Dorota Dulko
total: 8
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Application of human bile salts for in vitro digestion models
PublicationIn this study, experimental in vitro models simulating the environment of the human gastrointestinal tract were used to assess the impact of physiological surfactants, such as bile salts, on the kinetics of digestion. Bile salts are biosurfactants synthesised in the liver and secreted together with bile into the small intestine. There are many reports on the role of bile salts in lipolysis, but the knowledge of their influence...
Year 2022
Analysis of the Factors Affecting Static In Vitro Pepsinolysis of Food Proteins
PublicationIn this meta-analysis, we collected 58 publications spanning the last seven decades that reported static in vitro protein gastric digestion results. A number of descriptors of the pepsinolysis process were extracted, including protein type; pepsin activity and concentration; protein concentration; pH; additives; protein form (e.g., ‘native’, ‘emulsion’, ‘gel’, etc.); molecular weight of the protein; treatment; temperature; and...
Year 2021
Importance of Bile Composition for Diagnosis of Biliary Obstructions
PublicationDetermination of the cause of a biliary obstruction is often inconclusive from serum analysis alone without further clinical tests. To this end, serum markers as well as the composition of bile of 74 patients with biliary obstructions were determined to improve the diagnoses. The samples were collected from the patients during an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). The concentration of eight bile salts, specifically...
The bile salt content of human bile impacts on simulated intestinal proteolysis of β-lactoglobulin
PublicationThe gastrointestinal hydrolysis of food proteins has been portrayed in scientific literature to predominantly depend on the activity and specificity of proteolytic enzymes. Human bile has not been considered to facilitate proteolysis in the small intestine, but rather to assist in intestinal lipolysis. However, human bile can potentially influence proteins that are largely resistant to gastric digestion, and which are mainly hydrolysed...
Year 2019
Which casein in sodium caseinate is most resistant to in vitro digestion? Effect of emulsification and enzymatic structuring
PublicationWe investigated the resistance of individual constituent casein epitopes (αS1-, αS2-, β- and κ-CN) in food-grademilk protein sodium caseinate (NaCN) to simulated human gastro-duodenal digestion. The influence of NaCNadsorption to the surface of oil-in-water emulsion droplets and the effect of crosslinking of the protein withenzyme transglutaminase (TG) on the proteolysis were studied by indirect ELISA. TG crosslinking renderedfragments...
Year 2017
Badanie wpływu struktury białek pokarmowych na kinetykę ich trawienia
PublicationW dzisiejszych czasach coraz więcej ludzi cierpi na choroby cywilizacyjne związane z nieprawidłowym odżywianiem, takie jak: otyłość, cukrzyca, schorzenia układu krwionośnego, czy sarkopenia. Naukowcy z całego świata starają się znaleźć rozwiązania mające na celu zapobieganie wspomnianym problemom. Jedna z metod, która w tym pomaga, wykorzystuje modele symulujące warunki fizjologiczne ludzkiego układu pokarmowego w warunkach in...
Year 2016
PublicationIn this study magnetic nanoparticles were fabricated and used for water treatment. Nanoparticles were prepared in two ways. The first one involved NiZn ferrite nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation of metal cations with sodium hydroxide at high temperature. The second one featured maghemite nanoparticles was prepared by saltassisted solid-state reaction. Modification and functionalization of nanoparticles surface was investigated....
Zastosowanie nanocząstek magnetycznych do oczyszczania wody
PublicationCelem pracy było wytworzenie nanocząstek magnetycznych do usuwania zanieczyszczeń z wody. Wytworzono je dwoma sposobami. Pierwszym z nich była synteza niklowo-cynkowych ferrytowych (Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4) nanocząstek metodą współstrącenia kationów metali wodorotlenkiem sodu w podwyższonej temperaturze [Majewski 2007]. Drugim sposobem była tzw. metoda sucha, przy pomocy której otrzymano maghemit [Lu i in. 2006]. Dokonano modyfikacji oraz...
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