Krystyna Gomółka - Publications - Bridge of Knowledge



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Catalog Publications

Year 2025
Year 2024

    ABSTRACT: ETS (CO2 Emissions Trading Scheme) is one of the mechanisms that allow for controlling and striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. However, it is also another cost for CO2 emission producers, affecting the final price of energy. The aim of the article is to enrich the discussion by explaining the relationship between ETS prices and the level of share of renewable energy sources in the overall energy...

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    - Year 2024

    The aim of the following article is to present gender inequality in the labour market in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Gender inequality was researched by analyzing documents providing rights for women and men in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The author presented the unequal treatment of women in the labour market by examining the causes of the level of employment of women and men - contract workers, higher unemployment among women,...

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  • Impact of demographic changes in Poland and Ukraine on labor markets

    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wpływu sytuacji demograficznej w Polsce i na Ukrainie na rynek pracy w obu panstwach od momentu przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej, tj. od 2004 r. do końca 2021 r. Przeanalizowano zmiany demograficzne w okresie wybranych lat w kilku aspektach, populacji, przyrostu naturalnego, struktury wiekowej i płciowej, migracji wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych. Malejąca liczba ludności w wieku produkcyjnym...

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Year 2023
Year 2022
  • Directions of Energy Transition of Uzbekistan

    The aim of the paper is to present the changes in the Uzbekistan energy market over the past few years. Uzbekistan is self-sufficient in terms of energy resources, the exploitation of which will last for many years. In 2019, the government adopted the "Concept Note ensuring electricity supply in Uzbekistan in 2020-2030" strategy, which announced the modernization of gas and coal power plants and the construction of new energy facilities,...

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  • Energy Security of Polish Consumers in 2004-2021

    Theoretical background: Energy security is one of the most important components of economic security. It is influenced not only by access to energy sources and the economic situation of the state and the individual consumer. The authors adopted the definition of energy security of an individual consumer as included in the UN report. It states that energy security of an individual consumer is guaranteed when the average consumer...

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  • Household Ability of Expenditures on Electricity and Energy Resources in the Countries That Joined the EU after 2004

    The purpose of the following article is to present the situation of the energy market from a household perspective between 2010 and 2020 in selected EU countries (the group of member states which joined EU after 2004). The selected countries when joining the EU had similar economic indicators and to some extent were similar in other macro-economic situations (personal income, unemployment rate, GDP level and annual growth). This...

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  • Labour resources in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan - a comparative study

    - Year 2022

    The aim of the paper is to show the transformation and comparison of labour resources in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan using the following methods: deductive data analysis, observation of changes in the structure of resources based on publicly available macroeconomic data. During the two decades of the 21st century, both countries experienced population growth which translated into an increased number of persons of working age. In...

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  • The Business Environment of Georgia and Ukraine: Approaches to a Comparative Analysis

    - STUDIA EUROPEJSKIE - Year 2022

    The formation of a favourable business environment and the intensification of entrepreneurial activity on this basis is one of the priorities of economic policy of governments around the world. The aim of this article is to conduct a comparative analysis of some of the characteristics of the business environment of Georgia and Ukraine. The theoretical basis of the study is the understanding of the business environment as a necessary...

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Year 2021
  • Directions and Prospects for the Development of the Electric Car Market in Selected ASEAN Countries

    The purpose of this article is to present the current situation and evaluate the opportuni‐ ties for the development of the electric car market in selected Southeast Asian countries in the con‐ text of the current situation in the rest of the world. Currently, the electric car market is at an ad‐ vanced stage of development in regions such as Western Europe, the USA, and China. It should be noted, however, that the number of electric...

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  • Female entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan

    - Year 2021

    Women constitute the majority of the Kazakh population and, even though they live almost 10 years longer than men on average, they are far less economically active. Less than half of the female population take up employment. Women’s wages are often as much as 30% lower than men’s. The subjective reasons for undertaking economic activity as mentioned by women included: independence from the husband, low earnings of the husband and...

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    - Year 2021

    Пребывание иммигрантов из государств бывшего СССР в Польше регулируется положениями международного, европейского и национального права. Соотношение между въехавшими в Польшу на постоянное место жительства и выехавшими из нее в 2004- 2015 гг. было отрицательным, только в 2016 г. в Польшу прибыло больше мигрантов, чем уехало из нее. В 2004 г. иммигранты из государств бывшего СССР составляли 61% общего количества иммигрантов, въехавших...

  • Labour resources in Azerbeijan

    - Year 2021

    The article aims to assess the changes of the Azerbaijani labour resources through deductive analysis of historical data and observation of changes in the structure of resources based on generally available macroeconomic data. Analysis shows that, during the period considered, the population of Azerbaijan increased, with a majority living in cities. Universal access to education enabled a growing group of Azerbaijanis to complete...

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  • Poland's economic relations with Uzbekistan

    The article describes economic relations between Poland and Uzbekistan 1992-2020

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  • Rynek pracy w Azerbejdżanie, Armenii i Gruzji

    - Year 2021

    Praca ukazuje zmiany na rynku pracy w trzech państwach Kaukazu Południowego w latach 2000-2020

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  • RYNEK PRACY w dobie pandemii COVID-19 na przykładzie Azerbejdżanu i Polski

    - Year 2021

    Nieoczekiwane pojawienie się pandemii COVID-19 spowodowało prawdziwą rewolucję w wielu sektorach gospodarek na całym świecie. Jedne z nich dotknięte zostały bardziej niż inne, a z kolei niektóre, jak na przykład branża e-commerce, kurierska, EdTech – edukacja online, przeżywały wręcz prawdziwy rozkwit. W zasadzie można powiedzieć, że każde państwo odczuwa skutki pandemii, zwłaszcza te negatywne, choć oczywiście uwarunkowane jest...

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  • The Self-employment of Women in Azerbaijan

    Azerbaijan has a population of more than 10 million, of which women accounted for 50% in 2020. At the same time, 93% of Azerbaijan’s citizens describe themselves as Muslims. Since the beginning of independence, Azerbaijan has been a secular state by virtue of Article 48 of the Constitution, which guarantees the freedom of worship, choice, or non-practice of religion and the freedom of...

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Year 2020
Year 2019
Year 2018

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