Motivating academic library non-users to [re]discover the academic library’s usefulness for their studying practices - the Gdańsk University of Technology Library perspective. - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Motivating academic library non-users to [re]discover the academic library’s usefulness for their studying practices - the Gdańsk University of Technology Library perspective.


The main purpose of this article is to present academic library’s methods of motivating library non-users to rediscover the academic library’s values and usefulness for their studying practices from the Gdańsk University of Technology Library perspective. The author focused on discussing the issue of Polish full-time students as one of the groups of non-users of the academic library.


Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie w jaki sposób Biblioteka Politechniki Gdańskiej motywuje nieużytkowników biblioteki akademickiej do ponownego odkrycia jej wartości i przydatności dla studentów. Autorka skupiła się na omówieniu kwestii polskich studentów studiów dziennych, jako jednej z grup nieużytkowników biblioteki akademickiej.

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Magazine publication
Magazine publication
Published in:
Library Management
ISSN: 0143-5124
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