Environment protection and sustainable development - e-learning course - Bridge of Knowledge


Environment protection and sustainable development

Structure, Organization, Classification, and Protection of Landscapes (priority landscapelandscape values; principles and problems of protecting various types of ecosystems and landscapes; regionalization of landscapes; threats to landscape resources; ecological structure of the landscape and landscape ecological systems; principles of conducting a landscape protection study; European Landscape Conventionlandscape audit - concept and principles of implementation).

Forms of Nature Protection - their environmental role and place in the spatial planning system of the region: forms and programs of nature protection - principles and conditions of management; patches and ecological corridors - legal basis for designation, functions, structure, typology, threats, development in the zone and around ecological corridors in urbanized areas.

Degradation and Protection of Environmental Components (causes and sources of threats to the aquatic environment - types of pollution, principles of water management and forms of protection; pollution of marine waters - ship waste, oil spills, exploitation of seabed resources, storage of waste in the sea, legal regulations concerning the protection of the marine environment; causes and effects of degradation of the earth's surface and the atmospheric environment in urbanized areas; causes and effects of the destruction of forest and coastal ecosystems - directions of protection of forests and coastal areas used for tourism; reclamation and remediation of degraded and devastated areas).

Environmental Monitoring - the state of surface waters, underground waters, and the Baltic Sea; control of dumps; monitoring of port waters; monitoring: the surface of the earth, atmospheric air, noise, nature, ionizing radiation and electromagnetic fields, local systems for monitoring the state of the environment, integrated monitoring of the natural environment, National agri-environmental program.



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