Language representative spectral transmittances of ethnic lexemes - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Language representative spectral transmittances of ethnic lexemes


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Title of issue:
Acoustics 2006 Programme Book, 33rd International Acoustical Conference European Acoustics Association (EAA) Symposium High Tatras, Slovakia, October 2006, Štrbské Pleso strony 36 - 36
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Bibliographic description:
Katarzyna Wojan (co-authors: Zbigniew Wojan, Waldemar Lis), Language representative spectral transmittances of ethnic lexemes, [w:] Acoustics 2006 Programme Book, 33rd International Acoustical Conference European Acoustics Association (EAA) Symposium High Tatras, Slovakia, October 2006, Štrbské Pleso, Publishing House of the Technical University in Zvolen, Zvolen 2006, ISBN 80-228-1672-8, s. 36
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