dr hab. Jan Domaradzki
- assistant professor at Poznan University of Medical Sciences
- 2003 - present assistant professor at Chair of Social Sciences and Humanities
Research fields
- sociology of medicine
- sociology of genetics
- biotechnology elsi
- social aspects of gentics
- spiritual care
- rare genetic disease
- family caregivers
- social represeantations of biotechnology
- Rare genetic diseases
- social implications of a new genetics
- social aspects of biotechnology
- representations of biotechnology in the media
- medical sociology
total: 70
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Attitudes of oncology patients’ towards biospecimen donation for biobank research
PublicationBackground Since the biological material that remains after diagnostic and therapeutic procedures plays crucial role in biobank research, this study aims to explore cancer patients’ views on the donation of biospecimens for research purposes. Methods 548 oncology patients from two hospitals with oncology treatment units in Poznan, Poland,...
Evaluating the challenges and needs of parents caring for children with Williams syndrome: A preliminary study from Poland
PublicationBackground: Although physical, cognitive and behavioural manifestations of Williams syndrome(WS) affect every dimension of caregivers lives, no studies on the parental experiences of caringfor a WS child have to date been carried out in Poland.Methods: In order to identify the challenges and needs of Polish carers of WS children a survey wasconducted...
Investigating beliefs in anti-vax conspiracy theories among medical students
PublicationAbstract: While the doctors’ role in immunization is essential, their lack of knowledge or vaccine hesitancy may affect their ability to communicate effectively and educate patients about vaccination, vaccine hesitancy, and vaccine conspiracy theories. This, in turn, may hinder health policy aimed at fighting infectious diseases. Vaccine hesitancy is prevalent not only among the general population but also among healthcare...
Support for research biobanks among medical students in the Republic of Kazakhstan
PublicationBackground: Over the past few years, several biobanks have been organized in the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK). As research biobanks are becoming an increasingly important tool for precision medicine, they require competent biobankers who will help disseminate the idea of biobanking throughout the society and support donation for research purposes. This study aimed to assess the support for research...
Ultra-rare ultra-care: Assessing the impact of caring for children with ultra rare diseases
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When Biobanks Meet Religion: Association Between Religiosity and Attitudes of Polish Medical Students Toward Biobanking of Human Biological Material for Research Purposes
Year 2023
Are We Facing a Tsunami of Vaccine Hesitancy or Outdated Pandemic Policy in Times of Omicron? Analyzing Changes of COVID-19 Vaccination Trends in Poland
PublicationIn this study, we analyzed Polish COVID-19 vaccination data until January 2023 from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control to understand individual decision making during the milder Omicron wave. Our findings show a general decline in subsequent vaccine uptake. As the number of government-provided doses increased, completion rates among certain low-risk groups dropped to less than 1%. Elderly individuals, especially...
Are We Facing a Tsunami of Vaccine Hesitancy or Outdated Pandemic Policy in Times of Omicron? Analyzing Changes of COVID-19 Vaccination Trends in Poland
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Between autonomy and paternalism: Attitudes of nursing personnel towards Jehovah’s Witnesses’ refusal of blood transfusion
PublicationObjectives: The study describes the attitudes of Polish nursing personnel towards Jehovah’s Witnesses’ (JWs’) refusal to receive blood and blood products.Methods: We developed an online survey assessing nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards JWs’ refusal of blood transfusion in a life-threatening condition. It also examined nurses’ attitudes towards ethical and legal issues associated with JWs’ refusal of bloodtransfusions....
Between Autonomy and Paternalism: Attitudes of Nursing Personnel Towards Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Refusal of Blood Transfusion
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Building Bridges Between Medicine and Sociology
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Caring for Children with Dravet Syndrome: Exploring the Daily Challenges of Family Caregivers
PublicationWhile Polish studies focus on the symptoms, causes and treatment of people suffering from Dravet syndrome (DS), much less is known about the situation of the family caregivers of DS children. This study was designed to explore the experiences, daily challenges and needs related to caring for DS children. An anonymous self-administered online questionnaire was developed. Thesurvey was completed by 75 family caregivers affiliated...
Caring for Children with Dravet Syndrome: Exploring the Daily Challenges of Family Caregivers
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Cluster Donation: How Future Healthcare Professionals Bound Certain Types of Tissues and Biomedical Research and How It Affects Their Willingness to Donate
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Cluster donation: How medical students bound certain types of tissues and biomedical research and how it affects their willingness to donate.
PublicationAlthough biomedical research requires cooperation with a large number of donors, its success also depends on the input of healthcare professionals who play a crucial role in promoting biomedical research and influencing an individual’s decision to donate one’s biospecimens that are left over after a medical procedure. This work was aimed at investigating the correlation between medical and healthcare students’ willingness to...
Emotional experiences of family caregivers of children with Dravet syndrome
PublicationBackground: Since the psychosocial implications of Dravet syndrome (DS) are much more serious and far-reaching than in other types of epilepsy, caring for a DS child seriously affects the entire family. This study describes the emotional experiences of family caregivers of DS children and evaluates the way caregiving affects their perceived quality of life. Methods: An anonymous, self-administered...
Emotional experiences of family caregivers of children with Dravet syndrome
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Exploring COVID-19 conspiracy theories: education, religiosity, trust in scientists, and political orientation in 26 European countries
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Exploring COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories: Education, Religiosity, Trust in Scientists, and Political Orientation in 26 European countries
PublicationThe COVID-19 virus disseminated globally at an accelerated pace, culminating in a worldwide pandemic; it engendered a proliferation of spurious information and a plethora of misinformation and conspiracy theories (CTs). While many factors contributing to the propensity for embracing conspiracy ideation have been delineated, the foremost determinant influencing individuals’ proclivity towards CT endorsement appears to be their...
From evil demiurge to caring hero: images of geneticists in the movies
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From evil demiurge to caring hero: Images of geneticists in the movies
PublicationAlthough images of science and scientists depicted in popular culture have been criticized as an exaggeration and fear mongering, the cinema is an important resource that influences individuals’ beliefs about science. Because popular depictions of science play a crucial role in constructing the public’s ‘scientific imaginary’ they constitute an inherent dimension of the social understanding of science and are as important for...
Hospital chaplains facing the pandemic. A qualitative study
PublicationThe article explores hospital chaplains perspective on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the provision of spiritual care in Poland. Semi-structured interviews with sixteen hospital chaplains providing spiritual care in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic were performed. Six main themes emerged during the interviews: chaplains' experience of the pandemic, chaplaincy during the outbreak, patients' needs, health professionals...
Parental experiences and needs of caring for a child with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
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Professional activity, gender and disease-related emotions: The impact on parents' experiences in caring for children with phenylketonuria
PublicationIntroduction: Clinical management of rare diseases often fails to acknowledge the challenges faced by caregivers.Whilst management of phenylketonuria (PKU) may not be considered as dire as other conditions, most studiesprimarily concentrate on clinical issues, dietary adherence, or the quality of life of the PKU patients, leavingcaregivers in the background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychosocial...
Professional activity, gender and disease-related emotions: The impact on parents' experiences in caring for children with phenylketonuria
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Superheroes or Super Spreaders? The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Attitudes towards Nurses: A Qualitative Study from Poland
PublicationThe social perception of the nursing profession in Poland is profoundly affected by social stereotypes that may discourage young people from entering the profession and lead to prejudice towards nurses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses gained visibility, which caused the social image of nurses to likewise grow. In this study, we explore nurses’ experiences with respect to how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the social image...
Superheroes or Super Spreaders? The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Attitudes towards Nurses: A Qualitative Study from Poland
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The Association Between Religion and Healthcare Professionals’ Attitudes Towards the Conscience Clause. A Preliminary Study From Poland
PublicationObjectives: This study was designed to determine the relationship between religion and healthcare practitioners’ attitudes towards conscience clauses in Poland.Methods: We developed a survey assessing impact of religion on attitudes healthcare professionals towards the conscience clause. These questions were explored using a sample of 300 Polish healthcare professionals.Results: The results indicate that religiosity...
The Association Between Religion and Healthcare Professionals’ Attitudes Towards the Conscience Clause. A Preliminary Study From Poland
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To donate or not to donate? Future healthcare professionals’ opinions on biobanking of human biological material for research purposes
PublicationBackground Over the last few decades biobanks have been recognised as institutions that may revolutionisebiomedical research and the development of personalised medicine. Poland, however, still lacks clear regulationsregarding the running of biobanks and the conducting of biomedical research. While the awareness of the generalpublic regarding biobanks is low, healthcare professions and medical students also...
To donate or not to donate? Future healthcare professionals’ opinions on biobanking of human biological material for research purposes
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Ultra-rare ultra-care: The unique burden of ultra rare disease caregiving
PublicationBackground: We sought to assesses the impact of caring for children with ultra rare diseases (URDs) on familycarers and to analyse the way these experiences differ among the caregivers of children diagnosed throughprenatal or newborn screening, and those with symptom-based diagnosis.Methods: A total of 200 caregivers of 219 URDs children completed an on-line survey regarding the challengesand experiences...
Unmasking the COVID-19 pandemic prevention gains: excess mortality reversal in 2022
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Unmasking the COVID-19 Pandemic Prevention Gains: Excess Mortality Reversal in 2022
PublicationObjectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the long-term effectiveness of COVID-19 pandemic prevention measures in saving lives after European governments began to lift restrictions. Study design: Excess mortality interrupted time series.Methods: Country-level weekly data on deaths were fitted to the Poisson mixed linear model to estimate excess deaths. Based on this estimate, the percentage of excess deaths...
When Biobanks Meet Religion: Association Between Religiosity and Attitudes of Polish Medical Students Toward Biobanking of Human Biological Material for Research Purposes
PublicationWhile biobanking is expanding globally, the empirical evidence concerning the impact of religion on future healthcare professionals’ awareness and willingness to donate biospecimens for biobank research is lacking. To understand how medicalstudents’ religious beliefs can fuel their questions regarding how biospecimens would be stored, cared for, and used, we conducted a survey among 1500 medical students at Poznań University...
Year 2022
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Health Behaviours and Literacy of Future Healthcare Professionals
PublicationOur everyday behaviours in life can positively and negatively impact our health, thus cumulatively shaping our lifestyles as more or less healthy. These behaviours are often determined by our knowledge, literacy, motivations and socioeconomic backgrounds. The authors aimed to assess health behaviours and explore variables that may affect persons studying to become future healthcare professionals in Poland. This study was conducted...
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Health Behaviours and the Literacy of Future Healthcare Professionals
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Attitudes of Polish physicians, nurses and pharmacists towards the ethical and legal aspects of the conscience clause
PublicationBackground: While healthcare professionals’ right to invoke the conscience clause has been recognised as a fundamental human right, it continues to provoke a heated debate in Polish society. Although public discourse is filled with ethical and legal considerations on the conscience clause, much less is known about the attitudes of healthcare professionals regarding that matter. The aim of this study was therefore...
Attitudes of Polish physicians, nurses and pharmacists towards the ethical and legal aspects of the conscience clause
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Better Late Than Never: Predictors of Delayed COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Poland
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Can popular films instil carcinophobia? Images of cancer in popular Polish cinema
PublicationIntroduction: Although cancer is currently considered a serious socio-medical challenge and health education in Poland has been positioned as a public health priority, the impact of popular culture on people’s ideas about cancer has been neglected. This study therefore aims to analyse the way popular Polish films portray cancer and the experience of cancer.Material and Methods: Seven popular Polish films featuring cancer...
Can popular films instil carcinophobia? Images of cancer in popular Polish cinema
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Iranian future healthcare professionals’ knowledge and opinions about rare diseases: cross‑sectional study
PublicationBackground: Rare diseases are a new global health priority, requiring evidence-based estimates of the global prevalenceof diseases to inform public policymakers and provide a serious challenge to the healthcare system that must not be ignored. The purpose of this study is to investigate Iranian future healthcare professionals’ knowledge and opinions about rare diseases.Results: A total of 6838 students responded...
Iranian future healthcare professionals' knowledge and opinions about rare diseases: cross-sectional study
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Social differentiation of the perception and human tissues donation for research purposes
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Social Differentiation of the Perception and Human Tissues Donation for Research Purposes.
PublicationThe willingness to donate human biological material for research purposes is shaped by socio-cultural factors; however, there is a lack of studies analysing the social perception of different human tissues, which may affect such willingness. This study aimed to distinguish different sociocultural categories of human tissues and types of potential donors based on their willingness to donate material. Quantitative research was...
The Awareness of Rare Diseases Among Medical Students and Practicing Physicians in the Republic of Kazakhstan. An Exploratory Study
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Treating rare diseases with the cinema: Can popular movies enhance public understanding of rare diseases?
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Volunteering in the front line of the Ukrainian refugee crisis. A brief report from Poland
PublicationThis study aims to analyse the experiences and motivations of volunteers who supported Ukrainian refugees who fled to Poland. Our study was conducted among 196 volunteers in Poznan, Poland who answered questions regarding their experiences with voluntary service during the current refugee crisis and the reasons they became involved in volunteer efforts.We found that although the Polish state had no prior experience in welcoming...
Volunteering in the front line of the Ukrainian refugee crisis: A brief report from Poland
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