Catalog e-Learning Courses
e-learning courses starting with: H clear
total: 321
Catalog e-Learning Courses
History of Art 2021/22
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History of Contemporary Architecture & Urbanism (2023/24)
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History of Contemporary Architecture & Urbanism (2023/24)_New
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History of Contemporary Architecture & Urbanism (2024/25)-Urbanism part
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History of contemporary architecture and urbanism
e-Learning Courseslectures: PhD Małgorzata Kostrzewska PhD Bartosz Macikowski exercises: PhD Łukasz Bugalski
History of urban planning I
e-Learning CoursesThe course is aimed to the Erasmus students in the summer term. During he course students learn the principles and conditions of development of urban settlements in the time periods from ancient times to the 18th century (ancient Greece, Rome, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism). The students prepare 3 excercises: Task 1 - Cities of ancient Greece and Rome; Task 2 - Medieval Cities; Task 3 - Cities of Renaissance,...
History of Urbanism
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History of Urbanism I
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to the students of the 2nd semester of Architecture (programme in English). Students learn how cities and their architecture developed and changed in the past - from the ancient times to the 18th century.
History of Urbanism I (2021/22)
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History of World Architecture I 2021/22
e-Learning CoursesThe course History of World Architecture (HWA I) is obligatory on the first semester of study at the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University ofTechnology. It lasts 15 weeks, finishes with the exam, and consists of 15 two-hour lectures and 15 two-hour exercises. The merit of the course includes Western World architecture, beginning from Prehistory and Antiquity (Sumer, Egypt, Greece, Rome), up to the end of the Middle Ages....
History of World Architecture I 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesThe course History of World Architecture I (HWA I) is obligatory on the first semester of study at the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology. It lasts 15 weeks , finishes with the exam and consists of 15 two-hour lectures and 15 two-hour exercises. The merit of the course includes the Western World architecture, beginning from Prehistory and Antiquity (Sumer, Egypt, Greece, Rome), up to the end of the Middle...
History of World Architecture II 2021/2022
e-Learning CoursesThe course HISTORY OF WORLD II (HWA I) is obligatory in the second semester of study at the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University ofTechnology. It lasts 15 weeks, finishes with the exam, and consists of 15 one-hour lectures and 7 two-hour exercises. The merit of the course includes Western World architecture, beginning from Renaissance (XVI c.), Baroque, Neoclassicism, and Historicism, up until the XIX century. The aim of the...
History of World Architecture II 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesThe course HISTORY OF WORLD II (HWA I) is obligatory in the second semester of study at the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University ofTechnology. It lasts 15 weeks, finishes with the exam, and consists of 15 one-hour lectures and 7 two-hour exercises. The merit of the course includes Western World architecture, beginning from Renaissance (XVI c.), Baroque, Neoclassicism, and Historicism, up until the XIX century. The aim of the...
Hiszpania regionów
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home e-assignments
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How to learn better at Polish university?
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"How to Write a Scientific Manuscript"
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Zajęcia nieobowiązkowe, poza programem kształcenia. Prowadzący: Dr. Mohammad Reza Saeb W przypadku pytań, prosimy o kontakt z Samorządem Doktorantów, który jest organizotrem kusru (najlepiej bezpośrednio z p. Adamem Olszewskim). {mlang} {mlang en} Optional courses, not included in the training programme. Academic teacher: Dr. Mohammad Reza Saeb If you have any questions, please contact the PhD Student Union, which...
HR management - Bachelor in management
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HR Management BiM 2024/2025
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HR Management (Bachelor)
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HR4R 2019
e-Learning CoursesKurs zawiera materiały związane z monitorowaniem wdrożenia zasad Europejskiej Karty Naukowca i Kodeksu Postępowania przy Rekrutacji Pracowników Naukowych na Politechnice Gdańskiej w latach 2017-2019.
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e-Learning Courses -
Human Capital Management by Ralf Knegtmans XI edition
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Human Capital Management by Ralf Knegtmans XII edition
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Human Computer Interaction
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Human Computer Interaction 2018/19
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Human Resources Management - International Management
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Human Resources Management Bim.
e-Learning CoursesThe course will show multidimensional role of Personal Manager in organisations.
Human Resources Management IM 2024/2025
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Human Resources Management (Masters)
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Human Resources Management, MiBM, IDE, II st., sem zima 2022/2023 - Nowy
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Human Resources Management, MiBM, IDE, II st., sem zima 2024/2025 - Nowy
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Human Resources Management /W/ 2023/24, IDE, II st., sem. II, M:31468W0
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Human Resources Management /W/ 2023/24, IDE, II st., sem. II, M:31468W0
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Human-Computer Interaction 2025
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Human-Computer Interaction ID 2021/2022
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Human-Computer Interaction ID 2022/2023
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Human-Computer Interaction ID 2023/2024
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Human-Computer Interaction, sem. letni 2018/2019
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Humanistyka dla inżynierów - 2021-2022
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Humanistyka dla inżynierów - 2022-2023
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Humanistyka dla inżynierów - 2023-2024
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Humanistyka dla inżynierów - 2024-2025
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Hurtownie danych 2022
e-Learning CoursesWFTiMS, matematyka, studia II stopnia, III semestr, specjalność „Analityk danych”
Hurtownie danych 2023
e-Learning CoursesWFTiMS, matematyka, studia II stopnia, III semestr, specjalność „Analityk danych”
Hurtownie danych 2024
e-Learning CoursesWFTiMS, matematyka, studia II stopnia, III semestr, specjalność „Analityk danych”
Hurtownie danych 2024_2025
e-Learning CoursesKierunek: Informatyka Rok studiów: 3 Semestr: 5
Hurtownie danych 2025
e-Learning CoursesWFTiMS, matematyka, studia II stopnia, III semestr, specjalność „Analityk danych”
Hurtownie danych Studia niestacjonarne 2024_2025
e-Learning Courses