Among the 1 000 best universities in the world
Gdańsk University of Technology is one fo the 8 Polish universities classified in the prestigious Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as the Shanghai Ranking. Each year, ARWU ranks over 2 000 universities and publishes a list of top 1 000 best ones. Gdańsk University of Technology was classified in the 801-900 range in 2021.
The highest standards in Europe for conducting research
In 2017, the European Commission granted Gdańsk Tech the right to use the prestigious HR Excellence in Research logo. Gdańsk University of Technology was thus recognized as an institution that creates some of the best working and development conditions for researchers in Europe.
One of the best universities in Poland
Gdańsk University of Technology is the second-best research university in Poland in the ‘Initiative of Excellence - Research University’ competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It is here where inventions used in Poland and around the world are created - communication with the use of eyes, an ecological medicine for osteoporosis, biodegradable materials and many more.
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Catalog Projects
Year -
Experimental research and modeling of contaminant transformation processes on sand-biochar filters
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering according to UMO-2023/49/B/ST8/02136 agreement from 2024-09-16
Experimental investigations and modelling of the working fluid distribution in minichannel and minigap plate heat exchangers
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus according to UMO-2017/27/N/ST8/02785 agreement from 2018-07-16
Badania empiryczne wpływu czynników klimatycznych i materiałowych na przyrost liczby spękań niskotemperaturowych nawierzchni podatnych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to DEC-2019/03/X/ST8/00338/2 agreement from 2020-03-12
MINIATURA 6 Empirical research on the impact of the type of rail vehicle and railway surface on noise in the Tricity Agglomeration
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to 554881 agreement from 2022-01-13
Empirical research on the impact of the type of rail vehicle and railway surface on noise in the Tricity Agglomeration
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering
Studies on hybrid advanced reduction processes
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to UMO-2021/41/B/ST8/01575 agreement from 2022-01-18
Badania i rozwój procesu fermentacji metanowej oraz utylizacji pofermentu ograniczających oddziaływanie na środowisko w oparciu o realizowaną instalację mikrobiogazowni rolniczej w Lubaniu
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to WFOŚ/D/748/244/2015 agreement from 2015-07-30
MINIATURA Local stability analysis of a plate girder with variable thickness of the web
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Building Structures and Material Engineering
BitumSorbent Studies on the preparation and properties of sorbents produced from bitumen
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to LIDER/036/573/L-5/NCBR/2014 agreement from 2014-11-03
- Processes and pathways of nutrients, selected heavy metal and arsenic removal from surface runoff from the agricultural and urban catchments in floating treatment wetlands
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to UMO-2019/35/N/ST8/01134 agreement from 2020-10-01
Studies on the synthesis, physicochemical properties and characteristics of the photocatalytic TiO2 nanocomposites based on spinel and hexagonal ferrites used for oxidation of organic contaminants in the aqueous phase.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2016/23/D/ST5/01021 agreement from 2017-07-18
Research on novel types of extraction and sorption media.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to UMO-2018/30/E/ST8/00642 agreement from 2019-03-29
Numerical and experimental investigation of the maldistribution in parallel microchannel heat sink
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus
Badania oddziaływań pochodnych akrydyny oraz niesymetrycznych pochodnych bisakrydynowych z kwasami nukleinowymi metodami spektroskopii NMR
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry from 2017-10-03
Research on wear process of polymer sliding layers basen od PEEK material in journal bearing contact under mixed lubrication conditions.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Machine Design and Vehicles according to UMO-2019/35/N/ST8/03313 agreement from 2020-07-07
Badania przemian związków chemicznych w warunkach kawitacji.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to UMO-2017/25/B/ST8/01364 agreement from 2018-02-16
Studies on selective removal of volatile organosulfur compounds from model biogas stream using deep eutectic solvents
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to UMO-2020/37/N/ST4/02924 agreement from 2021-01-15
Miniatura 2023 Stability and failure mechanism tests of a plate girder with a Y-shaped web
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Building Engineering according to 2023/07/X/ST8/00613 agreement
CUSPFEL Badania strukturalne molekuł dwuatomowych i dynamika procesów w polu mocnych ultrakrótkich impulsów elektromagnetycznych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to 645/N-COST/2010/0 agreement from 2010-01-20
Theoretical and experimental investigations of Loop Heat Pipes with flat evaporator operating in elevated values of reduced temperatures.
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Systemów i Urządzeń Energetyki Cieplnej
Theoretical investigation of antiferromagnetic compound NpPt2In7
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Solid State Physics according to UMO-2015/17/N/ST3/03790 agreement from 2016-03-03
Studies on generation conditions and identification of reactive intermediates from model antitumor acridinone derivatives.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry according to UMO-2012/07/D/NZ/03395 agreement from 2013-07-02
Obróbka biologiczna Investigations of the biological pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass on dark fermentation inhibitory compounds generation
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to DEC-2021/05/X/ST8/00919 agreement from 2021-11-17
Badania wpływu odkształceń na optoelektroniczne parametry nanostruktur fosforenu z użyciem metod mechaniki kwantowej
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics according to 0063/DIA/2019/48 agreement from 2019-09-18
Influence of plate position on the first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Mechanics of Materials and Structures from 2021-10-01
Research on the influence of the polymer composites processing conditions on the stabilizing effect of functional plant-derived fillers
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Polymer Technology according to UMO-2021/43/D/ST8/01491 agreement from 2022-07-11
Studies of alkaline hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass and conversion conditions of hydrolized products to biogas
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2014/13/B/ST8/04258 agreement from 2015-02-11
brak Research on the friction phenomena in sliding couples lubricated with water containing solid particles of mineral origin
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Wyposażenia Okrętu according to UMO-2023/49/B/ST8/02333 agreement from 2024-06-27
BS 154 brak
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry from 2014-06-30
Badanie anizotropii magnetycznej oraz dynamiki relaksacji dla nowych heteroleptycznych silanotiolanów Co(II) o geometrii tetraedrycznej.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Inorganic Chemistry according to DECYZJA DYREKTORA NARODOWEGO CENTRUM NAUKI Nr DEC-2021/05/X/ST4/00488 agreement from 2021-10-18
ROLLING Investigation of chaotic ship roll motion for super-resonant excitation frequencies and high amplitudes of response
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Projektowania Okrętu
Badanie elektrycznych i mechanicznych właściwości warstw pasywnych w nanoskali przy użyciu Mikroskopii Sił Atomowych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Corrosion and Electrochemistry
Study of airborne wear particle emissions from airplane brakes in order to increase the environmental friendliness of aircrafts
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Mechaniki Stosowanej i Biomechaniki according to UMO-2023/51/D/ST8/01635 agreement from 2024-06-25
Study of the correlation between the emission intensity of the airborne wear particles from the friction materials and the brake disc surface roughness
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Mechaniki Stosowanej i Biomechaniki
Analysis of the mechanical properties of the eye orbital wall and the numerical nonlinear dynamic analysis of the orbital blow-out trauma type verified by clinical observations
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Structural Mechanics according to UMO-2016/23/B/ST8/00115 agreement from 2017-07-26
Study of the mechanism of macroplastic litter transport in a stream with vegetation
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering
Badanie migracji związków pochodzenia antropogenicznego (alkilo pochodnych pirydyny, alkilo-benzylo-dimetylo lub trimetylo- czwartorzędowych soli amoniowych oraz ich estrów) w ekosystemach wodnych zagrożonych przedostawaniem się do nich ścieków.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry
Studying the chemism modifications of the Revelve River catchment waters (The Hornsund Fiord region, Spititzbergen) due to anthropogenic pollution under differentiated loading by the atmospheric waters
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to UMO-2013/09/N/ST10/04191 agreement from 2014-03-25
n/d Investigation of traffic effects on flexible pavements reinforced by geocomposites
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to PPN_BEK_2020_1_00289 agreement from 2021-05-15
MiLoSoc Understanding and minimization of ohmic and polarization losses in solid oxide cells by nanocrystalline ceramic and cermet functional layers
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Biomedical Engineering according to UMO-2017/25/B/ST8/02275 agreement from 2018-02-26
Badanie procesów odpowiedzialnych za powstawanie nanostruktur w metodzie FEBID (focused electron beam induced deposition).
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to 0189/DIA/2016/45 agreement from 2016-11-21
Analysis of pollutants removal and the impact of the rain gardens on the quality of storm water
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology
Investigation of the processes occurring in electric cells using microsphere-based fiber-optic sensors with ALD ZnO coatings
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics according to UMO-2021/41/N/ST7/03801 agreement
Badanie produktów degradacji wybranych farmaceutyków w środowisku
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2012/05/N/ST4/01991 agreement from 2013-02-13
MINIATURA Investigation of proton conductivity in barium cerate-zirconate solid solutions
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Solid State Physics according to DEC-2019/03/X/ST5/01666 agreement from 2019-12-04
Investigating the coordinated regulation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and phospholipid amounts by the essential LPS assembly proteins LapB/LapC and the involvement of a new thioesterase
ProjectsProject realized in Laboratory of Bacterial Genetics according to UMO-2023/49/B/NZ1/01986 agreement
HKcarb Electronic and magnetic structure studies of rare earth carbide intermatallics
ProjectsProject realized in Division of Nanomaterials Physics according to PPN/BAT/2021/1/00016/U/00001 agreement
Investigation of the properties of a sensorless electric drive with a five-phase induction motor supplied by a current source inverter
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering according to UMO-2018/31/N/ST7/03889 agreement from 2019-07-26
nie dotyczy Thermoelectrical properties of perovskite-structure high entropy oxides
ProjectsProject realized in Division of Ceramics from 2021-09-16
Investigation of Transport, Magnetic and Electrochemical properties of Nanostructured Conductive Diamond films for Superconductivity and Pesticides Sensing Applications
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics according to Umowa nr PPN/BIN/2019/1/00206/U/00001 agreement from 2020-10-13