Katarzyna Owczarek
total: 27
Catalog Publications
Year 2022
Analityka związków chemicznych z grupy bisfenoli w próbkach o skomplikowanym składzie matrycy, w tym pochodzenia biologicznego
PublicationBisfenol A jest substancja produkowaną globalnie na ogromną skalę. Używany jest w produkcji opakowań do żywności, papieru termalnego, wypełnień dentystycznych i całej gamy innych przedmiotów, z którymi człowiek ma na co dzień kontakt. Ze względu na stosunkowo dobrze poznane mechanizmy jego szkodliwego działania, zarówno w kontekście zdrowia ludzkiego jak i dobrostanu ekosystemów, przemysłowe zastosowanie tego związku podlega szeregowi...
Validated GC–MS method for determination of bisphenol a and its five analogues in dietary and nutritional supplements
PublicationBisphenol A (BPA) and its analogues showing structural and functional similarity to BPA are commonly applied in various industrial applications and thus are becoming ubiquitous in the environment. At the same time there is increasing scientific evidence that exposure to these chemicals may lead to adverse health effects in human and wildlife. In recent years dietary and nutritional supplements dedicated for athletes have become...
Year 2020
Determination of bromhexine and its metabolites in equine serum samples by liquid chromatography – Tandem mass spectrometry: Applicability to the elimination study after single oral dose
PublicationBromhexine (BH), expectorant used in the treatment of respiratory disorders associated with viscid or excessive mucus, is not permitted for use in the competing horse by many authorities in horseracing and Olympic disciplines. Metabolic studies are of the great importance in anti-doping field because they allow for updating the selection of the most appropriate markers for prohibited substances, such as metabolites present at higher...
Year 2019
New achievements in the field of extraction of trace analytes from samples characterized by complex composition of the matrix
PublicationWithout any doubt, the monitoring of compounds present in samples at trace or ultra-trace level usually requires a preliminary step of isolation and/or enrichment of analytes due to the fact that majority of analytical techniques are not sensitive enough for direct determination of trace compounds. On the other hand, sample preparation is considered as crucial part of whole analytical procedures, in particular in samples characterized...
Year 2018
Binary Mixtures of Selected Bisphenols in the Environment: Their Toxicity in Relationship to Individual Constituents
PublicationBisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most popular and commonly used plasticizer in the industry. Over the past decade, new chemicals that belong to the bisphenol group have increasingly been used in industrial applications as alternatives to BPA. Nevertheless, information on the combined effects of bisphenol (BP) analogues is insufficient. Therefore, our current study aimed to find the biological response modulations induced by the...
Determination of trace levels of eleven bisphenol A analogues in human blood serum by high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationChemicals showing structural or functional similarity to bisphenol A (BPA), commonly called BPA analogues, have recently drawn scientific attention due to their common industrial and commercial application as a substitute for BPA. In the European Union, the use of BPA has been severely restricted by law due to its endocrine disrupting properties. Unfortunately, it seems that all BPA analogues show comparable biological activity,...
Main complications connected with detection, identification and determination of trace organic constituents in complex matrix samples
PublicationIt is well known that some problems with the determination of organic analytes at trace level can occur. This issue is connected with contamination during each stage of the analytical procedure from sampling to sample preparation up to chromatographic analysis, which often leads to false-positive or overestimated results. Another problem associated with determination of analytes occurs at trace- and ultra-trace level is a background...
Serum bisphenol A concentrations correlate with serum testosterone levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine serum bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations using high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS/MS) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (n=106, age range 18–40 yrs) and to evaluate its potential impact on their hormonal and metabolic profile. The control group consisted of age- and BMI-matched 80 eumenorrheic women with no clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism....
Year 2017
Application of additional factors supporting the microextraction process
PublicationDue to the fact that green analytical chemistry is of high importance, the past two decades have witnessed a rapid growth in the sample preparation area with special emphasis on simplification, miniaturization and automation of extraction procedures. In addition, to accelerate the extraction processes and to improve the separation of analytes, several enhanced parameters are applied. These factors include, ultrasounds, microwaves,...
Ciecze głęboko eutektyczne pochodzenia naturalnego jako nowe medium ekstrakcji
Extraction with environmentally friendly solvents
PublicationThe ever-increasing demand for determining compounds at low concentration levels in complex matrices requires a preliminary step of analytes isolation/enrichment in order to employ a detection technique characterized by high sensitivity at low LOQ. Sample preparation is considered as crucial part of analytical procedures. Previously the parameter of “greenness” is as important as selectivity in order to avoid using harmful organic...
Miniaturized solid phase microextratcion
PublicationWithout any doubt analytical laboratories have an essential role in environmental protection due to the fact that they takes an active part in the monitoring pollutants present in air, water or soil. From the other side, the analytical activity is involved in the generation of toxic waste what is associated with the use of not eco-friendly reagents and solvents. For these reasons, green analytical chemistry (GAC) was introduced...
Year 2016
Analysis and bioanalysis: an effective tool for data collection of environmental conditions and processes
PublicationReliable information that allows us to estimate the state of the environment and to forecast changes in the ecosystem are constantly required. Increasing environmental consciousness and dynamic development of analytical techniques are the main reasons for determining the wide range of pollutants occurring at very low concentrations in complex matrix samples. The presence and concentration of many of those pollutants in the environment...
Ciecze jonowe w technikach mikroekstrakcyjnych - cz. I. Struktura i właściwości fizykochemiczne
PublicationCiecze jonowe stanowią bradzo rozbudowaną grupę substancji, cechującą się ogromnym potencjałem zastosowania w różnych dziedzinach chemii.
Ciecze jonowe w technikach mikroekstrakcyjnych. Cz. II. Praktyka analityczna.
PublicationRosnące od lat zainteresowanie cieczami jonowymi, wynikające z ich unikalnych właściwości fizykochemicznych, znalazło odzwierciedlenie w ich wykorzystaniu jako rozpuszczalników w chemii analitycznej, w tym szczególnie w wielu technikach przygotowania próbek do analizy. Ciecze jonowe zastosowano jako materiał sorpcyjny w takich technikach jak: mikroekstrakcja do fazy stacjonarnej SPME; mikroekstrakcja do pojedynczej kropli, SDME...
Modern solutions in the field of microextraction using liquid as a medium of extraction
PublicationThe monitoring of compounds present in samples at trace/ultra-trace level usually requires a preliminary step of isolation and/or enrichment of analytes. Against, sample preparation is considered as crucial part of whole analytical procedures, in particular in samples characterized by complex matrices composition. Several new miniaturized extraction techniques is introduced and extensively applied to different type of samples....
PublicationDeveloping new, eco-friendly solvents which would meet technological and economic demands is perhaps the most popular aspects of Green Chemistry. Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) fully meet green chemistry principles. These solvents offer many advantages including biodegradability, low toxicity, sustainability, low costs and simple preparation. This paper provides an overview of knowledge regarding NADES with special emphasis...
Sonochemia czyli ultradźwięki w laboratorium
Publicationwykorzystywana jako czynnik wspomagający przebieg różnych operacji i procesów. W artykule przedstawiono informacje o ultradźwiękach oraz o możliwościach ich wykorzystania w laboratorium analitycznym.
Sonochemia, czyli ultradźwięki w laboratorium - część II.
PublicationWykorzystanie ultradźwięków, jako energii pomocniczej, na etapie przygotowania próbek do analizy jest doskonałym przykładem stosowania zasad Zielonej Chemii Analitycznej. Dynamiczny rozwój technik ekstrakcyjnych i mikroekstrakcyjnych zapewnia bardziej efektywną i wydajną czasowo ekstrakcję szerokiej gamy analitów z próbek o skomplikowanym składzie matrycy.
Year 2015
Analytical aspects of model compounds toxicity assessment using MTT and Microtox bioanalytica assays
PublicationMore and more increased intensity of anthropopressure processes can be observed, among other things, in the release of great quantities of synthetic substances into the environment, including the Endocrine Disrupting Compounds. The effects of the above-mentioned human impact on the environment not only can be noticed in the homeostasis disturbance in ecosystems, but they are also visible with respect to human. The high incidence...
Assessment of cytotoxic and endocrine potential of selected xenobiotics commonly present in food products
PublicationMore and more increased intensity of anthropopressure processes can be observed, among other things, in the release of great quantities of synthetic substances into the environment, including the Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDC). A vast number of chemical substances is considered to belong to the this group, including substances which occur naturally in the environment, such as mycotoxins and phytoestrogens, and substances...
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds – Problems and Challenges
PublicationIn this chapter, information about some of the estrogenic compounds and their environmental fate and biological influence can be found. Special attention is paid to the review of the analytical approaches used at the stages of detection and determination of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) in the environmental samples. Also, a brief characterization of both cellular and non-cellular bioassays is presented. The discovery of...
New generation of analytical tests based on the assessment of enzymatic and nuclear receptor activity changes induced by environmental pollutants
PublicationAnalytical methods show great potential in biological tests. The analysis of biological response that results from environmental pollutant exposure allows: (i) prediction of the risk of toxic effects and (ii) provision of the background for the development of markers of the toxicants presence. Bioanalytical tests based on changes in enzymatic activity and nuclear receptor action provide extremely high specificity and sensitivity....
Revision of Biological Methods for Determination of EDC Presence and Their Endocrine Potential
PublicationEndocrine-disrupting compounds (EDC) are chemicals responsible for disturbances in the hormonal balance of organisms. This group of chemicals includes both egzogenic and endogenic substances or their mixtures that impact functioning of natural hormones in organisms. In the available literature one can find information on the application of chromatographic and related techniques in the analysis of environmental samples for detection,...
Selected issues related to the toxicity of ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents—a review
PublicationGreen Chemistry plays a more and more important role in implementing rules of sustainable development to prevent environmental pollution caused by technological processes, while simultaneously increasing the production yield. Ionic liquids (ILs) and deep eutectic solvents (DESs) constitute a very broad group of substances. Apart from many imperfections, ILs and DESs have been the most promising discoveries in the world of Green...
Year 2014
Związki endokrynne w środowisku. Problemy i wyzwania cz. I Emisja i los środowiskowy
PublicationWzrost świadomości dotyczącej niekorzystnego wpływu działalności człowieka na stan środowiska oraz dynamiczny rozwój technik analitycznych spowodował, że w ostatnich latach wzrosło zainteresowanie problematyką związków zakłócających prawidłowe funkcjonowanie układu endokrynnego. W opracowaniu zamieszczono informacje o niektórych związkach z grupy estrogenów, ich losie środowiskowym oraz oddziaływaniu na organizmy żywe.
Związki endokrynne w środowisku. Problemy i wyzwania cz. II Wykrywanie i oznaczanie związków endokrynnych i/lub endokrynności próbek
PublicationOdkrycie istnienia w środowisku mikrozanieczyszczeń, do których należą między innymi związki z grupy EDC, spowodowało konieczność opracowania i wdrożenia nowych metod do praktyki analitycznej. Jedną z nich są nabierające coraz większego znaczenia techniki immunoanalizy. Mimo, iż nie są one rozwiązaniem nowym, ponieważ od dawna z powodzeniem stosuje się je w analizie klinicznej, mają wiele zalet pozwalających na wykorzystanie...
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