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Search results for: bpo

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Search results for: bpo

  • Katedra Technologii Polimerów

    W Katedrze Technologii Polimerów realizowane są prace badawczo-wdrożeniowe, wykonywane ekspertyzy i analizy oraz prowadzone są szkolenia w zakresie technologii polimerów oraz przetwórstwa i recyklingu tworzyw sztucznych. Oferujemy nowe technologie i przeprowadzamy modyfikacje technologii już istniejących.

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Search results for: bpo

  • Average number of employees of BPO SSC centers

    Open Research Data
    open access

      Although most BSS centers are located in Warsaw, the capital of Poland ranks only 4th in terms of the average number of employees. In terms of the average number of employees, Kraków (321) is the leader, followed by Wrocław (281) and Łódź (273).

  • Assessment of Poland's competitiveness as a location for BPO/SSC projects

    Open Research Data
    open access

    In compiled by A.T. Kearney in subsequent editions of the ranking (2009, 2011, 2016, 2019), the first three positions were taken by the same countries. India received the highest marks with a clear advantage. The country is a world leader in terms of attractiveness for locating business service centers. India can offer English-speaking skilled labor...

  • Changes in employment in the BPO/SSC sector in Poland in 2013-2019

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Employment in the BPO/SSC sector in 2019 was almost three times higher than in 2013. Throughout the analyzed period, employment grew year on year. The dynamics of changes ranged from 10% in 2019 to nearly 43% in 2016, when the highest increase in employment in the sector in nominal terms was at the level of 64,000.

  • Number of BPO/SSC centers in selected business service centers in Poland

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Most BPO/SSC centers are located in Warsaw (238). The next positions are taken by Kraków (217 units), Wrocław (169), Tricity (146), Katowice (102) and Poznań (102).

  • The share of employment in individual cities in total employment in the BPO/SSC sector in Poland

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Employment in the sector in 2019 was almost three times higher than in 2013. Throughout the analyzed period, employment grew year on year. The dynamics of changes ranged from 10% in 2019 to nearly 43% in 2016, when the highest increase in employment in the sector in nominal terms was at the level of 64,000.BPO, SSC / GBS, IT, R&D centers generated...