total: 371
Catalog Publications
Year 2006
Construction, purification, and functional characterization of His-tagged Candida albicans glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase expressed in Escherichia coli
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Determination of POPs in environmental matrices – proficiency tests for Polish laboratories
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Diamminebis(tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolato)cadmium(II) acetonitrile solvate
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Korporacja Guggenheima- globalny charakter sieci muzeów a tożsamość miasta = Guggenheim's Corporation- global character of museums' network vresus city identity
PublicationFundacja Solomona R. Guggenheima jest instytucją zajmującą się promowaniem współczesnej kultury wizualnej za pomocą organizowanych wystaw, badań, programów edukacyjnych oraz publikacji. Architektura obiektów wystawienniczych związanych z Fundacją, jest przedmiotem i zarazem pełni rolę środka promocji współczesnej sztuki. Status instytucji przewiduje globalną ekspansję, jednak dotychczas w gestii władz Fundacji znajdują się: siedziba...
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Production of gaseous matrix-free reference materials
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Selection of measurement frequency in Mott–Schottky analysis of passive layer on nickel
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The construction of bifunctional fusion proteins consisting of MutS and GFP
Year 2005
Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform in the Analysis of Nonlinear Chemical System
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Calibration in Metrological Approach
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Correlation between destruction of the metal surface caused by pitting corrosion and intensity of the observed electrochemical noise.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań korelacji między intensywnością szumów elektrochemicznych obserwowanych podczas występowania procesów korozji wżerowej a zmianami obserwowanymi na powierzchni metalu.Badania przeprowadzono dla elektrod metalowych o powierzchni eksponowanej na środowisko korozyjne poniżej 1 mm2. Do wykrywania uszkodzeń powierzchni wykorzystano oprogramowanie MatLab, wykrywające uszkodzenia powierzchni metalu w formie okręgów...
Correlation between destruction of the metal surface caused by pitting corrosion and intensity of the observed electrochemical noise (Invited Paper)
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Determination of PCBs in river sediment samples—proficiency test for selected Polish laboratories
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Impedance-based sensing of the interlayer adhesion loss in organic coating systems
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MutS as a tool for mutation detection.
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Preliminary studies on DNA retardation by MutS applied to the detection of point mutations in clinical samples
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Thermogravimetry of heteroleptic zinc tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates: synthesis and crystal structure of bis(tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolato)(pyridine) zinc(II)
Year 2004
A mobile loop order–disorder transition modulates the speed of chaperonin cycling
PublicationMolecular machines order and disorder polypeptides as they form and dissolve large intermolecular interfaces, but the biological significance of coupled ordering and binding has been established in few, if any, macromolecular systems. The ordering and binding of GroES co-chaperonin mobile loops accompany an ATP-dependent conformational change in the GroEL chaperonin that promotes client protein folding. Following ATP hydrolysis,...
Analysis of electrochemical parameters in time domain during the passive layer cracking occurring on the 304L stainless steel in chlorides solution under tensile stresses
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Crystal structures of the DsbG disulfide isomerase reveal an unstable disulfide
PublicationDsb proteins control the formation and rearrangement of disulfide bonds during the folding of secreted and membrane proteins in bacteria. DsbG, a member of this family, has disulfide bond isomerase and chaperone activity. Here, we present two crystal structures of DsbG at 1.7- and 2.0-Angstrom resolution that are meant to represent the reduced and oxidized forms, respectively. The oxidized structure, however, reveals a mixture...
Detection of stress corrosion cracking dynamics by dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
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Determination of electrode impedance by means of exponential chirp signal
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Dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements of passive layer cracking under static tensile stresses
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Electrochemical investigations of conductive coatings applied as anodes in cathodic protection of reinforced concrete
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Evaluation and characterisation of the condition of individual components of cathodic protection systems
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Evaluation of pitting corrosion by means of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
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Formation, crystal and molecular structures of heteroleptic zinc(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates with ZnNO2S2 and ZnN2S2 coordination pattern
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Gaseous standard mixtures – the challenge of obtaining small amounts of measurands
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Impedance characterization of the process of polyaniline first redox transformation after aniline electropolymerization
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Instantaneous electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of electrode reactions
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New procedure of silica gel surface modification
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Possibilities of Production of New Reference Material ? Preparation of Gaseous Standard Mixtures Using Thermal Decomposition of Immobilized Compounds ? the Effect of Selected Parameters on the Amount of Released Analyte
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The time dependence of pit creation impedance spectra
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Third Baltic Conference on Electrochemistry ?Corrosion and Materials?
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Uniform corrosion monitoring of carbon steel in concrete
Year 2003
Construction and purification of his6-Thermus thermophilus MutS protein
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Continuous‐Frequency Method of Measurement of Electrode Impedance
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Corrosion-erosion damage of heat exchanger tubes by desalted crude oil flowing at shell side
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Dehydration converts DsbG crystal diffraction from low to high resolution
PublicationDiffraction quality crystals are essential for crystallographic studies of protein structure, and the production of poorly diffracting crystals is often regarded as a dead end in the process. Here we show a dramatic improvement of poorly diffracting DsbG crystals allowing high-resolution diffraction data measurement. Before dehydration, the crystals are fragile and the diffraction pattern is streaky, extending to 10 Å resolution....
Determination of tributyltin in marine sediment: Comit� Consultatif pour la Quantit� de Mati�re (CCQM) pilot study P-18 international intercomparison
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DSC Study of Polyurethanes obtained from 4,4'-Bis(10-Hydroxydecaoxy)biphenyl
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Effect of environmental temperature variations on protective properties of organic coatings
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Inspection of rubber linings operating in flue gas desulphurisation units
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Investigation of pitting corrosion of stainless steel by means of acoustic emission and potentiodynamic methods
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Investigations of the passive layer cracking by means of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
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Phosphorylation‐mediated regulation of heat shock response in Escherichia coli
PublicationEscherichia coli has two heat shock regulons under the transcriptional control of Esigma(32) and Esigma(E) RNA polymerases. These polymerases control the expression of genes, the products of which are needed for correct folding of proteins in the cytoplasm and the extracytoplasm respectively. In this study, we report that mutations in a tyrosine phosphatase-encoding gene led to decreased activity of these heat shock regulons. The...
Polystyrene/polybutadiene blends: An analysis of the phase-inversion region and cophase continuity and a comparison with theoretical predictions
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Polystyrene/polybutadiene blends: An analysis of the phase-inversion region and cophase continuity and a comparison with theoretical predictions