mgr Karolina Lademann
Research fields
- International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications 2017
Amadora, Portugalia, 5 - 9.06.2017
Presentation: Matano and Sauer-Freise generalizations for multi-component diffusion system. - Śladami Kobiet w Matematyce - w stulecie urodzin Profesor Heleny Rasiowej
Rzeszów, 22 - 24.06.2017
Presentation: Metoda Newtona dla pewnych równań biologii matematycznej. - Seminarium MAESTRO 2017
Kraków, 12-14.01.2017.
Presentation: Regularyzacja Tichonowa w zagadnieniach odwrotnych - Joint meeting of the Italian Mathematical Union, the Italian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics and the Polish Mathematical Society
Wrocław, 17-20.09.2018
Poster: Approximations for kinetic equations of swarm formation - Modern Numerical Methods for Quantum Mechanics II Gdańsk, 27–29.06.2018,
brak referatu, współorganizator - Workshop on numerical solution of integral and differential equations (NSIDE 2019)
Gdańsk, 17-19.07.2019
Presentation: Symplectic integrator for the Klein-Gordon equation with space- and time-dependent mass - XI Forum of partial differential equations
Będlewo, 23-29.06.2019
Presentation: Symplectic integrator for the Klein-Gordon equation with space- and time-dependent mass under possible influence of laser impulses - XII Forum of partial differential equations
Będlewo, 19-25.09.2021
Presentation: Effective high order integrators for linear Klein-Gordon equations in low to highly oscillatory regimes - School on nonlinear PDEs
Warszawa, 15-21.05.2022
Presentation: Third order, uniform in low to high oscillatory coefficients, exponential integrators for Klein-Gordon equations - Dynamics, Topology and Computations
Będlewo, 20-25.06.2022
Presentation: Effective highly accurate integrators for linear Klein-Gordon equations from low to high-frequency regimes - Summer School Computational Mathematics in Gdańsk Gdańsk, 3-9.07.2022
Brak referatu, współorganizator - SciCADE, International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations
Islandia, Rejkiawik, 25-29.072022
Presentation: The linear Klein-Gordon equations in low to high-frequency regimes - effective and highly accurate integrators based on compact splitting - Schauder Winter School, Geometric and Topological Methods in Dynamics of PDEs
Toruń, 13-15.02.2023
Poster: Third-order exponential integrator for linear Klein– Gordon equations with time and space-dependant mass. - Seminarium „Cząstki na wysokościach” - Porous Medium Equation
Wrocław, 12-17.03.2023
Presentation: The estimate of a time derivative and the BV estimates for the porous medium equation - ECMI 2023 Conference
Wrocław, 26-30.06.2023
Presentation: Uniform in oscillations numerical methods for highly oscillatory Klein–Gordon equation
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