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Search results for: alkenes
KatedrA Chemii Fizycznej
Research Potential1.Termodynamika i struktura roztworów, oddziaływania międzycząsteczkowe w roztworach - badania termodynamiczne, spektroskopowe i teoretyczne. 2. Fizykochemiczne podstawy analizy środowiskowej.
Katedra Chemii Analitycznej
Research PotentialZespół naukowo-badawczy z Katedry Chemii Analitycznej prowadzi badania podstawowe w zakresie: -opracowania nowych procedur analitycznych przeznaczonych do wykrywania, identyfikacji oraz oznaczenia szerokiego spectrum analitów w próbkach różnego typu materiałów charakteryzujących się złożonym a często także zmiennym składem matrycy, -budowy i badań charakterystyki analitycznej nowych typów elektronicznych nosów, -oszacowania wpływu...
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Search results for: alkenes
Alkyl Monolayers on Silicon Prepared from 1-Alkenes and Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon
Publication -
Diastereoselective Synthesis of Z‐Alkenyl Disulfides from α‐Thiophosphorylated Ketones and Thiosulfonates
PublicationWe developed a simple and efficient method for the synthesis of functionalized unsymmetrical Z‐alkenyl disulfides under mild conditions in moderate to good yields. The designed method is based on the reaction of α‐thiophosphorylated carbonyl compounds with thiotosylates in the presence of a base. The developed method allows the preparation of unsymmetrical Z‐alkenyl disulfides bearing additional hydroxy, carboxy, or ester functionalities
Convenient Synthesis of Functionalized Unsymmetrical Vinyl Disulfides and Their Inverse Electron-Demand Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction
PublicationThe simple, convenient, and efficient methods for the preparation of unsymmetrical vinyl disulfides with additional functional groups under mild conditions with moderate to high yields were designed. The developed methods include the reaction of S-vinyl phosphorodithioate with thiotosylates or S-vinyl thiotosylate with thiols. The designed methods allow for the synthesis of unsymmetrical vinyl disulfides with additional functionalities...
Cuticular lipids of insects as potential biofungicides
PublicationThe term ''lipids'' refers to fatty acids, their derivatives and substances related with them biochemically or by the functions in the body. Lipids include compounds with different chemical structure. There are lipids with structures based on long-chain carboxylic acids and their direct derivatives, namely: fatty acids, alkanes, some alkenes, aldehydes and long chain alcohols and their derivatives (esters). The variety of lipid...
Botanical and geographical origin characterization of polish honeys by headspace SPME-GCxGC-TOFMS
PublicationVolatile organic compounds (VOCs) composition of Polish honeys obtained from various geographical regions was studied. Headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) using Divinylbenzene/Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane-coated fibers was used in combination with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC× GC-TOFMS) because of the complexity of the samples. Acacia, linden, rapeseed, buckwheat...