total: 64
Best results in : Research Potential Pokaż wszystkie wyniki (54)
Katedra Inżynierii Zarządzania Operacyjnego
Research Potential* procesy i zarządzanie innowacjami w organizacjach gospodarczych * procesy i zarządzanie zmianą w systemach produkcyjnych * zarządzanie projektami, programami oraz portfolio projektów innowacyjnych i rozwojowych * modelowanie i doskonalenie procesów oraz systemów produkcyjnych * projektowanie i optymalizacja technologii informatycznych w inteligentnych systemach produkcyjnych * ilościowe metody wspomagania decyzji w systemach...
Zespół Obrabiarek, Narzędzi i Obróbki Skrawaniem
Research PotentialMechaniczna technologia drewna
Zespół Projektowania i Automatyzacji Procesów Technologicznych
Research PotentialProjektowanie procesów technologicznych wspomaganych komputerowo
Best results in : Business Offer Pokaż wszystkie wyniki (10)
GUT LightLab [Laboratorium badawcze światła]
Business OfferTBC Celem Laboratorium Światła (z ang. GUT LightLab), jako placówki międzydyscyplinarnej, jest prowadzenie na wysokim poziomie badań podstawowych oraz badań stosowanych z pogranicza wielu dziedzin, w aspekcie odziaływania Światła, takich jak: Ochrona Środowiska, Medycyna, Zrównoważony Rozwój, Architektura Budowli, Architektura Dziedzictwa, Architektura Krajobrazu, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz, System znajdowania drogi (z ang....
Laboratorium Badań Środowiskowych w Transporcie
Business OfferBadania sygnałów akustycznych i drganiowych. Analizy sygnałów wibroakustycznych.
Brain and Mind Electrophysiology lab
Business OfferNeurofizjologia pamięci i funkcji poznawczych mózgu
Other results Pokaż wszystkie wyniki (11)
A Strategy for Managing the Operation of Technical Infrastructure Based on the Analysis of “Bad Actors”—A Case Study of LOTOS Group S.A.
PublicationThe article covers issues related to the selection of a management strategy for the operation of technical infrastructure. It contains the approaches, methodology and a general model of the system of operation of the Maintenance Services of the LOTOS Group production company, which is an example of a large oil concern. Nowadays, an increasing aspect is put on the efficiency of individual repair processes, as well as the operation...
Advanced genetic algorithm-based signal processing for multi-degradation detection in steam turbines
PublicationThis research contributes to the field of reliability engineering and system safety by introducing an innovative diagnostic method to enhance the reliability and safety of complex technological systems. Steam turbines are specifically referred to. This study focuses on the integration of advanced signal processing techniques and engineering dynamics in addressing critical issues in the monitoring and maintenance of mechanical systems....
Protection of historical heritage as part of the development of cultural tourism – a case study of the community of Kamieniec Ząbkowicki in Lower Silesia
PublicationBoth literature and economics show a changing approach to historical heritage. It is no longer seen as a resource that generates only high maintenance costs. Analyses of local government units (LGUs) show that historical heritage is a strength rather than a weakness. More and more often, it is considered in economic development strategies as an asset that creates new activities and functions, generates income, and creates jobs....
Palindromic carbazole derivatives: unveiling their antiproliferative effect via topoisomerase II catalytic inhibition and apoptosis induction
PublicationHuman DNA topoisomerases are essential for crucial cellular processes, including DNA replication, transcription, chromatin condensation, and maintenance of its structure. One of the significant strategies employed in cancer treatment involves the inhibition of a specific type of topoisomerase, known as topoisomerase II (Topo II). Carbazole derivatives, recognised for their varied biological activities, have recently become a significant...
PublicationThe article presents a comprehensive method for using vibration signals to diagnose railway tracks. The primary objective is to gather detailed information on track conditions through a passive experiment. This involves using mobile diagnostic tools and techniques to assess railway infrastructure. The article elaborates on the range of diagnostic activities conducted in accordance with detailed railway regulations and highlights...