Review on the quality of sediments from the stormwater drainage system in the urban area - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Review on the quality of sediments from the stormwater drainage system in the urban area


The main task of the stormwater drainage system is a safe drainage of rainwater and snowmelt from the urban area to the receiver. The flow of rain water in the drainage pipes is directly related with the formation of sediments in the whole stormwater system. In addition, pollutants from land runoff get adsorbed to the sediments. The sludge is mainly formed in those elements of stormwater drainage system, wherein the flow conditions allow for sedimentation – storm inlets, sedimentation tanks, separators and retention tanks. This article provides an overview of the literature concerning the characteristics of sediments from stormwater drainage system, with a particular focus on heavy metals in sediments deposited in the urban catchment area.


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materiały konferencyjne indeksowane w Web of Science
Title of issue:
9th Conference on interdisciplinary problems in environmental protection and engineering (EKO-DOK 2017) strony 1 - 9
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Bibliographic description:
Nawrot N., Wojciechowska E..: Review on the quality of sediments from the stormwater drainage system in the urban area, W: 9th Conference on interdisciplinary problems in environmental protection and engineering (EKO-DOK 2017), 2017, EDP SCIENCES,.
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1051/e3sconf/20171700064
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