Recognition of Emotions in Speech Using Convolutional Neural Networks on Different Datasets - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Recognition of Emotions in Speech Using Convolutional Neural Networks on Different Datasets


Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), were applied to extract emotions based on spectrograms and mel-spectrograms. This study uses spectrograms and mel-spectrograms to investigate which feature extraction method better represents emotions and how big the differences in efficiency are in this context. The conducted studies demonstrated that mel-spectrograms are a better-suited data type for training CNN-based speech emotion recognition (SER). The research experiments employed five popular datasets: Crowdsourced Emotional Multimodal Actors Dataset (CREMA-D), Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS), Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotion (SAVEE), Toronto Emotional Speech Set (TESS), and The Interactive Emotional Dyadic Motion Capture (IEMOCAP). Six different classes of emotions were used: happiness, anger, sadness, fear, disgust, and neutral. However, some experiments were prepared to recognize just four emotions due to the characteristics of the IEMOCAP dataset. A comparison of classification efficiency on different datasets and an attempt to develop a universal model trained using all datasets were also performed. This approach brought an accuracy of 55.89% when recognizing four emotions. The most accurate model for six emotion recognition was trained and achieved 57.42% accuracy on a combination of four datasets (CREMA-D, RAVDESS, SAVEE, TESS). What is more, another study was developed that demonstrated that improper data division for training and test sets significantly influences the test accuracy of CNNs. Therefore, the problem of inappropriate data division between the training and test sets, which affected the results of studies known from the literature, was addressed extensively. The performed experiments employed the popular ResNet18 architecture to demonstrate the reliability of the research results and to show that these problems are not unique to the custom CNN architecture proposed in experiments. Subsequently, the label correctness of the CREMA-D dataset was studied through the employment of a prepared questionnaire.


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artykuły w czasopismach
Published in:
Electronics no. 11,
ISSN: 2079-9292
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Zielonka M., Piastowski A., Czyżewski A., Nadachowski P., Operlejn M., Kaczor K.: Recognition of Emotions in Speech Using Convolutional Neural Networks on Different Datasets// Electronics -,iss. 11, 3831 (2022), s.1-12
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.3390/electronics11223831
Sources of funding:
  • Statutory activity/subsidy
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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