dr inż. Grzegorz Zieliński
- Assistant professor at Department of Management Engineering and Quality
Author of over 100 scientific publications (both in Polish and English) in the field of service management, entity improvement, including medical entities. Scientific and research interests include areas related to the maturity and excellence of enterprises in various aspects of their activities. He participated in research projects of the National Science Center and projects implemented by international consortia under the European Regional Development Fund, the INTERREG South Baltic Program. He cooperated with domestic and foreign research centers as well as administrative units and health care centers in the area of healthcare management. In 2009, he founded the Scientific Team of Quality and Productivity, of which he is a supervisor to this day. Organizer and co-organizer of several dozen national and international scientific conferences. During his previous activity, he received three Rector's Awards for outstanding scientific activity and five for outstanding didactic activity.
Scientific interests
- Operational maturity of enterprises
- Models of excellence
- Project management
- Production and service management
- Quality management
- Health care management
Diploma theses – example thematic areas
- Improving enterprise processes
- Improving services
- Quick Response Manufacturing
- Lean Management
- Design thinking
- Project management
Classes conducted
- Agile project management
- Design thinking
- Management simulation game
- Project management methods and tools
- Process modeling methods
- Simulation game
- Technology transfer
- Quick response manufacturing
- Production quality management
- Production management
- Management of innovative projects and programs
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