Daniel Kowalak - Science profile - Bridge of Knowledge


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Assistant professor

Gmach Elektrotechniki i Automatyki ul. Własna pokój 119
(58) 347 14 30

Publication showcase

  • Compact and Integrated High-Power Pulse Generation and Forming System

    This paper presents comprehensive analytical, numerical and experimental research of the compact and integrated high-power pulse generation and forming system based on the flux compression generator and the electro-explosive forming fuse. The paper includes the analysis of the presented solution, starting from the individual components studies, i.e., the separate flux compression generator tests in field conditions and the forming...

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  • The forming and emission of high power electromagnetic pulses

    An impulse energy source, a power conditioning system and an electromagnetic field emitter are essential to generate an electromagnetic field pulse (EMFP) with a specific frequency bandwidth. Selected simulation results for a power conditioning system consisting of a fuse opening switch and a paraboloidal electromagnetic emitter have been presented in this article. The synthetic system examined in the simulation is powered by an...

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  • Current divider-based nanosecond high current pulse measuring systems

    This paper presents the analysis of the new approach to the measurement methodology of significant values (in order of hundreds of kA) and huge steepness (in order of MA/μs) current pulses based on current dividers along with a comparison of the various types transducers suitability in measuring systems with such extreme parameters. Such dividers are used to extend the measurement ranges of current transducers with limited current...

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