dr hab. inż. Jan Wajs
- Head of Section at Division of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
- Associate professor at Institute of Energy
total: 142
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Assessment of the impact of jet impingement technique on the energy efficiency of air-cooled BIPV/T roof tile
PublicationThe paper concerns a numerical analysis of cooling of the hybrid photovoltaic (PV) modules dedicated to Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) systems. Attention was focused on the photovoltaic roof tiles, using a jet impingement technique, in which the intensification of heat transfer is ensured by streams of air hitting the heat exchange partition. A series of numerical simulations were carried out to assess an influence...
Assessment of thermal and electrical performance of flat plate air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile – experimental and numerical studies
PublicationThe current state of development of the solar energy sector necessitates a new form of incentive for entities to invest in photovoltaic (PV) installations. Building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) systems are gaining increasing interest. Effective methods for heat recovery from BIPV/T collectors are searched for. Presented research experimentally and numerically considered the influence of cooling conditions on the electrical...
Experimental and numerical study of thermal and electrical potential of BIPV/T collector in the form of air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile
PublicationAmong renewable energy sources, Building-Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) systems are gaining increasing interest. To improve their economic competitiveness, technologies that increase their efficiency are searched for. The paper is devoted to evaluating the impact of various air-cooling configurations on the thermal and electrical performance of a photovoltaic roof tile. A numerical model of the own experimental system...
Year 2023
Analiza eksperymentalna intensyfikacji transportu ciepła w płaszczowo-rurowym wymienniku ciepła z generatorami strug gazu
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono modelowy płaszczowo-rurowy wymiennik ciepła z generatorami strug gazu wraz z wynikami badań cieplnych. Badania eksperymentalne wykonano dla układu gaz-ciecz. Pomiary prowadzono przy stałych wartościach temperatury czynników na wlocie do wymiennika, tj. w zakresie 120-200 st.C w przypadku powietrza (czynnika grzewczego) i 18 st.C w przypadku wody (czynnika ogrzewanego). Przedstawiono zależności współczynnika...
Modeling of low calorific gas burning in a deficient oxygen environment and high-temperature oxidizer
PublicationThe experimental research will be performed using the experimental facility with a combustion chamber. The oxygen concentration in combustion oxidizers will be varied from 21% by volume (normal) air to 2%. The test combustion chamber will be fed with propane or methane as the reference fuel, then with low calorific fuels as test gases obtained by mixing various combustible components, e.g. H2, CH4, CO, and neutral gases, e.g. N2,...
Ocena wpływu zastosowania techniki strugowej na wydajność energetyczną modułów BIPV/T chłodzonych powietrzem
PublicationPraca ma charakter analizy numerycznej i dotyczy problematyki chłodzenia hybrydowych modułów fotowoltaicznych dedykowanych układom Building-Integrated Photovlotaic/Thermal (BIPV/T). Uwagę skupiono na powietrznym systemie chłodzenia dachówki fotowoltaicznej, rozważając technikę strugową, w której intensyfikację wymiany ciepła zapewniają strugi płynu uderzające w przegrodę wymiany ciepła. Przeprowadzono szereg symulacji numerycznych...
Optimisation of cooperation of hybrid renewable energy sources with hydrogen energy storage toward the lowest net present cost
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a technical and economic analysis of the power supply for a model industrial facility based on intermittent renewable energy sources in the form of wind turbines and photovoltaic modules, supplemented with hydrogen energy storage. The adopted power supply strategy assumed the maximisation of self-consumption of self-produced electricity. Six variants were considered, including two with an energy...
Recycling of photovoltaic modules - legal status, technology, market prospects
PublicationThe increase in the number of manufactured and installed photovoltaic modules and the growing concern about the insufficient supply of pure silicon imply the need to take action to develop infrastructure for recycling PV modules. The article presents a multifaceted analysis of the current state of development of the photovoltaic module recycling sector from a global and national perspective. The essence of the issue was introduced...
Techno-economic assessment of cooperation of hybrid renewable energy sources with hydrogen storage
PublicationThe paper presents a technical and economic analysis of the power supply for a model industrial facility with the use of the most promising renewable energy sources (RES), supported by a hydrogen energy storage. This scenario was compared with the variants of supplying the facility directly from the grid and from RES without energy storage. A strategy was proposed for powering the plant aimed at maximising self-consumption of self-generated...
Year 2022
Combined cold supply system for ship application based on low GWP refrigerants - Thermo-economic and ecological analyses
PublicationThe withdrawal of popular high-GWP refrigerants will significantly affect maritime industry. Refrigeration and air conditioning systems currently used on ships are not ready to fulfil future limitations. Therefore, there is a need for system, which will operate with low-GWP refrigerants and at the same time will be efficient and reliable in difficult environmental conditions. This paper explains the concept of a cold supply system,...
Multiple jets impingement – numerical analysis by the ζ-f and hybrid VLES turbulence models
PublicationPresented paper summarizes the Authors findings referring to the numerical analyses of the jet impinging phenomena in the case of complex jets configurations in various applications e.g. in the heat exchangers. Multiple jets interference resulting in the cross-flow and the surface curvature are the factors which impose the need of advanced turbulence models utilization. The outcome of the research based on the ζ-f turbulence model...
Numerical analysis of high temperature minichannel heat exchanger for recuperative microturbine system
PublicationConsidering the development of energy sector, distributed small-scale power generation, e.g., gas micro-CHP, is attracting considerable interest. In such installations, the heat exchanger is one of the key components possessing a significant influence on overall performance. Most studies concentrate on units operating below 900C, which do not fulfil the requirements of gas micro-CHP. Therefore, there remains a challenge to design...
Zmiennofazowy akumulator ciepła w dolnym źródle pompy ciepła – propozycja dla budynku jednorodzinnego
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono autorskie rozwiązanie zmiennofazowego akumulatora ciepła, w którym jawne i utajone ciepło szarych ścieków jest odbierane za pomocą prototypowego wymiennika ciepła posadowionego w akumulatorze i sprzęgniętego z parownikiem pompy ciepła. Ścieki szare dopływają do akumulatora z budynku jednorodzinnego. Układ funkcjonuje w systemie grzewczym tego budynku. Omówiono doświadczenia z dotychczasowej eksploatacji...
Year 2021
Curved Surface Minijet Impingement Phenomena Analysed with ζ-f Turbulence Model
PublicationThe jet impingement phenomenon plays an important role among the heat transfer intensification methods. Very often its application and analyses refer to simple flat surfaces, while there is a lack of information in the literature for cases addressing curved surfaces. In the present work, the single jet impingement on the non-flat (concave and convex) surface is studied for a wide range of geometries, which originate from the mini-jet...
Gasification of Densified Biomass (DB) and Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) Using HTA/SG Technology
PublicationThe necessity of economical and rational use of natural energy sources caused a rapid development of research on the possibilities of using non‐conventional energy resources. Taking the above into account, a new technological process of thermochemical conversion of biomass and communal waste, commonly known as High Temperature Air/Steam Gasification (HTA/SG) and Multi‐Staged Enthalpy Extraction Technology (HTAG‐MEET), was developed....
Promising Nanoparticle-Based Heat Transfer Fluids—Environmental and Techno-Economic Analysis Compared to Conventional Fluids
PublicationProviding optimal operating conditions is one of the major challenges for effective heating or cooling systems. Moreover, proper adjustment of the heat transfer fluid is also important from the viewpoint of the correct operation, maintenance, and cost efficiency of these systems. Therefore, in this paper, a detailed review of recent work on the subject of conventional and novel heat transfer fluid applications is presented. Particular...
Thermal and Hydrodynamic Phenomena in the Stagnation Zone — Impact of the Inlet Turbulence Characteristics on the Numerical Analyses
PublicationOne of the methods of heat transfer enhancement is utilization of the turbulent impinging jets, which were recently applied, for example, in the heat exchangers. Their positive impact on the heat transfer performance was proven, but many questions related to the origin of this impact are still unanswered. In general, the wall-jet interaction and the near-wall turbulence are supposed to be its main reason, but their accurate numerical...
Year 2020
A new construction of shell-and-tube heat exchanger with impinging jets and minichannels technologies for heat recovery from gases – experimental analysis
PublicationA dynamic development of technologies allowing waste heat utilization is observed in a correspondence with a pro-ecological approach of the zero waste idea. Such approach becomes the most demanding in the area of low-temperature was heat sources, especially gaseous media. Till now, they were usually not utilized due to unfavorable thermal conditions and high costs. Therefore, the zero waste approach directs research on techniques...
Air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile as an example of the BIPVT system – An experimental study on the energy and exergy performance
PublicationThe air-cooled photovoltaic tile is a subject of presented investigations, which focused on improving the overall system efficiency of PV tiles with heat recovery. The operational efficiency of a PV roof tile, together with the construction optimising the air cooling efficiency, were the main points of plans realized at this research stage. The article describes the experimental research consisting of the assessment of electrical,...
Fotodachówka z systemem chłodzenia jako hybrydowy panel fotowoltaiczny – badania eksperymentalne
PublicationPanel fotowoltaiczny w formie dachówki, zbudowany z monokrystalicznych ogniw krzemowych, może tworzyć system solarny dla budownictwa, określany jako technologia Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV). Ze względu na spadek sprawności elektrycznej ogniw fotowoltaicznych wraz ze wzrostem temperatury pracy, poszukuje się metod ich skutecznego chłodzenia. Pozyskane w ten sposób ciepło można dodatkowo wykorzystać w innych procesach,...
Nowa koncepcja płaszczowo-rurowego wymiennika ciepła z techniką strugową w rurach pęku
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono nowe podejście do implementacji techniki strugowej w wymiennikach cylindrycznych. Obiektem badań jest opatentowana konstrukcja płaszczowo-rurowego wymiennika ciepła z techniką strugową obecną w rurach pęku. Generatorem strug są perforowane wkłady rurowe, w których średnica pojedynczego otworu wynosi 1.3 mm. Dla poprawy kompaktowości tego wymiennika, perforowane wkłady wykonano w technologii minikanałowej –...
Numerical analysis of high temperature minichannels heat exchanger performance
PublicationNowadays, the most difficult technological challenge in energy sector is connected with the gas micro-CHP units, dedicated to the distributed power generation. They are expected to be of high efficiency and at the same time of compact in size. Regarding the first reason, significant increase in microturbine efficiency can only be achieved by increase in the engine operating temperature. Therefore, one of the critical elements in...
Year 2019
A numerical analysis of the thermal effects in the jet impingement stagnation zone
PublicationMost of the flows occurring in the engineering systems are turbulent and their accurate numerical analysis is still challenging, especially when combined with the heat transfer. One of the methods of heat transfer enhancement is utilization of the turbulent impinging jets, which were recently applied also in the heat exchangers. Their positive impact on the heat transfer performance was proven, but many questions related to its...
A semi-empirical model for flow boiling heat transfer with account of the reduced pressure effect
PublicationIn the present study the attention was focused on the influence of reduced pressure on the predictions of heat transfer during flow boiling at the extensive range of pressures. The results of calculations were to test the sensitivity of the in-house flow boiling model with respect to the selection of the appropriate two-phase flow multiplier, which is one of the distinctive elements of that model. For this purpose a few two-phase...
Heat recovery from the hybrid photovoltaic tile – experimental studies with the solar light simulator
PublicationConsidering the current development of micro-cogeneration energy sources, supported by the national prosumer policy and the act on the renewable energy sources, there is a great demand for the effective solar technologies. In this area, the photovoltaic cells with a combined conversion of the solar radiation energy into the electrical and thermal energy (PV/T cells) seem to be attractive. They are already widely available and treated...
Heat transfer intensification by jet impingement – numerical analysis using RANS approach
PublicationJet impingement is a method of the heat transfer enhancement applied in the engineering systems. The idea is to generate fast-flow fluid jet which impinge on the heated (or cooled) surface, causing significantly higher heat transfer rate. Although some flat surface jet impingement cases are described in the literature, the validated data is still limited. The reason is coming from the fact, that these flows are hydrodynamically...
High Performance Tubular Heat Exchanger with Minijet Heat Transfer Enhancement
PublicationIn the paper, the original cylindrical heat exchanger with minijets (MJHE) was introduced. The systematic experimental analysis of the prototype heat exchanger was described with special attention paid to such parameters as the heat transfer effectiveness, heat transfer rates, overall heat transfer coefficients, and pressure drop. The heat transfer coefficients were determined based on Wilson plot method, the most suitable approach...
High-efficiency mini and micro heat exchangers for dispersed power generation
PublicationTaking into account the dispersed systems technologies and their development, the ORC systems seem to be promising technology amongst various micro-CHP domestic units (electrical power production below 10 kWe), however practical realization of the ORC cycle in a micro-scale is technically challenging. The system consists in devices such as the vapour generation unit (boiler), expansion device and heat exchangers. Each of them should...
High-temperature heat pumps – potential technology for heat recovery and production of process heat
PublicationIn the paper, the high temperature vapour compressor based heat pump with a selection of working fluids, both perspective and ecological ones, is considered. Such system is not yet commercially available on the market and in author’s opinion it has significant potential for various applications. In the presented analysis it was assumed that the heat source has a temperature of 50oC and the temperature lift is 60, 80 and 100K respectively....
Performance of the very high-temperature heat pump with low GWP working fluids
PublicationTraditional heat pumps are a very attractive pro-ecological solutions for a number of applications, including providing of heating or heat recovery from industrial processes. The application range of heat pumps could be greatly enlarged when the operating temperature would be increased to 130-150°C and/or the temperature lift can be increased to 50-100 K. In the paper, the very high temperature vapour-compressor based single stage...
Photovoltaic Roof Tiles: The Influence of Heat Recovery on Overall Performance
PublicationA photovoltaic (PV) roof tile serves both as a roofing material and as an electricity-producing surface. The main aim of the present study was to increase the overall system efficiency of PV tiles by using heat recovery. The chosen strategy was two-fold: determine the operational efficiency of PV tiles and optimize construction to increase the cooling effect when using air as the working medium. A detailed experimental study was...
Proposal of a Mobile Medical Waste Incinerator with Application of Automatic Waste Feeder and Heat Recovery System as a Novelty in Poland
PublicationThe paper presents and discusses the issues of medical waste (including hazardous ones) and the problems regarding their proper management in Poland. Inappropriate handling of infectious medical waste directly endangers human health and the environment. Infectious waste must be properly disposed of—in practice, the only method of their disposal available in Poland is a thermal treatment in the incinerators tailored for this purpose....
Proposal of a mobile medical waste incinerator with automatic waste feeder and heat recovery system
PublicationThe paper presents and discusses the issue of medical waste (including hazardous ones) and their proper management. Inappropriate handling of infectious medical waste directly endangers the human being health and the environment. Infectious waste must therefore be properly disposed of – one of the most commonly used methods is the thermal treatment in the incinerators tailored for this purpose. During designing an incinerator unit,...
Thermal-Hydraulic Studies on the Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger with Minijets
PublicationIn this paper a patented design of a heat exchanger with minijets, with a cylindrical construction is presented. It is followed by the results of its systematic experimental investigations in the single-phase convection heat transfer mode. Based on these results, validation of selected correlations (coming from the literature) describing the Nusselt number was carried out. An assessment of the heat exchange intensification level...
Year 2018
Alternative cogeneration thermodynamic cycles for domestic ORC
PublicationThe Organic Flash Cycle (OFC) is suggested as a vapor power cycle that could potentially improve the efficiency of utilization of the heat source. Low and medium temperature finite thermal sources are considered in the cycle. Additionally the OFC’s aim is to reduce temperature difference during heat addition. The study examines 2 different fluids. Comparisons are drawn between the OFC and an optimized basic Organic Rankine Cycle...
Ekspertyza dotycząca przyczyn wybuchu zbiornika HAS 18-204 w oddziale placu drzewnego
PublicationCelem ekspertyzy było wyjaśnienie przyczyn wybuchu zbiornika kondensatu. W ramach pracy przeprowadzono obliczenia wytrzymałościowe oraz analizy cieplno-przepływowe zjawisk skutkujących awarią w instalacji.
Experimental examination and modification of chip suction system in circular sawing machine
PublicationThe article presents the results of experimental examination of the wood chip suction system in the existing sliding table saw before and after its modifi cation. The studies focused on the extraction hood of the mentioned system. The methodical experimental research of the pressure distribution inside the hood during wood chip removal for the selected rotational speed of saw blades of 3500 and 6000 min-1 with a diameter of 300...
High-temperature heat pumps – new devices for heat recovery and production of technological steam
PublicationIn the paper, the original high temperature compressor based heat pump with a dry working fluid, i.e. the one in which the slope of saturated vapour line is positive, was presented. The objective of the paper is to investigate the possibility of preparation of technological steam with tempperature 120 C from the waste heat resource at temperature of 50 C. Single comppression cycles as well as cascade systems have been considered...
Local Nusselt number evaluation in the case of jet impingement
PublicationJet impingement still is one of demanding cases regarding computational fluid dynamics, due to its highly turbulent behaviour, with occurrence of turbulent-laminar transition. Even recently developed methods exhibit some drawbacks – RANS based simulations lack accuracy, LES and DNS based ones require too much computational time. Hybrid methods also exist, but their development and validation is in progress. Nevertheless, CFD application...
Numerical analysis of chip removing system operation in circular sawing machine using CFD software
PublicationPaper presents the analysis of the results of numerical simulations of the air flow process of wood chips removing system in the circular sawing machine. The attention is focused on the upper cover and bottom shelter of the chip removing system. Within the framework of the work a systematic numerical modeling of the air flow distribution in the cover and shelter during operation of the selected rotational speed of saw blade with...
Performance of the domestic micro ORC equipped with the shell-and-tube condenser with minichannels
PublicationIn this paper, the original compact shell-and-tube heat exchanger with circular minichannels of in-house design and manufacturing is presented as the condenser for the domestic micro heat and power plant investigations as well as other future technical applications. The heat exchanger is equipped with turbulizing baffles inside the shell. The shell itself is made of a tubular sleeve having an inner diameter of 0.067 m and the length...
Response to the queries raised by Dr M.M. Awad in a letter to editor comments on “Pressure drop of HFE7000 and HFE7100 during flow condensation in minichannels”
Smart heating system for home extending utilization of renewable energy sources
PublicationIn the paper a modern approach to smart home heating is presented. Proposed solution utilizes at least two low-polluting energy source technologies. The main idea is to connect well known ecological energy sources in a way that they can support each other and minimize risks of failure when using single system or even both of them but managed in separate way. Considered energy technologies, used separatelly, have disadvan-tages,...
Stan prawny w zakresie utylizacji odpadów medycznych w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej
PublicationWzrost liczby osób korzystających z leczenia domowego, a także rosnąca ilość gabinetów zajmujących się medycyną estetyczną i tatuażem prowadzi do tego, że problem odpadów potencjalnie niebezpiecznych zaczyna dotykać coraz większe grupy społeczeństwa, a nie tylko wykwalifikowanego personelu szpitalnego. W związku z tym istotna jest zarówno edukacja w zakresie gospodarki odpadami medycznymi, jak i wypracowanie możliwości ich bezpiecznej...
Termiczne metody utylizacji odpadów medycznych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono dopuszczone przez polskie prawo metody unieszkodliwiania odpadów medycznych, ze szczególnym wyróżnieniem najczęściej stosowanych metod termicznych. Omówiono wytyczne dla prowadzenia procesu utylizacji odpadów w instalacji termicznej przeróbki odpadów. W końcowej części publikacji opisane zostały dwie jednostki przeznaczone do utylizowania odpadów medycznych, tj. instalacja w Zakładzie Utylizacji Odpadów...
Thermal and hydraulic phenomena in boundary layer of minijets impingement on curved surfaces
PublicationPresented work considers flow and thermal phenomena occurring during the single minijet impingement on curved surfaces, heated with a constant heat flux, as well as the array of minijets. Numerical analyses, based on the mass, momentum and energy conservation laws, were conducted, regarding single phase and two-phase simulations. Focus was placed on the proper model construction, in which turbulence and boundary layer modeling...
Turbulence models impact on the flow and thermal analyses of jet impingement
PublicationAccurate numerical reconstruction of heat and mass transfer processes in particular applications, such a jet impingement, is difficult to obtain even with the use of modern computational methods. In the proposed paper, the flow and thermal phenomena occurring during single minijet impingement on the flat, concave and convex, heated surfaces were considered. Problem of impingement on non-flat surface, still not common and purely...
Year 2017
PublicationPresented work considers flow and thermal phenomena occurring in the system consisting of minijets array and heated with constant heat flux surface. Numerical analyses, based on the mass, momentum and energy conservation laws, were conducted. Focus was placed on the proper model construction, in which turbulence and boundary layer modelling was crucial. Calculations were done for various mass flow rates. The main calculations were...
Cooperation of ORC installation with a gas boiler as a perspective co-generation system for households
PublicationThis paper reports tests of an innovative micro-CHP unit prototype, consisting of a traditional gas boiler and organic Rankine cycle (ORC), which incorporates original system components such as an axial vapour microturbine, evaporator and condenser. The system co-generates heat and electricity for a single household or a group of households. Electricity is only a by-product during production of heat. While testing the prototype,...
Determination of dryout localization using a five-equation model of annular flow for boiling in minichannels
PublicationDetailed studies have suggested that the critical heat flux in the form of dryout in minichannels occurs when the combined effects of entrainment, deposition, and evaporation of the film make the film flow rate go gradually and smoothly to zero. Most approaches so far used the mass balance equation for the liquid film with appropriate formulations for the rate of deposition and entrainment respectively. It must be acknowledged...
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