Karol Flisikowski - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge


Profile photo: dr inż. Karol Flisikowski

dr inż. Karol Flisikowski


Karol Flisikowski works as Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology. He is responsible for teaching descriptive and mathematical statistics (in Polish and English), as well as scientific research in the field of social statistics. He has been a participant in many national and international conferences, where he has presented the results of his statistical, econometric analyses applied to socio-economic research. 


Since October 2020, he has also worked as an assistant professor at the International Business School at Chongqing Technology and Business University in Chongqing, China. In 2018-2019, he was also employed at the International College at I-Shou University in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 

He is a graduate of two majors: Management (specializing in Small Business Economics and Management) and Electronics and Telecommunications (specializing in Digital Communication) at the Gdansk University of Technology. Until 2010, he was mainly interested in the design of digital filters in DirectX technology, as well as the use of classification trees, random forests, and neural networks to forecast the bankruptcy of companies. In 2015, he completed work on his doctoral dissertation (discipline Economics / Statistics) with the title "The relationship of intersectoral employment and wage mobility on the example of selected OECD countries." In his work, he used classical methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics, and for comparison, he innovatively implemented Markov processes for highly aggregated data. Currently, his research interests focus on the application of spatial statistical methods to describe the processes of intersectoral wage and employment mobility, as well as their determinants (physical, economic, temporal space).


From 2018-2019, he was employed at the International College at I-Shou University in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Since October 2020, he has also worked as an assistant professor at the International Business School at Chongqing Technology and Business University in Chongqing, China.  


Currently, he is the scientific supervisor of the Data Science Club - https://pg.edu.pl/datascienceclub of Gdansk University of Technology.  He serves as a representative of the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics for e-learning. He also directs the E-learning Center at WZiE PG and the postgraduate program "Artificial Intelligence and Business Process Automation in Technical Perspective".

Research interests:

  • credit scoring
  • intersectoral mobility
  • spatial statistics

Courses taught:

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Data analysis
  • Mathematical statistics
  • Non-classical methods of statistics

Diploma theses topics:

Engineer studies, theses written in English (Data Engineering):

  • Statistical classification method(s) applied to credit scoring (dashboard developed in R/Python Shiny, Dash etc.).
  • Time series analysis and forecasting (Markdown/Quarto report, Shiny/Dash App etc.).
  • Customer segmentation – a module presenting customer-centered credit product offers and/or supporting credit scoring processes.
  • Interactive web-based simulations in the lab – Shiny app as a new teaching resource.
  • Other topics (if discussed in advance).

Prace inżynierskie (PL):

  • Wykorzystanie wybranych metod ilościowych dla usprawnienia wybranego procesu biznesowego w przedsiębiorstwie X.
  • Rozwiązanie pracy z dużą ilością danych w systemie zarządzania produkcją.
  • Statystyczna analiza danych jako narzędzie wspomagające proces zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem X (projekt, usprawnienie).
  • Zastosowanie wybranych metod ilościowych w doskonaleniu procesów biznesowych na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa z branży X.
  • Usprawnienie procesu podejmowania decyzji menadżerskich przy wdrożeniu wybranych metod analizy statystycznej.
  • Poprawa zarządzania jakością w firmie X poprzez zastosowanie metod  statystycznych badania jakości usług i satysfakcji klienta.
  • Inne – do uzgodnienia.

Prace licencjackie (PL):

  • Propozycja zastosowania wybranej metody / metod ilościowych wspomagających analizy finansowe.
  • Zastosowania wybranych metod statystycznych (statystyki opisowej, matematycznej, wielowymiarowej) w analizach finansowych.
  • Metody ilościowe oceny indywidualnego ryzyka kredytowego.
  • Wykorzystanie nieklasycznych metod statystycznych w analizach finansowych.
  • Wykorzystanie klasycznych i nieklasycznych metod statystycznych w analizach finansowych – analiza porównawcza.
  • Analiza wybranych szeregów czasowych.
  • Inne – do uzgodnienia.

Bachelor studies, theses written in English (BiM):

  • Application of statistical methods (descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, multivariate analysis) in the analysis of selected economic or social phenomenon.
  • Composite indicators of development / standards of living etc. – example of descriptive (comparative by region / country) analysis.
  • Analysis of income inequality of selected socio-economic groups in Poland in ...
  • Migration / labor / wage mobility in Poland in the years ... – spatio-temporal analysis.
  • Statistical comparative analysis of labor markets by region in Poland.
  • Application of the cluster analysis (or other) in the study of changes in the standard of living in Poland in years ...
  • Regional diversification of the population’s living standard in the light of selected indicators.

Office hours:

WED 14-15 room 708 B or ONLINE via MS Teams. Register with Calendly: https://calendly.com/flisik/konsultacje-office-hours

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