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Search results for: PTR-MS
Katedra Chemii Analitycznej
Research PotentialZespół naukowo-badawczy z Katedry Chemii Analitycznej prowadzi badania podstawowe w zakresie: -opracowania nowych procedur analitycznych przeznaczonych do wykrywania, identyfikacji oraz oznaczenia szerokiego spectrum analitów w próbkach różnego typu materiałów charakteryzujących się złożonym a często także zmiennym składem matrycy, -budowy i badań charakterystyki analitycznej nowych typów elektronicznych nosów, -oszacowania wpływu...
Katedra Inżynierii Chemicznej i Procesowej
Research Potential* Inżynieria chemiczna i bioprocesowa dla zastosowań w energii odnawialnej * Konstrukcja nowoczesnych rozwiązań do rozdzielania, kontroli i analityki procesowej o kontroli jakości * Otrzymywanie nowych sorbentów i faz stacjonarnych dla procesów rozdzielania w skali od laboratoryjnej do procesowej * Oczyszczanie ścieków przemysłowych z wykorzystaniem zaawansowanych procesów utleniania * Oczyszczanie ścieków przemysłowych z wykorzystaniem...
Katedra Technologii Leków i Biochemii
Research PotentialRacjonalne projektowanie, synteza i badanie właściwości biologicznych nowych związków o działaniu przeciwnowotworowym lub przeciwgrzybowym
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Search results for: PTR-MS
Rapid Evaluation of Poultry Meat Shelf Life Using PTR-MS
PublicationThe use of proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) for freshness classification of chicken and turkey meat samples was investigated. A number of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were selected based on the correlation (> 95%) of their concentration during storage at 4 °C over a period of 5 days with the results of the microbial analysis. In order to verify if the selected compounds are not sample-specific, a number...
PTR-MS and GC-MS as complementary techniques for analysis of volatiles: A tutorial review
PublicationThis tutorial review is a critical commentary on the combined use of two instrumental analytical techniques, namely GC-MS and PTR-MS. The first mention of such an analytical approach likely appeared after the year 2000 and despite many advantages, it has not been applied very often. Therefore, the aim of this article is to elaborate on the concept of their combined use and to provide a curse tutorial for those considering taking...
Revealing dynamic changes of the volatile profile of food samples using PTR–MS
PublicationVolatile compounds carry valuable information regarding the properties of foodstuffs. Volatiles emitted from food can be used as, for example, indicators of quality, shelf-life, or authenticity. A better understanding of the multitude of transformations which occur during food processing could facilitate the optimisation of production, increase the desirability of food products, and also their wholesomeness. However, as some of...
PTR-MS and electronic nose application for volatile fraction analysis of cigar tobacco
PublicationCigar consumers attach great importance to the quality of these products. At the same time, cigars are often expensive, so destructive analytical methods of quality control are not being desired. However, it has been found that there are many volatile organic compounds in their headspace. Because of that, proton transfer reaction–mass spectrometry and electronic nose were used to analyse it. The obtained results were used to distinguish...
Investigation of the Frying Fume Composition During Deep Frying of Tempeh Using GC-MS and PTR-MS
PublicationThis study employed proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify and monitor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in frying fumes generated during the deep frying of tempeh. The research aimed to assess the impact of frying conditions, including frying temperature, oil type, and repeated use cycles, on the formation of thermal decomposition products. A total of 78...