Tomasz Falborski - Publications - Bridge of Knowledge


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dr inż. Tomasz Falborski


total: 56

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Catalog Publications

Year 2025
Year 2024
Year 2023
Year 2022
  • Effects of Column Base Flexibility on Seismic Response of Steel Moment-Frame Buildings

    - Year 2022

    Steel Moment Resisting Frames (SMRFs) are very popular lateral load resisting systems in many seismically active regions. However, their seismic response is strongly dependent on the rotational fixity of column base connections. Despite many studies (both experimental and numerical) in this particular area, available approaches for estimating column base flexibility have been validated only against laboratory test data. In the...

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  • Estimation of nonstructural stiffness in instrumented steel frames


    Lateral stiffness of nonstructural components may significantly influence the initial stiffness of the entire structure and consequently alter its dynamic characteristics. While methods for simulating structural members are well-established, approaches for modeling nonstructural components that also participate in seismic response are notably less developed. In this paper a simplified, physically-intuitive approach for estimating...

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Year 2021
Year 2020
Year 2019
  • Numerical investigation on dynamic response of a steel lattice tower under various seismic events

    The present paper presents the results of the numerical study designed to investigate the soil-structure flexibility effects on modal parameters (i.e. fundamental frequencies) and time-history analysis response (represented by the top relative displacements) of a 46.8 m high steel lattice tower subjected to a number of ground motions including also one mining tremor. In addition to the fixed-base condition, three different soil...

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Year 2018
Year 2017
Year 2016
Year 2015
Year 2014
  • Behaviour of asymmetric structures with base isolation made of Polymeric Bearings

    Earthquake-induced ground motions are the most severe and unpredictable threats to the structures all around the world. Seismic excitations cause a lot of damage in a wide variety of ways, leaving thousands of casualties in their wake. During the last few years alone, the world has witnessed many major earthquakes, five of which have caused far-reaching consequences of a national scale for Haiti (January 2010), Chile (February...

  • Finite-element analysis of a base-isolated multi-storey steel building under seismic motions

    Numerical simulation of the seismic behaviour of a multi-storey steel building, both fixed-base and base-isolated, under the 1940 El Centro earthquake was performed in this paper. The analyzed 4-storey building was decoupled from the shaking ground with the Polymeric Bearings, which can be considered a proposal of a new seismic isolation system. It consists of rectangular-shaped blocks made of a specially prepared flexible polymeric...

  • Numerical study on seismic response of a base-isolated building modelled with shell elements

    Seismic isolation is counted among the most popular and effective means of protecting structures against earthquake forces. Base isolators, like Lead-Rubber Bearings (LRB), High-Damping Rubber Bearings (HDB) or Friction Pendulum Systems (FPS) are extensively used in practice in many earthquake-prone regions of the world. The present paper reports the results obtained from the numerical study on seismic response of a base-isolated...

  • Reduction of vibrations of steel structure models with Polymeric Bearings - experimental study

    Earthquake-induced ground motions are the most severe and unpredictable threats to the structures all around the world. Therefore, designing earthquake protective systems has become an extremely challenging problem in civil engineering. Base isolation is one of the most popular and widely adopted methods of protecting structures against earthquake forces. The present paper reports the results obtained from the shaking table experimental...

Year 2013
Year 2012

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