Search results for: EMERGENT KM - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: EMERGENT KM

Best results in : Research Potential Pokaż wszystkie wyniki (3)

Search results for: EMERGENT KM

  • Katedra Zarządzania

    Research Potential

    * zarządzanie wiedzą i informacją * zarządzanie strategiczne w wyższych uczelniach * wykorzystywanie metod nieparametrycznych do pomiaru efektywności systemów szkolnictwa wyższego * modele biznesowe w zarządzaniu organizacjami * zarządzanie procesem innowacyjnym w MŚP * strategia i modele biznesu współczesnego przedsiębiorstwa * społeczeństwo informacyjne i jego wskaźniki rozwoju * zarządzanie morskimi portami jachtowymi 2 gospodarce...

  • Katedra Inżynierii Sanitarnej

    Katedra realizuje swoje zadania badawcze w takim zakresie jak opracowywanie metody podczyszczania lub oczyszczania ścieków przemysłowych oraz ich pomiary. Drugą gałęzią zainteresowań są modele matematyczne i symulacje procesów oczyszczania ścieków i zagospodarowania osadów, opracowywanie symulacji strategii eksploatacyjnych i działań modernizacyjnych.

  • Katedra Technologii Wody i Ścieków

    Aktywność naukowo-badawcza pracowników katedry koncentruje się wokół zagadnień dotyczących technologii ochrony środowiska, w szczególności zagadnienia oczyszczania wód i ścieków, gospodarki osadowej jak również gospodarki odpadami. Prowadzone badania poświęcone są ocenie zagrożeń środowiska wynikających z dopływu zanieczyszczeń ze źródeł punktowych (zanieczyszczonych wód i ścieków ) i powierzchniowych (ścieków opadowych) oraz...

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Search results for: EMERGENT KM

Other results Pokaż wszystkie wyniki (6)

Search results for: EMERGENT KM

  • How to deal with knowledge in small companies? Defining emergent KM approach


    This paper examines the concept of emergent KM approach in small companies. The origins of consideration are grounded in the theory of strategic management literature and in particular in the distinction between deliberate versus emergent approach towards strategic planning. Using the methodology of case study, we carried out an explorative research to analyse the characteristics of KM approach in two small companies located in...

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  • How Small KIBS Companies Manage Their Intellectual Capital? Towards an Emergent KM Approach


    - Year 2015

    The growing interest in Intellectual Capital management and Knowledge Management is now reaching small companies, especially those in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) sector. This paper aims to explore this issue, starting from the assumption that a planned and systematic approach to KM, as is used in large companies, is rarely applicable in small organizations. It is more likely that small companies adopt an approach...

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  • Emergent approach to Knowledge Management by Small Companies: multiple case-study research


    - Journal of Knowledge Management - Year 2016

    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine knowledge management approach followed by small companies on the example of firms from the knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) sector. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on the results of a qualitative survey involving 12 owners and managers of small companies operating in the KIBS sector. The survey uses the case study method. Findings: The findings confirm that...

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  • Emergent Versus Deliberate Knowledge Management Strategy: Literature Review and Case Study Analysis


    - Year 2015

    This paper discusses emergent and deliberate knowledge management (KM) strategies on the basis of literature review and case study analysis. It grounds on the results of a comprehensive analysis of the literature on KM strategies and approaches adopted by companies of various sizes. Although KM strategies have been abundantly examined by scholars, not many studies compare deliberate and emergent approaches. By examining the case...

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  • Knowledge management approaches among KIBS companies and their determinants – case study analysis


    - Year 2018

    This paper aims to present knowledge management (KM) approaches manifested by knowledge intensive business service (KIBS) companies together with their potential determinants (company size, type of services offered, and organizational structure). In particular, two types of approaches have been selected and examined, i.e. emergent KM approach and deliberate KM approach. Indeed, although KM approaches have been abundantly investigated...

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