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Search results for: ionosphere
Katedra Geodezji
Research PotentialKatedra Geodezji realizuje zadania związane z geodezją i kartografią, a przede wszystkim w zakresie geodezji inżynieryjnej, fotogrametrii, teledetekcji, gospodarki nieruchomościami, systemów informacji przestrzennej oraz nawigacji i pomiarów GPS. W ramach Katedry Geodezji funkcjonują Zespoły Dydaktyczne związane z przedmiotami i szkoleniami oraz Zespoły Badawczo-Rozwojowe prowadzące prace naukowe i realizacje techniczne we współpracy...
Zespół Fizyki Materii Molekularnej
Research PotentialGłówną tematyką badań Zespołu Fizyki Materii Molekularnej jest wyjaśnianie struktury i własności fizycznych układów molekularnych oraz hybrydowych (materiał organiczny / materiał nieorganiczny)
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Search results for: ionosphere
Ionosphere variability II: Advances in theory and modeling
PublicationThis paper aims to provide an overview on recent advances in ionospheric modeling capabilities, with the emphasis in the efforts relevant to electron density variability. The discussion spans a wide range of model formulations (e.g., from purely empirical to physics-based ones and data-driven approaches) seeking for advances or gaps with regard to present challenges. This discussion is further supported by consideration of the...
Ionosphere variability I: Advances in observational, monitoring and detection capabilities
PublicationThe paper aims to review recent advances regarding the observational and monitoring capabilities of the ionization conditions in the Earth's upper atmosphere. The analysis spans both ground and space-based experiments, seeking for new installations and/or missions, new or upgraded instrumentation and/or observational network establishments as means for advancing current understanding and prediction ability of the ionosphere variability....
Spatio-Temporal Validation of GNSS-Derived Global Ionosphere Maps Using 16 Years of Jason Satellites Observations
PublicationExisting ionospheric models perform very well in mapping the calm state of the ionosphere. However, the problem is accurately determining the total electron content (TEC) for disturbed days. Knowledge of the exact electron density is essential for single−frequency receivers, which cannot eliminate the ionospheric delay. This study aims to investigate temporal and spatial variability in the distribution of TEC based on differences...
Higher‐Order Gravity Waves and Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances From the Polar Vortex Jet on 11–15 January 2016: Modeling With HIAMCM‐SAMI3 and Comparison With Observations in the Thermosphere and Ionosphere
PublicationIn Vadas et al. (2024,, we modeled the atmospheric gravity waves (GWs) during 11–14 January 2016 using the HIAMCM, and found that the polar vortex jet generates medium to large-scale, higher-order GWs in the thermosphere. In this paper, we model the traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) generated by these GWs using the HIAMCM-SAMI3 and compare with ionospheric observations from ground-based...
Large‐Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Over the European Sector During the Geomagnetic Storm on March 23–24, 2023: Energy Deposition in the Source Regions and the Propagation Characteristics
PublicationMultiple Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (LSTIDs) are observed in the European sector in both day-time and night-time during the magnetic storm on March 23–24, 2023. The Total Electron Content (TEC) observation from a network of GNSS receivers shows the propagation of LSTIDs with amplitudes between around 0.5 and 1 TECU originating from auroral and polar cusp regions down to southern Europe (35°N) with velocities...