dr inż. Wioletta Gorczewska-Langner
- Assistant professor at Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering
Keywords Help
- zasilanie wod podziemnych
- strefa aeracji
- breakthrough curve
- contaminant transport
- deterministic modelling
- dike
- double-porosity media unsaturated flow infiltration homogenization inverse modeling
- dyspersja hydrodynamiczna
- groundwater flow, particle size distribution, soil permeability
- groundwater quality
total: 16
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Water retention curves of sandy soils obtained from direct measurements, particle size distribution, and infiltration experiments
PublicationAccurate information about soil water retention curves (SWRCs) of sands is essential for evaluating groundwater recharge and vulnerability to contamination in many shallow sandy aquifers which are widespread on post glacial areas in Northern Europe and North America. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) allow to estimate SWRC from basic physical characteristics of soils, such as textural composition. However, in the case of clean sands...
Year 2023
Ekspertyza dotycząca zdiagnozowania przyczyn przelewania się wody i powstania rozlewisk w systemie retencji w postaci ogrodów deszczowych na terenie osiedla ZDROVO, ul. Niepołomicka w Gdańsku
PublicationCelem ekspertyzy jest przedstawienie przyczyn przelewania się wody i powstawania rozlewisk w systemie retencji w postaci ogrodów deszczowych na terenie osiedla ZDROVO przy ul. Niepołomickiej w Gdańsku. Opracowanie zawiera analizę warunków gruntowo-wodnych, analizę przeprowadzonych...
Impact of climate change on groundwater recharge in shallow young glacial aquifers in northern Poland
PublicationWe investigated the influence of climate change in the period 1951–2020 on shallow aquifers in the Brda and Wda outwash plains (Pomeranian Region, Northern Poland). There was a significant temperature rise (0.3 °C/10 years), which accelerated after 1980 (0.66 °C/10 years). Precipitation became increasingly irregular – extremely rainy years occurred right after or before extremely dry years, and intensive rainfall events became...
Permeability of sandy soils estimated from particle size distribution and field measurements
PublicationAccurate estimation of soil permeability is crucial in many geotechnical applications. Empirical and theoretical equations based on soil particle size distribution (PSD) offer a fast and cheap way for preliminary estimation of permeability in granular soils, however the results obtained from various formulas available in the literature often show significant discrepancies. While several comparative studies on this topic have been...
Year 2022
Deterministic versus stochastic modelling of unsaturated flow in a sandy field soil based on dual tracer breakthrough data
PublicationThe 216 km2 Neuenhagen Millcreeck catchment can be characterized as a drought sensitive landscape in NE Germany. It is therefore a fundamental human interest to understand how water that fell as precipitation moves through the unsaturated soils and recharges groundwater. Additionally, a better knowledge of nutrient transport from soil to groundwater is important also, especially in landscapes with light sandy soils. For a better...
Estimation of groundwater recharge in a shallow sandy aquifer using unsaturated zone modeling and water table fluctuation method
PublicationQuantification of groundwater recharge is one of the most important issues in hydrogeology, especially in view of the ongoing changes in climate and land use. In this study, we use numerical models of 1D vertical flow in the vadose zone and the water table fluctuation (WTF) analysis to investigate local-scale recharge of a shallow sandy aquifer in the Brda outwash plain in northern Poland. We show that these two methods can be...
Year 2019
Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in coastal aquifers in Puck municipality area (northern Poland)
Publication1. Groundwater study shows local variations in chemical composition of selected aquifers caused by human impact The diversity is mainly manifested in • time variation of groundwater chemical composition of all analyzed parameters especially in shallow aquifers (Q1) • relationship between t he ground water chemical composition and depth of the aquifer where an inverse concentration distribution occurs higher concentrations are observed...
Numerical simulations of overflow experiments on a model dike
PublicationDike failure due to overtopping is one of the important factors, which should be considered in the dike designing process. Although the overflow is characterized by the relatively low risk of occurrence, in many cases dikes are totally destroyed or seriously damaged. An interesting phenomenon occurring during overflow is the trapping of air in pores of the unsaturated soil material. As the infiltration progresses from all sides,...
Simulations of air and water flow in a model dike during overflow experiments
PublicationFlow in flood dikes, earth dams, and embankments occurs in variably saturated conditions, with pores of the earth material filled partly with water and partly with air. In routine engineering analysis, the influence of pore air is neglected and the air pressure is assumed equal to atmospheric. In some circumstances, for example, during overtopping of the dike by water, the effect of pore air on water flow and stability of the structure...
Year 2018
Estimation of Conservative Contaminant Travel Time through Vadose Zone Based on Transient and Steady Flow Approaches
PublicationEstimation of contaminant travel time through the vadose zone is needed for assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution, planning monitoring and remediation activities or predicting the effect of land use change or climate change on groundwater quality. The travel time can be obtained from numerical simulations of transient flow and transport in the unsaturated soil profile, which typically require a large amount of data and...
Preliminary estimation of groundwater recharge on Brda river outwash plain
PublicationEstimation of groundwater recharge is one of the most challenging subjects in hydrogeology. It is a critical factor influencing the pollution migration, assessment of aquifer vulnerability to contamination, small-scale groundwater budget calculation, modeling of nutrient cycling and detailed flow path calculations. In Poland an infiltration rate method is widely used, which depends on a system of rate coefficients referring to...
Simulations of freshwater lens recharge and salt/freshwater interfaces using the HYDRUS and SWI2 packages for MODFLOW
PublicationThe paper presents an evaluation of the combined use of the HYDRUS and SWI2 packages for MODFLOW as a potential tool for modeling recharge in coastal aquife rs subject to saltwater intrusion. The HYDRUS package for MODFLOW solves numerically the one-dimensional form of the Richards equation describing water flow in variably- saturated media. The code computes groundwater recharge to or...
Year 2017
Analiza wahań zwierciadła płytkich wód podziemnych na obszarze sandru Brdy
PublicationW pracy przeprowadzono analizę wahań zwierciadła wód podziemnych na obszarze sandru Brdy, na podstawie obserwacji z 10 punktów pomiarowych sieci obserwacyjno badawczej wód podziemnych Polskiego Instytutu Geologicznego – Polskiego Instytutu Badawczego (PIG-PIB), publikowanych w Rocznikach Hydrogeologicznych w latach 2003–2016. Na podstawie danych z Roczników określono trendy położenia zwierciadła wód podziemnych, analizowano stany...
Year 2011
Application of Monte-Carlo method to modelling influence of selected soil heterogeneity on macrodispersion of pollutants in unsaturated soil medium
PublicationThe influence of soil heterogeneity on miscible solute transport in soil is analyzed. The transport process is simulated numerically using the Monte-Carlo method. This paper shows how different types of soil heterogeneity influence the process of contaminant spreading. If independent flow paths exist in the soil, the degree of the mixing of pollutants in the outflow from the soil profile is larger. If the preferential flow paths...
Year 2010
Wpływ niejednorodności pola prędkości na dyspersję hydrodynamiczną w nienasyconym ośrodku gruntowym: badania eksperymentalne i modelowanie numeryczne
PublicationPraca dotyczy zjawiska makrodpersji, czyli rozprzestrzeniania się substancji rozpuszczonej w wodzie gruntowej w skali makro. Przyczyną makrodyspersji są różnice prędkości w poszczególnych ścieżkach przepływu, które mogą występować nawet w pozornie jednorodnym ośrodku gruntowym. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono na makroskopowo jednorodnych i nienasyconych kolumnach gruntowych o trzech różnych długościach. Zawartość wody w kolumnie mierzono...
Year 2005
Infiltration in a double-porosity medium: Experiments and comparison with a theoretical model
PublicationThis paper presents experimental verification of the mathematical model of unsaturated flow in double‐porosity soils developed by the asymptotic homogenization method. A series of one‐dimensional infiltration experiments was carried out in a column filled with a double‐porosity medium composed of a mixture of sand and sintered clayey spheres arranged in a periodic manner. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of each porous material...
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