dr inż. Daria Majchrowicz
e-Learning courses
Niezawodność i Diagnostyka
Kierunek: Elektronika i telekomunikacja Electronics and Telecommunication Studia magisterskie (II stopnia)M.Sc. studies Rok 2Year 2Semestr 3 Semester 3
Technika światłowodowa (2021/22)
Technika światłowodowa i fotonika - 2021/2022
Technika światłowodowa i fotonika: 2 st. 2 sem., kierunek elektronika i telekomunikacja
kurs dla Koła Naukowego SOLITON/BIOPHOTON/OPTICA
Social Aspects of Information Technology
Subject of the course includes history of science and technics as well as social, economic, medical, health and legal aspects of Information Technology and related fields of science and technology.
Social Aspects of Information Technology - Nowy
Subject of the course includes history of science and technics as well as social, economic, medical, health and legal aspects of Information Technology and related fields of science and technology.
Podstawy Elektroniki i Metrologii 2021
Conducted classes
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