materiały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki
1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing.
2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution optimization criteria.
3. Examples of typical solutions using standard programmable input/output ports.
4. Different ways of interrupt handling in computer control systems, pooling, vectorized
systems, centralized interrupt controllers and daisy-chain controllers.
5. Single level and multi level interrupt systems, arbitration of priority, mask modes and special mask modes, typical solu-tions.
6. Examples of implementing of interrupt system in computer control; interrupt latency estimation, system reaction time, density of interrupts and control computer efficiency.
7. Multi-processor and multi-computer systems architecture, requirements of increase in computing power over single processor systems possibilities.
8. Multi-processor and multi-computer systems buses, local and global resources, global resources administration.
9. Multi-processor bus standards: STE, MULTIBUS, VME PCI, COMPACT PCI.
10. Common resources access arbitration, examples of hardware and software arbiters, centralized and daisychain solu-tions, arbitration algorithms.
11. Arbitration methods examples.
12. Main processor – coprocessor cooperation ideas.
13. Software techniques in common resources access control – semaphores, access blockades.
14. Multi-computer systems, data exchange rules, hardware and software solutions, multi-computer systems architecture.
15. Interfacing techniques using DMA, hardware and software aspects of using DMA, interrupt driven contrary DMA data transfer.
16. Bus as a communication system between multi-users, communication protocols, hierarchy of communication proto-cols.
17. Hierarchy of communication protocols standards, 4 and 7 layer ISO models.
18. Communication protocol layers, bottom 4 layers specifications, protocol specification examples RS232, RS485, I2C and others.
19. Advantages and disadvantages of communication protocol standardization; decision criteria standard or dedicated solutions.
20. Hardware methods of communication interfaces reliability improvement; types and
characteristics of different data transmission media; signal processing methods used for signal matching to media characteristics; different kinds of line transmitters and receivers.
21. Software methods of communication interfaces reliability improvement; Error detection codes and error correction codes.
22. Examples of bit-parallel and bit-serial protocols.
23. Communication protocol organization: bit-oriented, character counting protocols, character-controlled protocols; ex-amples of standards.
24. Micro-controllers in control systems.
25. INTEL MCS-51 micro-controller family; basic model, resources and programming
26. Architecture and resources of some advanced MCS-51 family members offered by PHILIPS, DALLAS, MAXIM, Analog Devices and ATMEL.
27. Build-in micro-controller interfaces, real-time ports; hardware support for context-switching methods.
28. User interface hardware and software techniques; contacts interfacing – keyboards; pointing and control input devices – mouse, touch pads, joysticks and others.
29. Process status displaying techniques, numeric and alpha-numeric displays interfacing; CRT and LCD monitors inter-facing, software problems in graphic displaying, graphic processors and accelerators.
30. Special memories used in control systems: FIFO and LIFO buffers, cyclic buffers, dual gated RAM memories.
31. Nonvolatile memories: battery supported RAM memories, FLASH memories with parallel and serial access, EEPROMS, software consequences of using nonvolatile memories.
32. Service less systems, service less system reliability increasing techniques; methods used for decreasing of power consumption in autonomous systems.
33. Analog inputs and outputs to computer interfacing; A/D and D/A converters; methods of conversion, its base parame-ters and application criteria; sample and hold circuits, extrapolators, PWM outputs, U/F converters.
34. PC type computer in control systems, industrial standards in PC compatible computers, modular computers.
35. Floppy and hard disk memories, organization and software interfacing; disk memories as an example of techniques of controlling of electromechanical device,
methods used for reliability increasing; electromechanical clearance compensa-tion.
36. Multitask real-time operating systems for control systems; system organization; static and dynamic process description; process creating, killing and switching techniques; different ways of interrupt servicing.
37. Examples of standard systems used in computer aided control systems: DOS, WINDOWS, LINUX, QNX; advantages and disadvantages of systems.
38. Basics of dedicated systems software development.
39. Typical data structures used in control systems; data structure developing criteria; data structure optimization techniques.
40. Multi-threat software development; process concurrency; access to common resources rules; collision in access detec-tion and avoiding its methods; blockade and deadlock.
41. Correctness in concurrent process execution; examples of process scheduler algorithms; examples of scheduler testing methods.
42. Build-in microprocessor hardware support of multitask computations and tasks private resources protection mechanism.
43. Computer controlled systems – examples.
44. Control software for microcomputers – examples and some interesting details.
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