Krzysztof Jan Kaliński - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge



Krzysztof J. Kaliński completed his MSc study at Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) Faculty of Production Engineering (1980, result – get a first). He obtained PhD at GUT Faculty of Machine Building (1988, result – get a first), DSc at GUT Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (ME) (2002, result – get a first), and professor’s title – w 2013 r. In 2015 r. he became full professor, and since 2019 - professor.
His research area includes: theoretical and applied mechanics, machine dynamics, vibration engineering, dynamics of machine tools and production processes, robotics and automation, finite element methods, theoretical and experimental modal analysis, mechatronics, biomechanics of a mandible. In 2003 he created in GUT the research team of dynamic processes surveillance, subsequently renamed as Group of Mechatronics (in 2010) which was to 2020 under his supervision. He performed 18 domestic research and development projects (among them, 7 as organiser and supervisor), 6 international projects (2 as supervisor and coordinator) and 5 structural funds’ projects (4 as coordinator and the head). He creatively contributed the launch of field of study Mechatronics I-st level (2007) and II-nd level (2010).

Prof. Kaliński’s scientific achievements count 506 positions, including 267 publications and 231 unpublished works, 7 patents and patent applications, and 1 exclusive work. Among publications are 3 books, 51 chapters in books of international range, 37 chapters in books of domestic range, 37 scientific papers in reviewed international magazines (including 22 in the JCR journals, all-in IF=54.139), 12 scientific papers in English language in reviewed domestic magazines, 20 scientific papers in domestic magazines, 13 editions of scientific publications, 39 papers in reviewed international publications, 22 papers in reviewed domestic publications, 34 other publications. Among unpublished works are 30 project elaborations and 39 computer programmes. He promoted 6 PhD holders (2007– result: get a first, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2022– result: get a first), among them 1 is DSc. Promoter in the procedure regarding the awarding of the title and dignity of doctor honoris causa of GUT to prof. Jan Awrejcewicz, corresp. member of PAS, from Łódź UT (2019).

He reviewed 7 professor’s title procedures, 15 DSc (habilitation) procedures, 7 DSc monographsh and 12 PhD theses. He elaborated: editorial review of 2 monograph (PIMR Poznań: 2016, MM Publishing: 2023) and 1 academic coursebook (GUT: 2007), reviews of 77 chapters, articles and materials, domestic and international range, including 32 in journals of JCR (1999-2024). He attended as independent expert in evaluation of 32 projects in 5 and 6 Frame Programme of EC, 9 reports of evaluation (2003-2005). Reviewed 27 projects for Polish MSaI, MEaS, MSaHE: 1 target, 9 own, 3 promoters’, 14 research and development (2003–2010), as a member of experts’ panel (2010): 9 reports of evaluation, as a member of Regional Initiative of Excellence (2018-2024): preliminary evaluation of 6 projects, periodic evaluation of 3 projects (3x), final evaluation of 3. He also reviewed: 1 project for Foundation for Polish Science, Team Programme 2011; 1 project for Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus 2011; 51 projects for NCoRaD, Poland (2011-2016) and 2 projects INNOTECH, PO IG (final assessment) ; 16 projects for PAoED, Poland (2012-2013). As a member of Experts’ Corp of NCoS, Poland (since 2012), he finally assesed 2 own projects (2014).

Despite 43-years’ scientific and teaching activity in GUT, he has a rich professional experience in scope of academic competences (e.g.  Basrah University, Iraq – lecturer, 12 months (1989-1990), London University, UK – visitor, 2 months (1991), Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz, France – professor visiting 3x1 month (2013-2015), Northwestern University, Evanston IL, USA - professor visiting 2 weeks (2017), High School of Informatics and Management in Olsztyn – professor, 2012-2015) and engineering ones (e.g. MOSTOSTAL Gdańsk – 13 months, Northern Shipyard in Gdańsk – 6 months, FUO (PPU) TECHMET Ltd. In Pruszcz Gd. – altogether 17months, vMACH Engineering GmbH Germany, 2 years). 

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