Search results for: SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE

Best results in : Research Potential Pokaż wszystkie wyniki (68)

Search results for: SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE

  • Zespół Katedry Nauk Ekonomicznych

    Research Potential

    Katedra posiada wieloletnią tradycję i bogaty dorobek naukowy, m. in. w zakresie badań dotyczących sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw, wzrostu gospodarczego, dobrobytu i ubóstwa, zastosowania metod deterministycznych, ekonometrycznych i statystycznych w badaniach makro- i mikroekonomicznych.

  • Katedra Analizy Ekonomicznej i Finansów

    * analizy finansowej przedsiębiorstwa, * prognozowania upadłości przedsiębiorstwa, * bankowości, * zarządzania finansami przedsiębiorstw, * zarządzania finansami publicznymi, * zarządzania finansami gospodarstw domowych, * inwestycji alternatywnych, * funkcjonowania rynków finansowych w tym w warunkach kryzysu.

  • Emotions in Human-Computer Interaction Research Group (EMORG)

    * rozpoznawanie emocji użytkownika (ang. emotion elicitation) * reprezentację informacji o emocjach użytkownika (ang. emotion representation/ affect modelling) i zarządzanie nimi * ekspresję emocji lub reakcję na emocje przez programy np. przez wirtualne postaci (ang. affect expression) * wybrane zastosowania to badanie użyteczności oprogramowania rozszerzone o aspekty emocjonalne * badania wzorców behawioralnych w połączeniu...

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Search results for: SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE

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Search results for: SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE

  • Karol Flisikowski dr inż.

    Karol Flisikowski works as Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology. He is responsible for teaching descriptive and mathematical statistics (in Polish and English), as well as scientific research in the field of social statistics. He has been a participant in many national and international conferences, where he has presented the results...

  • Bifractal receiver operating characteristic curves: a formula for generating receiver operating characteristic curves in credit-scoring contexts

    This paper formulates a mathematical model for generating receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves without underlying data. Credit scoring practitioners know that the Gini coefficient usually drops if it is only calculated on cases above the cutoff. This fact is not a mathematical necessity, however, as it is theoretically possible to get an ROC curve that keeps the same Gini coefficient no matter how big a share of lowest...

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  • "Big data" i Wielki Brat


    Felieton popularnonaukowy dotyczący ochrony prywatności danych.

    Full text to download in external service

  • Błażej Kochański dr

    Błażej Kochański is an assistant professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics  at the Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdańsk University of Technology, banking risk expert. He worked for banks in Poland and Europe, as a risk specialist, planning and analysis manager, chief risk officer, supervisory board member and management consultant. He built numerous credit risk management models, successfully managed credit...

  • Detection and Model of Thermal Traces Left after Aggressive Behavior of Laboratory Rodents

    Automation of complex social behavior analysis of experimental animals would allow for faster, more accurate and reliable research results in many biological, pharmacological, and medical fields. However, there are behaviors that are not only difficult to detect for the computer, but also for the human observer. Here, we present an analysis of the method for identifying aggressive behavior in thermal images by detecting traces...

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