prof. dr hab. inż. Ewa Wojciechowska
- Professor at Department of Sanitary Engineering
- Dean at Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Social media
- esien@pg.edu.pl
- Workplace
Budynek Wydz. Hydrot.
room P2 open in new tab - Phone
- (58) 347 27 93
- ewa.wojciechowska@pg.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Application of microwaves for sewage sludge conditioning
Artykuł dotyczy wpływu promieniowania mikrofalowego na odwadnianie osadów ściekowych. Przeprowadzono pomiary parametrów charakteryzujących podatność osadów ściekowych na odwadnianie: opór właściwy, czas ssania kapilarnego oraz zawartość suchej masy w osadzie po odwirowaniu. Stwierdzono poprawę odwadnialności osadów kondycjonowanych promieniowaniem mikrofalowym, zależną ilościowo od rodzaju preparowanych osadów. Zastosowanie podwójnego...
The effects of urban vehicle traffic on heavy metal contamination in road sweeping waste and bottom sediments of retention tanks
Diffuse pollution formed during a surface runoff on paved surfaces is a source of heavy metals (HMs) of various origin. This research study indicates the connection between bottom sediments of retention tanks located on urban streams and road sweeping wastes (RSW) that migrate during surface runoff to the stormwater drainage systems with discharge to the retention tanks. Moreover, we test the primary sources of HMs in RSW by analysing...
Heavy Metals in Sediments of Urban Streams: Contamination and Health Risk Assessment of Influencing Factors
Sediments of two urban streams in northern Poland outflowing to the Baltic Sea were assessed to explain the spatial variation in relation to urbanization level of the catchment, the role of retention tanks (RTs) and identification of pollution level. During the 3 month period of investigation sediment samples were collected from the inflow (IN) and outflow (OUT) of six RTs located on streams for flood protection. Six heavy metals...
Obtained scientific degrees/titles
Obtained science title
prof. dr hab. inż. environmental engineering, mining and energy (Engineering and Technology) -
Obtained science degree
dr hab. inż. Environmental engineering (Technology)Politechnika Lubelska Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska -
Obtained science degree
dr inż. Environmental engineering (Technology)
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