Przyjęto trójfazowy opis betonu:...
Metabolomics in Atrial Fibrillation: Unlocking Novel Biomarkers and Pathways for Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Personalized Treatment
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Metal doped TiO2 decorated carbon nanostructured materials as an emerging photocatalysts for solar fuels production
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Method for prediction of the frost resistance ability of air‐entrained concrete based on the 3D air void characteristics by x‐ray micro‐CT
PublicationIn modern construction, one of the most important factors in the execution of contracts is time. Standard procedures for assessing the frost resistance or concrete are usually very time-consuming and can take up to 40 days. The current paper is experimentally and practically oriented. It presents an alternative testing method, based on air void network, that allows to assess the frost resistance of concrete within just a few days...
Method for profile reconstruction of the workpiece surface during groove micromilling
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Method of Forming Road Surface Replicas Using 3D Printing Technology
PublicationRolling resistance is a critical factor that influences vehicle energy consumption, emissions, and overall performance. It directly impacts fuel efficiency, tire longevity, and driving dynamics. Traditional rolling resistance tests are conducted on smooth steel drums, which fail to replicate real-world road surface textures, potentially skewing results. This article presents the process of designing surface replicas using 3D printing...
Methodology Approach for Microplastics Isolation from Samples Containing Sucrose
PublicationThe growing production and use of plastics significantly contribute to microplastics (MPs) contamination in the environment. Humans are exposed to MPs primarily through the gastrointestinal route, as these particles are present in beverages and food, e.g., sugar. Effective isolation and identification of MPs from food is essential for their elimination. This study aimed to evaluate factors influencing the isolation of MPs from...
Methodology of generation of CFD meshes and 4D shape reconstruction of coronary arteries from patient-specific dynamic CT
PublicationDue to the difficulties in retrieving both the time‑dependent shapes of the vessels and the generation of numerical meshes for such cases, most of the simulations of blood flow in the cardiac arteries use static geometry. The article describes a methodology for generating a sequence of time‑dependent 3D shapes based on images of different resolutions and qualities acquired from ECG‑gated coronary artery CT angiography. The precision...
Methods for Quality Assessment of Window View
PublicationThis paper summarises findings from two workshops evaluating a series of views in various settings by an interdisciplinary group of experts. In the first one (Trondheim, June 2022), ten experts visited and assessed views from nine rooms. In the second one (Lausanne, June 2023), eleven experts assessed window views from four spaces. The workshops’ main objective was to develop and test multi-method assessments of window views. During...
Miasta Nieskończone. Warsztaty animacji poklatkowej doodle-art. Bałtycki Festiwal Nauki 2024
PublicationWarsztaty animacji poklatkowej w technice doodle-art, podczas których uczestnicy stworzyli wspólnie animowany film o mieście marzeń. Warsztaty z animacji poklatkowej są zajęciami rozwijającymi wyobraźnię i kreatywność. Film powstawał zespołowo, poprzez dodawanie nowych elementów rysunku przez każdego z uczestników. Kolejne fazy powstawania wymarzonego miasta zostały uwiecznione na zdjęciach, które po cyfrowej obróbce pozwoliły...
Micro- and nano-Illite to improve strength of untreated-soil as a nano soil-improvement (NSI) technique
PublicationSoil stabilization is a technique of improving the geotechnical properties of soils for various engineering applications. However, conventional stabilizers such as cement and lime have some limitations, such as high cost, environmental impact, and durability issues. Therefore, there is a need for alternative and innovative stabilizers that can overcome these challenges. This study introduces nano-Illite, a type of clay mineral,...
Microbe Cultivation Guidelines to Optimize Rhamnolipid Applications
PublicationIn the growing landscape of interest in natural surfactants, selecting the appropriate one for specific applications remains challenging. The extensive, yet often unsystematized, knowledge of microbial surfactants, predominantly represented by rhamnolipids (RLs), typically does not translate beyond the conditions presented in scientific publications. This limitation stems from the numerous variables and their interdependencies...