{mlang pl}
Dyscyplina: wszystkie dyscypliny
Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku
Prowadzący: Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska, Biblioteka PG
Liczba godzin: 5
Forma zajęć: wykład
{mlang en}
Discipline: all disciplines
Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students
Academic teacher: Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska, GUT Library
Total hours of training: 5 teaching hours
Course type: lecture
Soft skills
Area II - researcher's workshop
"Scientific databases and information skills"
The training allows to acquire advanced information skills needed in doctoral studies, such as findingacademic journals literature, using and evaluating information for academic studies, exploring the tools that enable scholars to keep track of information and academic research published through different channels, and publishing scientific outcomes.
- WWW:
- https://enauczanie.pg.edu.pl/moodle/course/view.php?id=10899 open in new tab
- Start date:
- 27-10-2020
- Access type:
Password required
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
seen 101 times