The impact of material degradation on the resistance and reliability of truss structures - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


The impact of material degradation on the resistance and reliability of truss structures


The paper analyses limit load-carrying capacity and buckling load of truss towers used to support high voltage power lines. The analysed typical structure was subjected to characteristic loads and their combinations. The results were applied to assess structural resistance with regard to steel corrosion in the long-term operation. The extent of structural deterioration was assessed due to Young's modulus decrement in the course of material degradation. The resistance assessment was based on buckling analysis - material parameter variation of the groups of structural members and the corresponding decrement of buckling coefficient. The impact of foundation failure of a single support to the element stress and deflection was also analysed. The relevant computations were made taking into account the degradation of the support stiffness. The preliminary conclusions allow for a detailed reliability assessment and optimization of the tower.

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Monographic publication
rozdział, artykuł w książce - dziele zbiorowym /podręczniku o zasięgu krajowym
Title of issue:
XXII Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering - Contemporary Problems strony 77 - 80
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Ptaszek R., Górski J., Winkelmann K.: The impact of material degradation on the resistance and reliability of truss structures// XXII Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering - Contemporary Problems/ ed. Leszek Małyszko, Romuald Tarczewski Olsztyn: Wydawnictwo UWM, 2016, s.77-80
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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