Jarosław Ziętarski - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge



Jarosław Ziętarski is a lecturer (PhD) in the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. He has his own channel on the youtube platform called "FAT CAT Financial Education" where he popularizes knowledge in the field of management accounting. He was on the organizing committee of the 28th Annual Multinational Finance Society Conference.

Courses taught:

  • Introduction to Finance    
  • Finance management    
  • Corporate Finance Management    
  • Finance of Economic Organizations    
  • International Finance    
  • Financial Liquidity Management    
  • Financial  Accounting    
  • Essential of Financial Accounting    
  • Managerial Accounting    
  • Corporate finance

Topics of diploma theses:

  • Evaluation of the financial condition of the selected enterprise
  • Financial ratios - comparison over time within one entity or comparison of ratios of several entities
  • Evaluation of investment projects


  • Modern forms of education
  • Financial education

Hours and place of consultation:

Fridays PM 2:30-3:15 during teaching periods Room 402

Email: jaroslaw.zietarski@zie.pg.gda.pl

Illustration of the publication

Videos available:

01 - CVP Analysis - Fixed Cost

(1) CVP Analysis 01 - Fixed Cost - YouTube

02 - CVP Analysis - Variable Cost

(1) CVP Analysis 02 - Variable Cost - YouTube

03 - CVP Analysis - Semi-Variable Cost

(1) CVP Analysis 03 - Semi-Variable Cost - YouTube

04  - CVP Analysis - Step Fixed Cost

(1) CVP Analysis 04 - Step Fixed Cost - YouTube

05 - CVP Analysis - Fixed Cost vs Variable Cost

(1) CVP Analysis 05 - Fixed Cost vs Variable Cost - YouTube

06 - CVP Analysis - Contribution Margin

(1) CVP Analysis 06 - Contribution Margin - YouTube

07 - CVP Analysis - Break Even Point

(1) CVP Analysis 07 - Break-Even Point - YouTube

08 - Target Income

(1) CVP Analysis 08 - Target Income - YouTube

09 - Changing variable cost, fixed cost and price

(1) CVP Analysis 09A - Changing variable cost, fixed cost and price - YouTube

(1) CVP Analysis 09B - Changing variable cost, fixed cost and price - YouTube

10 - Multiproduct analysis

(1) CVP Analysis 10 - Multiproduct analysis - YouTube

11 - Salex Mix

(1) CVP Analysis 11 - Sales mix - YouTube

12 - High - low method

(1) CVP Analysis 12 - The high-low method - YouTube


Profitability analysis:

(1) Analiza Rentowności - YouTube

Illustration of the publication

Website with the results of the project, which I was a coordinator and participant.

Świat finansów (pg.gda.pl)

The project took third place in the "content marketing" category in the largest nationwide competition for creative marketing Genius Universitatis organized by the opinion-forming portal "Perspektywy"

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