Emotion monitoring system for drivers - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Emotion monitoring system for drivers


This article describes a new approach to the issue of building a driver monitoring system. Actual systems focus, for example, on tracking eyelid and eyebrow movements that result from fatigue. We propose a different approach based on monitoring the state of emotions. Such a system assumes that by using the emotion model based on our own concept, referred to as the reverse Plutchik’s paraboloid of emotions, the recognition of emotions is carried out by means of a video camera and an external algorithm that recognizes real/internal emotions based on facial expressions. The final emotion is estimated by the Kalman filter, where the emotion is treated as measurement data. The aim of our future work is to determine the impact of the driver’s emotional state on driving safety.


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Published in:
IFAC-PapersOnLine no. 52, pages 200 - 205,
ISSN: 2405-8963
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Bibliographic description:
Kowalczuk Z., Czubenko M., Merta T.: Emotion monitoring system for drivers// IFAC-PapersOnLine -Vol. 52,iss. 8 (2019), s.200-205
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.08.071
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