dr inż. Daniel Piątek
- Assistant professor at Institute of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology
e-Learning courses
PRACA PROJEKTOWA II, OCE, sem 5 (zimowy), MSiUO, 2023-24, PG_00041793
PROJEKT cz. 1 - hydraulika - dr. inż Daniel PIĄTEKcz. 2 - elektryka i mechanika - dr. inż Daniel PIĄTEK
Transport morski i intermodalny, W, OCE II niestacjonarne, sem 1, lato 2021/22, (PG_00057181)
Podstawy napędów i urządzeń okrętowych cz UO, W, OCE, sem 2, lato 2021/22, (PG_00056279)
Podstawy napędów i urządzeń okrętowych część urządzeniowa WIMiO, IO, Ocenotechnika, rok 1, sem 2
PRACA PRZEJŚCIOWA ZESPOŁOWA - TRANSPORT II, IST, sem 2, zimowy 2024-25 - PG_00058652
PRACA PRZEJŚCIOWA ZESPOŁOWA - projekt Transport II, IST prowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK
Napędy elektryczne i hydrauliczne, LABORATORIUM, OCE, sem 6, lato 2022-23, (PG_00045113)
Laboratorium z zakresu układów napędowo-technologicznych jednostek pływających z elektryczną i hydrauliczną transmisją mocy. WIMiO, IO, kier. Oceanotechnika, Specjalność: Siłownie i Urządzenia Oceanotechniczne, rok 3, sem 6
ŚRODKI TRANSPORTU (cz. morska), PG_00044581 - W i CW, sem zimowy 2022/23
ŚRODKI TRANSPORTU - cz, morskaWykład i Ćwiczenia - 5 tygodni prowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK, WIMiO, IO
Transport morski i intermodalny, W, OCE II stacjonarne, sem 1, lato 2021/22, (PG_00057133)
Hydraulika siłowa urządzeń okrętowych - WYKŁAD, OCE, sem 4, lato 2022/23, (PG_00056306)
Hydraulika Siłowa Urządzeń Okrętowych - WYKŁAD WIMiO, IO, kier. Oceanotechnika, Specjalność: Siłownie i Urządzenia Oceanotechniczne, rok 2, sem 4
GRAFIKA INŻYNIERSKA - Projekt - PiBJ - (rok. 1, sem. 1 - 2022/2023 zima)
AutoCAD - 2Dprowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK
Napędy elektryczne i hydrauliczne, PROJEKT, OCE, sem 6, lato 2022-23, (PG_00045113)
Projekt z zakresu układów napędowo-technologicznych jednostek pływających z elektryczną i hydrauliczną transmisją mocy. WIMiO, IO, kier. Oceanotechnika, Specjalność: Siłownie i Urządzenia Oceanotechniczne, rok 3, sem 6
Hydraulika Siłowa, L, OCE, sem 4, lato 2021/22, (PG_00045058)
Hydraulika Siłowa LABORATORIUM WIMiO, IO, kier. Oceanotechnika, Specjalność: Siłownie i Urządzenia Oceanotechniczne, rok 2, sem 4
PRACA PROJEKTOWA II, OCE, sem 5 (zimowy), SiUO, 2022-2023, PG_00041793
PROJEKT cz. 1 - hydraulika - dr. inż Daniel PIĄTEKcz. 2 - elektryka i mechanika - dr. inż Wojciech LEŚNIEWSKI
ŚRODKI TRANSPORTU (cz. morska), PG_00044581 - W i CW, sem zimowy 2024/25
ŚRODKI TRANSPORTU - cz, morskaWykład i Ćwiczenia - 5 tygodni prowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK, WIMiO, IO
Transport morski i intermodalny, WYKŁAD, OCE II niestacjonarne, sem 1, lato 2022/23, (PG_00057181)
Transport przybrzeżny i śródlądowy 2022
- kierunki wykorzystania rzek; - drogi wodne - budowa i zasady prowadzenia żeglugi; - nowoczesne systemy transportowe; - budowa podstawowych obiektów hydrotechnicznych; - sposoby podwyższenia parametrów żeglugowych dróg wodnych; Międzynarodowe Przepisy o Zapobieganiu Zderzeniom na Morzu (MPZZM) w kontekście żeglugi przybrzeżnej
Hydraulika Siłowa, W, OCE, sem 4, lato 2021/22, (PG_00045058)
Hydraulika Siłowa WYKŁAD WIMiO, IO, kier. Oceanotechnika, Specjalność: Siłownie i Urządzenia Oceanotechniczne, rok 2, sem 4
PRACA PRZEJŚCIOWA ZESPOŁOWA - TRANSPORT II, IST, sem 2, zimowy 2022-23 - PG_00058652
PRACA PRZEJŚCIOWA ZESPOŁOWA - projekt Transport II, IST prowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK
Podstawy napędów i urządzeń okrętowych cz UO, WYKŁAD, OCE, sem 2, lato 2022/23, (PG_00056279)
Podstawy napędów i urządzeń okrętowych część urządzeniowa WIMiO, IO, Ocenotechnika, rok 1, sem 2
GRAFIKA INŻYNIERSKA - Projekt - OCE- (rok. 1, sem. 1 - 2022/2023 zima)
AutoCAD - 2Dprowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK
Transport morski i intermodalny, (PG_00057133) - Wykład - OCE II stacjonarne, sem 1 - lato 2021/22 (TMiI - OCE II - stacjo)
Ochrona Własności Intelektualnej (C), OCE, sem. 8, letni 22/23 (O:098820n)
Transport morski i intermodalny, WYKŁAD, OCE II stacjonarne, sem 1, lato 2022/23, (PG_00057133)
Napędy elektryczne i hydrauliczne, P, OCE, sem 6, lato 2021-22, (PG_00045113)
Projekt z zakresu układów napędowo-technologicznych jednostek pływających z elektryczną i hydrauliczną transmisją mocy. WIMiO, IO, kier. Oceanotechnika, Specjalność: Siłownie i Urządzenia Oceanotechniczne, rok 3, sem 6
Hydraulika siłowa urządzeń okrętowych - LABORATORIUM, OCE, sem 4, lato 2022/23, (PG_00056306)
Hydraulika Siłowa Urządzeń Okrętowych - LABORATORIUM WIMiO, IO, kier. Oceanotechnika, Specjalność: Siłownie i Urządzenia Oceanotechniczne, rok 2, sem 4
Napędy elektryczne i hydrauliczne, L, OCE, sem 6, lato 2021-22, (PG_00045113)
Laboratorium z zakresu układów napędowo-technologicznych jednostek pływających z elektryczną i hydrauliczną transmisją mocy. WIMiO, IO, kier. Oceanotechnika, Specjalność: Siłownie i Urządzenia Oceanotechniczne, rok 3, sem 6
Grafika inżynierska (P), TiL (PG_00060629), sem. 1, zimowy 23/24
Modelowanie układów hydraulicznych, PG_00059393, W, P, L, MiBM ns, sem. 2, zimowy 2023/24
Modelowanie układów hydraulicznych dla MiBM ns, sem. 2prowadzący: dr. inż Daniel PIĄTEK
Grafika inżynierska (P-ACad), OiKM (PG_00060525), sem. 1, zimowy 23/24 (GI-W-OiKM)
Grafika inżynierska (W), PiBJ (PG_00060506), sem. 1, zimowy 24/25
GRAFIKA INŻYNIERSKA - Wykład dla PiBJprowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK
Grafika inżynierska (P-ACad), PiBJ (PG_00060506), sem. 1, zimowy 23/24
Hydraulika siłowa urządzeń okrętowych (PG_00056306) - WYKŁAD - OCE, SiUO, sem 4, rok akademicki 2023/2024, lato
Hydraulika siłowa urządzeń okrętowych (PG_00056306) - WYKŁADdla OCE, SiUO, sem4
Grafika inżynierska (P-ACad), OIKM (PG_00060525), sem. 1, zimowy 2024/25
Grafika Inżynierska Projekt (ACad) dla OiKM Joanna GRZELAK - zajęcia 01-03Daniel PIĄTEK - zajęcia 04-05 + zaliczenie
Grafika inżynierska (P), OiKM (PG_00060525), sem. 1, zimowy 23/24
Grafika inżynierska (P-ACad), TRANS (PG_00060629), sem. 1, zimowy 2024/25
Grafika Inżynierska Projekt (ACad) dla TRANS Joanna GRZELAK - zajęcia 01-03Daniel PIĄTEK - zajęcia 04-05 + zaliczenie
Ochrona własności intelektualnej (C), TiL (PG_00045267), sem. 7, zimowy 23/24
HISTORIA TRANSPORTU, przedmiot humanistyczny WIMiO on-line, sem 1, zima, 2023/24
HISTORIA TRANSPORTU, przedmiot humanistyczny WIMiO wykład on-lineprowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK
Grafika inżynierska (W), TiL (PG_00060629), sem. 1, zimowy 24/25
GRAFIKA INŻYNIERSKA - Wykład dla TiLprowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK
Inżynieria ruchu (PG_00056201) - WYKŁAD - WIMiO, TiL, Systemy Transportu Wodnego, sem 4, rok akademicki 2023/2024, lato
Inżynieria ruchu (PG_00056201) - WYKŁADdla TiL, Systemy Transportu Wodnego, sem 4
Grafika inżynierska (P-ACad), TiL (PG_00060629), sem. 1, zimowy 23/24 (GI-W-TiL)
PRACA PROJEKTOWA 2, OCE, sem 5 (zimowy), SiUO, 2022-2023, PG_00041793
Praca Projektowa 2 dla OCE, SiUO, sem 5 prowadzący Daniel PIĄTEK
Grafika inżynierska (W), OiKM (PG_00060525), sem. 1, zimowy 24/25
GRAFIKA INŻYNIERSKA - Wykład dla OiKMprowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK
HISTORIA TRANSPORTU, przedmiot humanistyczny WIMiO on-line, sem 1, zima, 2024/25
HISTORIA TRANSPORTU, przedmiot humanistyczny WIMiO on-line, sem 1 prowadzący Daniel PIĄTEK
Podstawy budowy okrętu, W, Budowa okrętów - podyplomowe, sem.1 i 2, 2023/24
Materiały pomocnicze dla przedmiotów: Wprowadzenie do transportu wodnego Wprowadzenie do okrętownictwa Podstawy budowy okrętu Podstawy projektowania okrętu dla studiów podyplomowych Budowa Okrętów, sem.01
Napędy elektryczne i hydrauliczne, LABORATORIUM, OCE, SiUO, sem 6, lato 2023-24, (PG_00056324)
Napędy Elektryczne i Hydrauliczne LABORATORIUMdla SiUO, sem 6, WIMiO
Grafika inżynierska (P), PiBJ (PG_00060506), sem. 1, zimowy 23/24
Środki Transportu (W), TiL (PG_00060630), sem. 1, zimowy 24/25
ŚRODKI TRANSPORTU - Wykład dla TiLprowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK
Napędy elektryczne i hydrauliczne, PROJEKT, OCE, SiUO, sem 6, lato 2023-24, (PG_00056324)
Napędy elektryczne i hydrauliczne, PROJEKTdla OCE, SiUO, sem 6
Hydraulika siłowa urządzeń okrętowych (PG_00056306) - LABORATORIUM - OCE, SiUO, sem 4, rok akademicki 2023/2024, lato
Hydraulika siłowa urządzeń okrętowych (PG_00056306) - LABORATORIUMdla OCE, SiUO, sem 4
Ochrona własności intelektualnej (C), Oce (PG_00045129), sem. 7, zimowy 23/24
Conducted classes
Protection of Intellectual Property
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Cargo Stowing, Lashing and Securing
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Protection of Intellectual Property
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: maszyny, siłownie i urządzenia okrętowe
Cargo Stowing, Lashing and Securing
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Specialization: maszyny, siłownie i urządzenia okrętowe
Napędy elektryczne i hydrauliczne
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
History of transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Project 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Hydraulika siłowa urządzeń okrętowych
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Management and Production Engineering
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Field of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Field of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Means of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Group project
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Engineering Graphics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Napędy elektryczne i hydrauliczne
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Engineering Graphics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Maritime and intermodal transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Means of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Engineering Graphics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
History of transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Maritime and intermodal transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Electric and Hydraulic Drives
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Management and Production Engineering
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Field of study: Naval Architecture and Offshore Structures
Projektowanie napędów hydraulicznych
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Ship Propulsion Systems and Marine Equipment
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Engineering Graphics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
Grafika inżynierska
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Hydraulic Drives Design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Ship Propulsion Systems and Marine Equipment
Modelling of hydraulic systems
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Modeling in Machine and Vehicle Design
Project 2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Intelectual Property Protection
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Group project
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Hydraulika siłowa urządzeń okrętowych
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Electric and Hydraulic Drives
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Transport przybrzeżny i śródlądowy
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Group project
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
History of transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Field of study: Power Engineering
Power Hydraulics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Management and Production Engineering
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Design and Construction of Yachts
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
Intelectual Property Protection
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Maritime and intermodal transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Intelectual Property Protection
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Field of study: Transport
Electric and Hydraulic Drives
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Natural Resources Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Natural Resources Engineering
Electric and Hydraulic Drives
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
History of Shipbuilding
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Hydraulic Drives Design
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Ship Propulsion Systems and Marine Equipment
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Field of study: Transport and Logistics
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
History of Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology -
Power Hydraulics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Transport przybrzeżny i śródlądowy
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
History of transport
Language CentreField of study: Power Engineering
History of Transport
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Means
Field of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Means
Power Hydraulics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Power Plants and Equipment
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Field of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
History of Transport
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Field of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
History of Shipbuilding
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Transport przybrzeżny i śródlądowy
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Field of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Field of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Means
Field of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Means
Hydraulic Drives Design
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Ship Propulsion Systems and Marine Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Ship Propulsion Systems and Marine Equipment
History of Shipbuilding
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Transport przybrzeżny i śródlądowy
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Metrology of Natural Resources
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Hydraulic Drives
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Hydraulic Drives Design
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Ship Propulsion Systems and Marine Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Ship Propulsion Systems and Marine Equipment
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Field of study: Transport
Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Fundamentals of Hydraulic Actuators
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Hydraulic Drives Design
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Ship Propulsion Systems and Marine Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Design of Ships and Ocean Engineering Equipment
Profile: Ship Propulsion Systems and Marine Equipment
Automation of Cargo Handlings
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Intelligent Transport Systems
Metrology of Natural Resources
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
History of Shipbuilding
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Hydraulic Machines
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Handling and Harbour Machinery
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Means
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Field of study: Transport
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Field of study: Transport
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Preparations for Final Examination
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Hydraulic Machines
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Metrology of Natural Resources
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
History of Shipbuilding
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Shipbuilding and Yacht Construction
Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Drives
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Power Engineering
Specialization: Automation of Power Plant Systems
History of Transport
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Field of study: Transport
Preparations for Final Examination
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Intelectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Hydraulic Machines
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Field of study: Ocean Engineering
History of Transport
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Metrology of Natural Resources
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Intelectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Hydraulic Machines
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Intelectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Metrology of Natural Resources
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Engineering Graphics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology -
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Specialization: Water Transport Systems
Intelectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Engineering Graphics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Hydraulic Machines
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Engineering Drawing - project
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Engineering Graphics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Engineering Drawing - project
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Engineering Drawing - project
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Maritime Management and Marketing
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Fundamentals of Ergonomics and Occupational Safety and Health
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Engineering Drawing - project
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Engineering Graphics
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Natural Resources Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Engineering Drawing - project
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Maritime Management and Marketing
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Subfield of study: Ship Specialization
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Specialization: Marine Machinery, Power Plants and Equipment
Fundamentals of Ergonomics and Occupational Safety and Health
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Intellectual Property Protection
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Ocean Engineering
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Transport
seen 2639 times