total: 282
Catalog Projects
Year -
ENZO-BIO-PUR Sustainable polyurethanes: from cradle to grave with the help of enzymes
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Polymers Technology according to UMO-2023/05/Y/ST8/00076 agreement
Compounds modulating function of telomeric proteins TRF1 and TRF2
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry according to UMO-2023/49/B/NZ7/03456 agreement
Allosteric regulation of cathepsins and procathepsins enzymatic activity by glycosaminoglycans and their mimetics
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to UMO-2023/48/C/ST4/00163 agreement from 2023-12-01
Badanie elektrycznych i mechanicznych właściwości warstw pasywnych w nanoskali przy użyciu Mikroskopii Sił Atomowych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Electrochemistry, Corrosion and Materials Engineering
Badanie migracji związków pochodzenia antropogenicznego (alkilo pochodnych pirydyny, alkilo-benzylo-dimetylo lub trimetylo- czwartorzędowych soli amoniowych oraz ich estrów) w ekosystemach wodnych zagrożonych przedostawaniem się do nich ścieków.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry
n/d BaltGas – Regional Sustainable Biogas Solutions
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry
BaltGas BaltGas- Regional Sustainable Biogas Solutions
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry
Is Geotrichum candidum a new emergency pathogen? - proteome and metabolome analysis of environmental and clinical isolates
ProjectsProject realized in Katedra Biotechnologii i Mikrobiologii
Can the photointercalation process negatively affect photoanode efficiency? Towards the search for easy ways to reduce the negative impact of photointercalation in layered materials
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials according to UMO-2023/51/D/ST4/00297 agreement from 2024-07-04
Education4+ Education for sustainable development: transfering V4 countries' experience for Ukraine's recovery
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology
ECONUT Eco-designing for the coastal zone nutrient's circularity
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology
SBES South Baltic E-Mobility as a Service
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology
GALATEA GALATEA diGitAL twin frAmework for TailorEd infAnt nutrition
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to 101183057 — GALATEA — HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01 agreement from 2024-08-06
IBBI Industrial Baltic Blockchain Initiative
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology
REC-PU Innovative methods of using recycled plastic products to obtain sustainable polyurethane materials
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Polymers Technology
Monitoring of the river system environment in the Coastal Landscape Park
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to UMOWA Nr SKN/SP/570324/2023 agreement from 2023-05-15
DRUGRES Novel potential antifungal drugs active against multidrug-resistant yeasts from the Candida genus
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry
Breast cancer - a new target for unsymmetrical bisacridine derivatives.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry
NUTCY Nutrients cycling for sustainability
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology
Determination of the degree of environmental contamination in Pomerania by wide spectrum of xenobiotics from the group of pesticides using the pollinating insects and honey
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry
Development of an effective isolation method of amphotericin B analogues of potential clinical importance
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry
Development and implementation of innovative technologies for dry fractionation with micronization of dried corn grains.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biochemistry of Food
Development of innovative technology of lyophilizates production using wave emitters for process optimization and improvement of product quality.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biochemistry of Food
Development of methodology for the determination of selected chort-chain monocarboxylic acids using microextraction to the polimeric ionic liquids, gas chromatography and capillary electrophoresis
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry
MINIATURA 7 Comparative LCA analysis of recycling methods for photovoltaic modules made of CdTe - preliminary research
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Energy Conversion and Storage
FEA Foodtech Excelence Alliance
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology
CardiOx Fingerprint of oxidative stress in coronary artery disease
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry
Strength in weakness: Nitrile and thiazolothiazole complexes as new materials for filamentary memristors
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Inorganic Chemistry according to UMO-2022/47/B/ST4/00728 agreement from 2023-06-02
Beyond MoS2: Unraveling Charge Storage Mechanisms in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as Anode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries through In-situ Raman Measurements
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials
Manufacturing and properties of polyurethane-wood composites (PU-WC) using bio-polyols from the biomass liquefaction process
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Polymers Technology
Green Analytical Chemistry in Air and Water Pollution Assessment
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry
SBDECARB South Baltic Green Decarbonization
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology