Search results for: UX TECHNIQUES - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: UX TECHNIQUES

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Search results for: UX TECHNIQUES

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Search results for: UX TECHNIQUES

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Search results for: UX TECHNIQUES

  • Evaluation of Selected UX Techniques by Product Managers - A Preliminary Survey


    - Year 2020

    In this paper we present the results of an opinion survey among 28 IT product managers who evaluated the subjective usefulness of 24 selected UX techniques to 6 IT product management tasks derived from ProdBOK®. We selected the UX techniques based on the literature review and 6 interviews with experienced IT product managers. Based on the survey results, we propose our recommendation of useful techniques for 5 of the 6 studied...

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  • On Explaining Intuitiveness of Software Engineering Techniques with User eXperience Concepts


    - Year 2013

    W referacie zawarto próbę wyjaśnienia intuicyjności technik inżynierii oprogramowania za pomocą pojęć zaczerpniętych z obszaru doświadczenia użytkownika. Analizy dotyczą zarówno intuicyjności przy pierwszym zetknięciu się użytkownika z daną techniką, jak i dynamiki transformacji epizodycznych doświadczeń na doświadczenie skumulowane i powiązane z nim postrzeganie intuicyjności. Przedyskutowano potencjalne zastosowania modelu i...

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  • Interaction Design in Agile IT Projects


    - Year 2021

    In recent years, interactive systems, such as various types of software, online services or mobile applications, have become an integral part of everyday life. Interactive systems and digital services should be easy to use and provide a positive User Experience (UX). For this reason, interaction design has recently emerged as a distinct professional area of information technology (IT). Easy interaction and user experience (UX)...

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  • User experience and user interface (UX/UI) design of Greencoin mobile application.


    The aim of the Greencoin mobile application is to encourage its users to change their behavior and to act pro-ecologically. The pilot version of the application will operate within the city of Gdańsk. To keep the app’s user base as large as possible, the graphical user interface should be attractive to the broadest possible audience, and the application itself should be easy and fun to use. This work is a continuation of studies...

  • Leveraging Generative AI Tools for UX Design in Lean and Agile Projects


    - Year 2024

    Recent advancements in Generative AI (GenAI) open new opportunities to improve User Experience (UX) practitioners’ efficiency in their projects. Due to intensive teamwork caused by time pressure and readiness for rapid changes, Lean and Agile project management seems particularly predestined for easy adoption of GenAI-supported UX design methods. However, precipitate and spontaneous leveraging of GenAI tools to UX design bears...

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