Language representative spectral transmittances of ethnic lexemes - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Language representative spectral transmittances of ethnic lexemes


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Title of issue:
Proceedings in Acoustics, High Tatras 06. 33rd International Acoustical Conference – EAA Symposium Patria Hotel, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, October 4th–6th, 2006 strony 96 - 113
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Bibliographic description:
Katarzyna Wojan (współaut.: Zbigniew Wojan, Waldemar Lis), Language representative spectral transmittances of ethnic lexemes, [w:] Proceedings in Acoustics, High Tatras 06. 33rd International Acoustical Conference – EAA Symposium Patria Hotel, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, October 4th–6th, 2006, Slovak Acoustical Society, Zvolen 2006, ISBN 80228-1673-6, s. 96–113, [Electronic document – CD-ROM]
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