prof. dr hab. Józef Eugeniusz Sienkiewicz
- Head of Section at Division of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Informaton
- Vice-Rector for Partnerships at Gdańsk University of Technology
- Professor at Institute of Physics and Applied Computer Science
e-Learning courses
Algorytmy i struktury danych - 2022/2023
Podstawy fizyki technicznej
Rada Instytutu Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej
Metodyka pisania oraz redakcja rozprawy doktorskiej
Metody eksploracji danych 2024
Metody eksploracji danych
Podstawy metod numerycznych 2024
1.(0,5 godz.) Zasady dobrego programowania. Testowanie i usuwanie błedów. 2. (2 godz.) Metody znajdowania miejsc, zerowych funkcji, w tym: metoda bisekcji, metoda Newtona-Raphsona, metoda fałszywych pozycji, metoda Secansa i metody hybrydowe. 3. (2 godz.) Interpolacja, w tym, interpolacja Lagrange"a i interpolacja Hermite"a.4. (2 godz.) Interpolacja cd., funkcje gięte.5. (2 godz.) Rozwiązywanie układów równań liniowych: metoda...
Inżynieria dużych zbiorów danych
Elektrodynamika 2024
Wybrane zagadnienia nanotechnologii
Podstawy metod numerycznych
1.(0,5 godz.) Zasady dobrego programowania. Testowanie i usuwanie błedów. 2. (2 godz.) Metody znajdowania miejsc, zerowych funkcji, w tym: metoda bisekcji, metoda Newtona-Raphsona, metoda fałszywych pozycji, metoda Secansa i metody hybrydowe. 3. (2 godz.) Interpolacja, w tym, interpolacja Lagrange"a i interpolacja Hermite"a.4. (2 godz.) Interpolacja cd., funkcje gięte.5. (2 godz.) Rozwiązywanie układów równań liniowych: metoda...
Kryptografia IS
Kryptografia IS
Algorytmy i struktury danych 2023/2024
Spotkania online
Conducted classes
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Introduction to numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Renewable Energy Engineering
Field of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Physics
Data mininig methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Data mininig methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Physics
Field of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Renewable Energy Engineering
Data mininig methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Introduction to numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Data mininig methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Introduction to numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Metodyka pisania oraz redakcja rozprawy doktorskiej
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Data mininig methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Metodyki pisania oraz redakcji rozprawy doktorskiej
Doctoral School -
Mechanika kwantowa kilku ciał
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Metodyka pisania oraz redakcja pracy doktorskiej
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Diploma Thesis I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Metodyka Pisania Oraz Redakcja Pracy Doktorskiej
Faculty of Chemistry -
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium Zakładu FTiIS
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium katedralne VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Data mininig methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Wydziałowe IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering -
Seminarium Wydziałowe VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Sesja sprawozdawcza III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Sesja sprawozdawcza II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Basics of technical physics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Introduction to numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Seminarium Wydziałowe VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma Thesis II
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Diploma Thesis I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Zajęcia dydaktyczne III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Godziny dydaktyczne IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Sesja sprawozdawcza IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Godziny dydaktyczne IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Zajęcia dydaktyczne II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma project (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Diploma Thesis II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium doktoranckie IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Wydziałowe VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Faculty's seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Introduction to numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Zajęcia dydaktyczne II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Wydziałowe IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma Thesis I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium Wydziałowe V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium Wydziałowe VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Sesja sprawozdawcza I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Godziny dydaktyczne IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Seminarium Wydziałowe VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Metodyka pisania rozprawy doktorskiej
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Faculty's seminar II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Basics of technical physics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Zajęcia dydaktyczne III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Data mininig methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Seminarium katedralne VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Katedralne VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Sesja sprawozdawcza III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Department's seminar II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Classes I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Sesja sprawozdawcza II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Sesja sprawozdawcza IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Department's seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma project (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium katedralne V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Wydziałowe VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium Wydziałowe VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Katedralne VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Wydziałowe VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Faculty's seminar II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Wydziałowe V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Zajęcia dydaktyczne III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Wydziałowe IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
PhD seminar II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Faculty's seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Faculty's seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Metodyka pisania rozprawy doktorskiej
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Dynamika kwantowa
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Godziny dydaktyczne IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Basics of numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Metodyka pisania rozprawy doktorskiej
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics -
Metodyka pisania rozprawy doktorskiej
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Metodyka Pisania Rozprawy Doktorskiej
Faculty of Chemistry -
Sesja sprawozdawcza IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Data mininig methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Zajęcia dydaktyczne I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Classes I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Sesja sprawozdawcza II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Basics of technical physics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Zajęcia dydaktyczne II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Sesja sprawozdawcza I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
PhD seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Sesja sprawozdawcza III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Inżynieria Dużych Zbiorów Danych
Faculty of Chemistry -
Engineering of Large Volumes of Data
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship TechnologyDiscipline: Budowa i eksploatacja maszyn
Discipline: Budowa i eksploatacja maszyn -WOiO
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Software engineering
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Inżynieria dużych zbiorów danych
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Inżynieria dużych zbiorów danych
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Inżynieria dużych zbiorów danych
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
Seminarium Katedralne VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Teoria plazmonów powierzchniowych
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Department's seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium dyplomowe magisterskie
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Biomedical Engineering
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Data mininig methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Specialization: Nanomaterials for Power Engineering
MSc Diploma Thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Seminarium katedralne V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
PhD seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma project (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium doktoranckie VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Department's seminar II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Seminarium katedralne VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Basics of numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Basics of numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Wprowadzenie do fizyki plazmonów
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Seminarium katedralne IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Metody numeryczne
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Diploma laboratory (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Diploma laboratory (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Department's seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Katedralne VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Katedralne VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
PhD seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
PhD seminar II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma project (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Department's seminar II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma laboratory (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Diploma laboratory (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Basics of numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Field of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Physics
Field of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Conversion of Energy
Classical mechanics and optical geometry
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Specialization: Geometry and Computer Graphics
Department's seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Basics of numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
PhD seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma project (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium doktoranckie VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium doktoranckie V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Field of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Conversion of Energy
Seminarium katedralne V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma laboratory (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium katedralne V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Department's seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Basics of numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Diploma laboratory (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Specialization: Applied Mathematics
Engineering project
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Preparation of master’s thesis
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Diploma project (ACS)
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
PhD seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Spektroskopia laserowa i optyka kwantowa
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Physics
Field of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Conversion of Energy
Field of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Department's seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Department's seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie IV
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Department's seminar II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Department's seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Specialization: Applied Mathematics
Department's seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Seminarium Katedralne VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Introduction to numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Diploma laboratory
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Physics
Seminarium katedralne VIII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Physics
PhD seminar III
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Biomedical Engineering
Seminarium doktoranckie VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Engineering project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium katedralne VI
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Algorithms and data structures
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Specialization: Applied Computer Science
Seminarium katedralne V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Seminarium Katedralne VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Physics
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Quantum mechanics
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Mathematics
Specialization: Applied Mathematics
Numerical methods
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Department's seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Diploma Seminar
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie VII
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Physics
Engineering project
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Technical Physics
Seminarium doktoranckie V
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
PhD seminar I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsDiscipline: Physics
Reviewed papers list
Teoretyczne badania struktury elektronowej stanów wzbudzonych w układach dwuatomowych Cd2, Zn2 oraz Cd-Rg, Zn-Rg (Rg=gaz szlachetny)
dr Marek Krośnicki - Uniwersytet Gdański; Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki - 2012
Wzbudzone stany elektronowe cząsteczek Li2 i KLi. Zaburzenia lokalne i globalne
mgr Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski - 2012
Teoretyczne badania nad wpływem konfiguracji walencyjnej na parametry stanów jedno- i dwudziurowych w powłoce K i L oraz strukturę linii rentgenowskich serii K i L
mgr Karol Kozioł - Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika - 2012
Metoda symulacji komputerowych w badaniach kształtów linii wodoru formowanych w plazmie
dr Wiesław Olchawa - Uniwersytet Opolski; Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki; Instytut Fizyki - 2011
Metoda wariacyjna w modelu Diraca
dr Grzegorz Pestka - Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika; Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej; Instytut Fizyki - 2010
Modelowanie niskoenergetycznych zdarzeń w ukłądach atomowych i molekularnych
dr Zbigniew Idziaszek - Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski - 2010
Klasyczno-kwantowe obliczenia nanomechanicznych właściwości metali
- Politechnika Gdańska; Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej; Katedra Fizyki Ciała Stałego - 2009
Nowe funkcjonały i potencjały korelacyjno-wymienne w metodzie funkcjonałów gęstości
dr Ireneusz Grabowski - Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika; Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej; Instytut Fizyki - 2009
Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu elektrycznym
- Politechnika Gdańska; Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej - 2008
Badanie efektów relatywistycznych w molekułach. Metody czteroskładnikowe
dr Jacek Styszyński - Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika; Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej; Instytut Fizyki - 2008
Zastosowanie metody R-macierzy do opisu fotoodłączenia od atomowych jonów ujemnych z dwoma elektronami walencyjnymi
- Politechnika Gdańska; Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej - 2006
Obliczenia struktury energetycznej i charakterystyk radiacyjnych niektórych atomów i jonów metodami opartymi na macierzowej metodzie Diraca-Focka
dr Konrad Koc - Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika; Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej; Instytut Fizyki - 2005
Teoretyczne badanie struktury elektronowo-oscylacyjnej kompleksu zderzeniowego Ca+_H2
Marek Krośnicki - Uniwersytet Gdański; Wydział Matematyki i Fizyki - 2003
Opinionated people list
Opinion on the course of the proceedings to award an academic degree
dr hab. Marek Polasik - 2012
Opinion on scientific and didactic achievements
prof. dr hab. Adam Makowski - 2009
Opinion on the course of the proceedings to award an academic degree
dr hab. Jarosław Koperski - 2009
Opinion on the course of the proceedings to award an academic degree
dr hab. J. Wasilewski - 2006
Opinion on the course of the proceedings to award an academic degree
- 2004
seen 4276 times