prof. dr hab. inż. Henryk Krawczyk
- Główny specjalista - kierownik projektu at TASK Informatics Center
- Professor at Department of Computer Architecture
Research fields
Project manager
CAISE Cloud AI Service Engineering platform for development of universal intelligent services dedicated to various areas of applications
Project realized in Dział Usług Chmurowych according to KPOD.05.10-IW.10-0005/24 agreement from 2024-07-23
Project manager
Rural IoT Smart rural IoT data acquisition and fusion
Project realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to WPN/4/68/Rural IoT/2022 agreement from 2022-11-09
Project manager
CK STOS Utworzenie w Gdańsku Centrum Kompetencji STOS (Smart and Transdisciplinary knOwledge Services) w zakresie infrastruktury B+R
Project realized in TASK Informatics Center according to RPPM.01.02.00-22-0001/17-00 agreement from 2019-05-06
Project manager
PANDA 2 Program wsparcia kosztów utrzymania infrastruktury badawczej Panda 2
Project realized in TASK Informatics Center according to PANDA2/3/2016 agreement from 2016-07-04
Project manager
KRICO Komponent rekomendacji dla inteligentnych chmur obliczeniowych
Project realized in TASK Informatics Center from 2014-06-10
Project manager
Project realized in TASK Informatics Center according to POIG.02.03.00-22-059/13 agreement from 2013-11-20
Project manager
MAYDAY EURO 2012 MAYDAY EURO 2012 Superkomputerowa platforma kontekstowej analizy strumieni danych multimedialnych do identyfikacji wyspecyfikowanych obiektów lub niebezpiecznych zdarzeń
Project realized in TASK Informatics Center according to POIG.02.03.03.-00-008/08 agreement from 2009-04-07
seen 8428 times