Catalog Publications
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Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Microbiological, Antioxidant, Nutritional Properties, and Health Safety of Juice from Organic and Conventional Vitis vinifera L. Farming
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Microextraction by packed sorbent: Uncommon detection techniques, sorbents, samples and analytes
PublicationAmong sample preparation approaches, the most desirable are procedures that ensure high efficiency and reproducibility, that are cheap, fast and simple, that minimize the number of operational steps and that require a small amount of sample and solvent and are thus environmentally friendly. Microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) is a miniaturized form of solid-phase extraction, the use of which has been continuously expanding...
Microfluidically Frequency-Reconfigurable Compact Self-Quadruplexing Tunable Antenna with High Isolation Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide
PublicationThis communication presents a novel concept of microfluidically frequency-reconfigurable self-quadruplexing tunable antenna for quad-band applications. At the initial design stage, a substrate-integrated square cavity is divided into four unequal quarter-mode cavity resonators by inserting an X-shaped slot on the top surface of the cavity. Applying four 50-ohm microstrip feed-lines to these four quarter-mode cavity resonators enables...
Microfluidically Frequency-Reconfigurable Self-Quadruplexing Antenna Based on Substrate Integrated Square-Cavity
PublicationIn this article, a novel concept of self-quadruplexing tunable antenna (SQTA) enabled by microfluidic channels is investigated. The operating channels are either filled with air or dielectric liquids to enable frequency tunability. The proposed SQTA is implemented on the substrate-integrated square-cavity (SISC). A swastika-shaped slot is milled on the top-surface of the SISC to create four quarter-mode resonators. The resonators...
Microplastics as a Threat to Aquatic Ecosystems and Human Health
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Microplastics in water resources: Global pollution circle, possible technological solutions, legislations, and future horizon
PublicationBeneath the surface of our ecosystems, microplastics (MPs) silently loom as a significant threat. These minuscule pollutants, invisible to the naked eye, wreak havoc on living organisms and disrupt the delicate balance of our environment. As we delve into a trove of data and reports, a troubling narrative unfolds: MPs pose a grave risk to both health and food chains with their diverse compositions and chemical characteristics....
Microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of activated tungsten inert gas welded joint between P91 steel and Incoloy 800HT
PublicationThis study examines the welded joint between P91 steel and Incoloy 800HT using the Activated Tungsten Inert Gas (A-TIG) welding process. The focus is on analyzing the microstructure and evaluating the mechanical properties of joints made with different compositions of activating flux. Owing to the reversal of the Marangoni effect in which the conventional direction of molten metal flow in the weld pool is reversed due to the application...
Microstructure and mechanical properties of a dissimilar metal welded joint of Inconel 617 and P92 steel with Inconel 82 buttering layer for AUSC boiler application
PublicationThe application of the novel dissimilar metal welded (DMW) joint, utilizing Inconel 617 and P92 steel, was showcased in the advanced ultra-supercritical (AUSC) boiler. The work has been performed to investigate the effect of Inconel 82 (ERNiCr-3) buttering layer on microstructure and mechanical properties (high-temperature tensile strength, impact strength and microhardness) of gas tungsten arc welded (GTAW) dissimilar joint between...
Microwave-Induced Processing of Free-Standing 3D Printouts: An Effortless Route to High-Redox Kinetics in Electroanalysis
Publication3D-printable composites have become an attractive option used for the design and manufacture of electrochemical sensors. However, to ensure proper charge-transfer kinetics at the electrode/electrolyte interface, activation is often required, with this step consisting of polymer removal to reveal the conductive nanofiller. In this work, we present a novel effective method for the activation of composites consisting of poly(lactic...
Mieszanki betonowe stosowane w technologii druku trójwymiarowego
PublicationW niniejszej pracy dokonano przeglądu literatury z zakresu mieszanek i zapraw betonowych stosowanych w druku trójwymiarowym. Przegląd literatury przygotowano z zachowaniem chronologii pojawienia się danej publikacji (daty publikacji). Na podstawie przeprowadzonego przeglądu dokonano tabelarycznego zestawienia receptur mieszanek wykorzystywanych w wydrukach trójwymiarowych (3D). Przedstawiony przegląd literatury z zakresu mieszanek...
Migration of trace elements and radioisotopes to various fractions of solid wastes generated as a result of the sewage sludge incineration process
PublicationThe research was aimed at providing new knowledge in the field of chemical characteristics of solid waste generated in the process of combustion of sewage sludge in fluidized bed furnaces. The research material consisted of disposed fluidized beds (DFB), sewage sludge ash (SSA) and air pollution control residues (APC) from three Polish installations for the thermal treatment of sewage sludge. Natural radionuclides as well as anthropogenic...
Millimeter Wave Negative Refractive Index Metamaterial Antenna Array
PublicationIn this paper, a novel negative refractive index metamaterial (NIM) is developed and characterized. The proposed metamaterial exhibits negative effective permittivity (εeffe) and negative effective permeability (µeffe) at millimeter wave frequency of 28GHz. This attractive feature is utilized to enhance the gain of a microstrip patch antenna (MPA). Two thin layers of 5 5 subwavelength unit cell array of NIM are placed above a...
Millimeter Wave Retrodirective Van Atta Arrays in LTCC Technology
PublicationThe millimeter wave Van Atta arrays, intended for chipless RFID applications and fabricated in LTCC technology, are presented in this paper. The arrays are designed for 24 GHz and 60 GHz bands. The method for an easy modification of the RCS characteristic by increasing the number of single-dimensional arrays, intended for increasing the RCS level, is also presented. The LTCC manufacturing process is described in detail. The fabricated...
Millimeter Wave Wideband and Low-Loss Compact Power Divider Based on Gap Waveguide: For Use in Wideband Antenna Array System
PublicationThis paper presents a wideband and low-loss design of a compact power divider based on gap waveguide technology. The proposed power divider consists of two adjacent E-plane groove gap waveguide and a small ridge section to couple and equally divide the EM energy from the input E-plane groove gap waveguide to the two output ones in-phase. The simulation results show that the proposed waveguide power divider has about 40% impedance...
Mimicking the Effects of Antimicrobial Blue Light: Exploring Single Stressors and Their Impact on Microbial Growth
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Miniaturization-Oriented Design of Spline-Parameterized UWB Antenna for In-Door Positioning Applications
PublicationDesign of ultra-wideband antennas for in-door localization applications is a challenging task. It involves development of geometry that maintains appropriate balance between the size and performance. In this work, a topologically-flexible monopole has been generated using a stratified framework which embeds a gradient-based trust-region (TR) optimization algorithm in a meta-loop that gradually increases the structure dimensionality....
Miniaturized and Lightweight ESPAR Antenna for WSN and IoT Applications
PublicationA new compact ESPAR antenna is investigated in this paper. The proposed antenna has 12 directional radiation patterns based on 12 passive elements and can be successfully used in Wireless Sensor Network applications. In proposed antenna design, the possibilities of 3D printing were used to implement a dielectric miniaturization overlay that allowed for reducing antenna occupied area by almost 60% and antenna profile by 27% in comparison...
Miniaturized Dual-Band Bandpass Filter with Wide Inter Stopband for 5G Applications
PublicationThis article presents the design of a miniaturized dual-band bandpass filter with a wide inter-stopband and improved isolation. A novel topology comprising the series connection of shunt cascaded coupled lines and quarter-wavelength open stubs is proposed to realize the dual-band filter along with half-wavelength stepped-impedance stubs. The circuit characteristics contain nine transmission zeros and four poles. The transmission...
Minikin’s equation mistake — a mystic art of systems of measuring units
PublicationThis paper deals with one of the most controversial equations in coastal engineering — the so-called Minikin’s equation, describing the impact pressure due to wave breaking on a vertical-wall caisson of a composite breakwater. This equation has been used worldwide for many years, although it has been reported many times to overestimate real values of the impact pressure measured in nature and in the laboratory. Units of measurement,...
Minimization of a ship's magnetic signature under external field conditions using a multi-dipole model
PublicationThe paper addresses the innovative issue of minimizing the ship's magnetic signature under any external field conditions, i.e., for arbitrary values of ambient field modulus and magnetic inclination. Varying values of the external field, depending on the current geographical location, affect only the induced part of ship's magnetization. A practical problem in minimizing the ship signature is separating permanent magnetization...
Min-max optimization of node‐targeted attacks in service networks
PublicationThis article considers resilience of service networks that are composed of service and control nodes to node-targeted attacks. Two complementary problems of selecting attacked nodes and placing control nodes reflect the interaction between the network operator and the network attacker. This interaction can be analyzed within the framework of game theory. Considering the limited performance of the previously introduced iterative...
M-integral for finite anti-plane shear of a nonlinear elastic matrix with rigid inclusions
PublicationThe path-independent M-integral plays an important role in analysis of solids with inhomogeneities. However, the available applications are almost limited to linear-elastic or physically non-linear power law type materials under the assumption of infinitesimal strains. In this paper we formulate the M-integral for a class of hyperelastic solids undergoing finite anti-plane shear deformation. As an application we consider the problem...
miRNAs in Signal Transduction of SMAD Proteins in Breast Cancer
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Missing Puzzle Pieces in Dementia Research: HCN Channels and Theta Oscillations
PublicationIncreasing evidence indicates a role of hyperpolarization activated cation (HCN) channels in controlling the resting membrane potential, pacemaker activity, memory formation, sleep, and arousal. Their disfunction may be associated with the development of epilepsy and age-related memory decline. Neuronal hyperexcitability involved in epileptogenesis and EEG desynchronization occur in the course of dementia in human Alzheimer’s Disease...
Mitochondria dysfunction is one of the causes of diclofenac toxicity in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
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Mixed-use buildings as the basic unit that shapes the housing environment of smart cities of the future
PublicationThe contemporary approach to creating the residential function is confronted with the trend of increasing the volume of buildings and expectations regarding the future urban environment focused on sustainable development. This paper presents an overview of the residential structure in the context of defined thematic scopes. Namely, it is a systemic approach to the problem of designing mixed-use buildings which create a modern residential...
MnWO4/reduced graphene oxide-based electrochemical sensing platform for simultaneous detection of catechol and resorcinol
Publicationn this study, a novel electrochemical sensor for accurate and sensitive catechol determination was demonstrated employing a screen-printed graphite electrode (SPGE) modified with MnWO4/reduced graphene oxide (MnWO4/rGO) nanocomposite. The MnWO4/rGO nanocomposite has been successfully prepared by using hydrothermal technique, and it was then characterized using several microscopic and spectroscopic methods (XRD, FE-SEM, and EDS)....
Mobilenet-V2 Enhanced Parkinson's Disease Prediction with Hybrid Data Integration
PublicationThis study investigates the role of deep learning models, particularly MobileNet-v2, in Parkinson's Disease (PD) detection through handwriting spiral analysis. Handwriting difficulties often signal early signs of PD, necessitating early detection tools due to potential impacts on patients' work capacities. The study utilizes a three-fold approach, including data augmentation, algorithm development for simulated PD image datasets,...
Modal modification of structural damping applied to increase the stability and convergence of numerical integration
PublicationThe presented paper refers to numerical tests done on systems fused of multibody and finite-element parts. The appearance of its multibody part gives rise to significant nonlinear components, i.e., second-order nonlinear differential equations express the dynamics. We usually solve these equations by “step-by-step” integration methods. When using the currently available integration algorithms, we approximate these initial systems...
Model Management for Low-Computational-Budget Simulation-Based Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Nature-Inspired Algorithms
PublicationThe primary objective of this study is investigation of the possibilities of accelerating nature-inspired optimization of antenna structures using multi-fidelity EM simulation models. The primary methodology developed to achieve acceleration is a model management scheme which the level of EM simulation fidelity using two criteria: the convergence status of the optimization algorithm, and relative quality of the individual designs...
Model oceny dojrzałości przedsiębiorstw do zastosowania zwinnych metodyk zarządzania projektami IT
PublicationDysertacja koncentruje się na budowie modelu, który ocenia gotowość przedsiębiorstw do wdrożenia zwinnych metodyk zarządzania projektami IT. Analizuje istniejące metody oceny dojrzałości projektowej i wprowadza własny model, biorąc pod uwagę krytyczne czynniki sukcesu i skuteczność zwinnych metod. Rozprawa zawiera badania literaturowe, empiryczne studium przypadku oraz weryfikację i rekomendacje modelu, dostarczając wglądu w praktyczne...
Model Pomorskiej Nagrody Jakości w świetle wyników badań opinii stron zainteresowanych
PublicationCel - prezentacja oryginalnego modelu wykorzystywanego do oceny/samooceny organizacji w regionalnym konkursie o Pomorską Nagrodę Jakości na podstawie oceny dotychczasowych doświadczeń oraz badania opinii i potrzeb głównych interesariuszy tej inicjatywy. Podstawowym założeniem przy opracowaniu tego modelu jest jego dostosowanie do współczesnych trendów dotyczących doskonałości organizacyjnej oraz upowszechnienie jego stosowania...
Modele biznesu akademickich spółek spin-off w Polsce
PublicationPrzesłankami do podjęcia tematu w niniejszej pracy były luki badawcze dotyczące braku jednoznacznego i spójnego pojmowania akademickich spółek spin-off. Podmiotem badań były akademickie spółki spin-off w Polsce, utworzone w latach 2011 – 2020, za pośrednictwem spółek celowych uczelni, natomiast przedmiotem badań były modele biznesu tychże spółek. Celem głównym dysertacji było: zweryfikowanie i zdefiniowanie modeli biznesu...
Modeling and Accuracy Assessment of Determining the Coastline Course Using Geodetic, Photogrammetric and Satellite Measurement Methods: Case Study in Gdynia Beach in Poland
PublicationThe coastal environment represents a resource from both a natural and economic point of view, but it is subject to continuous transformations due to climate change, human activities, and natural risks. Remote sensing techniques have enormous potential in monitoring coastal areas. However, one of the main tasks is accurately identifying the boundary between waterbodies such as oceans, seas, lakes or rivers, and the land surface....
Modeling and Strength Calculations of Parts Made Using 3D Printing Technology and Mounted in a Custom-Made Lower Limb Exoskeleton
PublicationThis study is focused on the application of 3D-printed elements and conventional elements to create a prototype of a custom-made exoskeleton for lower limb rehabilitation. The 3D-printed elements were produced by using Fused Deposition Modeling technology and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) material. The scope of this work involved the design and construction of an exoskeleton, experimental testing of the ABS material and...
Modeling lignin extraction with ionic liquids using machine learning approach
PublicationLignin, next to cellulose, is the second most common natural biopolymer on Earth, containing a third of the organic carbon in the biosphere. For many years, lignin was perceived as waste when obtaining cellulose and hemicellulose and used as a biofuel for the production of bioenergy. However, recently, lignin has been considered a renewable raw material for the production of chemicals and materials to replace petrochemical resources....
Modeling of free vibrations and resonant frequencies of simply-supported submerged horizontal plate
PublicationA theoretical approach was applied to study the vibration of simple-supported submerged horizontal plate. The derived analytical solution was used to determine natural frequencies for a horizontal plate vibrating in fluid. The investigations were conducted for a very wide range of material density and elasticity modulus covering all materials used in engineering practice. Analysis shows that plate vibration frequency decreases...
Modeling of small molecule's affinity to phospholipids using IAM-HPLC and QSRR approach enhanced by similarity-based machine algorithms
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Modeling with the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for Enhanced Understanding and Application of Anaerobic Treatment Processes
PublicationMathematical model is a valuable tool for prediction and recovery of resources and energy through anaerobic digestion of organic wastes. The International Water Association (IWA) Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) is the most commonly used structured anaerobic digestion model. However, as substrates become more complex and our deeper understanding of the anaerobic digestion mechanism, both systematic and specific modifications...
Modelling and Control of a Brushless Multiphase Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in a Stand-Alone Wind Generation System
PublicationThe development of the novel multiphase brushless doubly-fed generator system and voltage controller for stand-alone mode configuration is proposed in this paper. The generator system is based on the new machine construction with multiphase control winding and traditional three-phase power winding. The dynamic model of multiphase brushless doubly-fed generator is presented, and the control strategy for voltage amplitude and frequency...
Modelling and simulations in time-fractional electrodynamics based on control engineering methods
PublicationIn this paper, control engineering methods are presented with regard to modelling and simulations of signal propagation in time-fractional (TF) electrodynamics. That is, signal propagation is simulated in electromagnetic media described by Maxwell’s equations with fractional-order constitutive relations in the time domain. We demonstrate that such equations in TF electrodynamics can be considered as a continuous-time system of...
Modelling of heat transfer during flow condensation of natural refrigerants under conditions of increased saturation pressure
PublicationThe paper presents a modified in-house model for calculating heat transfer coefficients during flow condensation, which can be applied to a variety of working fluids, but natural refrigerants in particular, at full range thermodynamic parameters with a particular focus on increased saturation pressure. The modified model is based on a strong physical basis, namely the hypothesis of analogy between the heat transfer coefficient...
Modelling tunnelling-induced deformation in stiff soils with a hyperelastic–plastic anisotropic model
PublicationIn this paper, the tunnelling-induced deformation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed using FE modelling. The influence of material description is investigated rather than an advanced simulation of the tunnelling method. A new hyperelastic– plastic model is proposed to describe the anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff highly overconsolidated soil. This model can reproduce the superposition of variable stress-induced anisotropy...
Modelowanie dokładności radiolokalizowania w różnych warunkach środowiskowych przy wykorzystaniu interfejsu radiowego 5G-NR
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalnych badań dokładności estymacji położenia terminala użytkownika korzystającego~z interfejsu radiowego 5G-NR. W środowisku miejskim dokonano rejestracji rzeczywistych sygnałów sieci 5G, a następnie przeprowadzono badania numeryczne. Celem było zweryfikowanie różnic dokładności estymacji położenia w trzech różnych środowiskach: wewnątrz- i zewnątrzbudynkowym oraz tzw. deep-indoor.
Modelowanie liczby i wielkości uszkodzeń drogowych barier ochronnych na odcinkach dróg
PublicationW ramach rozprawy doktorskiej podjęto problem funkcjonowania barier ochronnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem częstości występowania oraz wielkości uszkodzeń barier na odcinkach dróg krajowych w Polsce. Rozpoznanie tematyki funkcjonowania barier ochronnych przy drogach, oraz identyfikacja nierozwiązanych problemów, pozwoliły na sformułowanie głównego celu pracy i celów szczegółowych. Cele te obejmują opracowanie i wdrożenie do...
Modelowanie matematyczne dwustopniowej nitryfikacji w układach osadu czynnego w procesie oczyszczania ścieków o wysokiej zawartości azotu amonowego
PublicationW rozprawie przedstawiono opracowanie i zastosowanie mechanistycznego modelu matematycznego w systemie osadu czynnego z biologicznym usuwaniem biogenów, do opisu którego zastosowano rozszerzony model dwustopniowej nitryfikacji. Głównym celem badań było zidentyfikowanie ograniczeń w modelowaniu pełnoskalowych technologii oczyszczania ścieków, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procesów częściowej nitryfikacji...
Modern control strategy of bidirectional DAB converter with consideration of control nonlinearity
PublicationThis paper focuses on the control strategy for modern universal bidirectional Dual Active Bridge (DAB) converters for microgrid systems. An analysis of the converter equations was carried out, and typical problems related to the influence of dead time on the system operation were discussed. A closed control loop was developed, then tested by simulation and on a laboratory stand.
Modern Light Sources on the Ship
PublicationThe paper deals with studies on light flicker in selected modern light sources used on ships. The authors present and discuss the relationship between the hostile ship environment affecting the ship light systems and the extreme working conditions of the ship's crew manifested by health problems and a reduction in their manual abilities. These limitations result from the flicker phenomena provoked by both fluorescent lamps and...
Modification of gradient HPLC method for determination of small molecules' affinity to human serum albumin under column safety conditions: Robustness and chemometrics study
PublicationIn the early stages of drug discovery, beyond the biological activity screening, determining the physicochemical properties that affect the distribution of molecules in the human body is an essential step. Plasma protein binding (PPB) is one of the most important investigated endpoints. Nevertheless, the methodology for measuring %PPB is significantly less popular and standardized than other physicochemical properties, like lipophilicity....
Modification of the Reloading Plastic Modulus in Generalized Plasticity Models for Soil by Introducing a New Equation for the Memory Parameter in Cyclic Loadings
PublicationNowadays, with the widespread supply of very powerful laboratory and computer equipment, it is expected that the analyses conducted for geotechnical problems are carried out with very high precision. Precise analyses lead to better knowledge of structures’ behavior, which, in turn, reduces the costs related to uncertainty of materials’ behavior. A precise analysis necessitates a precise knowledge and definition of the behavior...