Probabilistic sensitivity of limit states of structures. The Monte Carlo simulation - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Probabilistic sensitivity of limit states of structures. The Monte Carlo simulation


Design sensitivity deals with the variation of structural response, implicitly dependent on the design variables of the problem. An attempt is made to implement probabilistic notation in engineering sensitivity analysis. The procedure to implement the sensitivity of a structural limit state to a given basic variable is described in the paper - its main idea, depicted by a flowchart and numerical examples of engineering analysis. The idea lies in the procedure of a single simulation step, in a global Monte Carlo procedure. Having a specific structure which parameters are random numbers, one of the variables - the dominant one - is subjected to uniparametrical increment, the whole simulation procedure leads to the histogram of the limit state of the structure. It is very important to assume whether the dominant variable represents one of the actions (e.g. loads) or resistance parameters - the limit state histogram differs in a significant way in these two cases.

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Conference activity
publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
Title of issue:
Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering : Contemporary Problems : :Scientific Conference of IASS Polish Chapter strony 110 - 118
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Skowronek M.: Probabilistic sensitivity of limit states of structures. The Monte Carlo simulation// Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering : Contemporary Problems : :Scientific Conference of IASS Polish Chapter / ed. Jan B. Obrębski, L. Małyszko Olsztyn: Micro-Publisher-Consultant-Project Jan B. Obrębski Wydawnictwo Naukowe + Studio Budowlane, 2013, s.110-118
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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