Method for Assessing Rail Transport Competitiveness in Poland and the United Kingdom - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Method for Assessing Rail Transport Competitiveness in Poland and the United Kingdom


Both in Poland and United Kingdom, as well as worldwide, railways have to compete with other modes of transport, and the rail industry seeks for possibilities of achieving a competitive advantage over them. Thus, there is a need for methods for assessment of rail transport competitiveness and detection of areas for improvement. This paper presents a method developed for the Polish regional transport market and verified according to the requirements of the British market. A numerical competitiveness evaluation, called Rail Transport Competitiveness Index, considers four criteria: journey duration, ticket price, service frequency and number of changes. Surveys in Poland and UK have been carried out in order to assign relevant weights of importance to each criterion. The method has been applied on 18 routes in Pomerania Province, to create a map of rail transport competitiveness in the region. After necessary modifications, considering dynamic fares, it has been used for Milton Keynes – London route. Its universal nature makes it useful also for other countries, possibly after minor modifications.


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Conference activity
materiały konferencyjne indeksowane w Web of Science
Title of issue:
TranSopot Conference on Transport Development Challenges in the Twenty-First Century strony 17 - 30
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Bibliographic description:
Kaszubowski D..: Method for Assessing Rail Transport Competitiveness in Poland and the United Kingdom, W: TranSopot Conference on Transport Development Challenges in the Twenty-First Century, 2015, Springer,.
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1007/978-3-319-26848-4
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

seen 82 times

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