dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Lipiński
- Associate professor at Institute of Mechanics and Machine Design
e-Learning courses
Mechanika ciała stałego i płynów I , W/C, IM, sem.03, zimowy 22/23 (PG_00039790)
Zaprezentowane zostaną treści obejmujące statykę i kinematykę punktu, bryły, układów punktów i układów brył
Kinematyka i dynamika maszyn, Wykład, Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn, Inżynierskie, sem3, zima 22/23 (PG_00055380)
Zapoznanie studenta z najważniejszymi pojęciami teorii mechanizmów i maszyn. Przeglądu rodzajów mechanizmów. Wprowadzenie pojęć analizy strukturalnej. Prezentacja wybranych metod wyznaczania położeń, prędkości i przyspieszeń. Prezentacja metod dynamiki mechanizmów. Wprowadzenie do zagadnień drgań swobodnych i wymuszonych układów dyskretnych.
Teoria mechanizmów i dynamika maszyn, W, Mechatronika, Inżynierskie, sem4, lato 21/22 (PG_00008954
Zapoznanie studenta z najważniejszymi pojęciami teorii mechanizmów i maszyn. Przeglądu rodzajów mechanizmów. Wprowadzenie pojęć analizy strukturalnej. Prezentacja wybranych metod wyznaczania położeń, prędkości i przyspieszeń. Prezentacja metod dynamiki mechanizmów. Wprowadzenie do zagadnień drgań swobodnych i wymuszonych układów dyskretnych.
Układy Wieloczłonowe - Wykład, sem.02, zima 22/23 (PG:00057034)
Na wykładzie poruszane są kwestie dynamiki układów brył połączonych przy pomocy węzłów (par kinematycznych). Istotą zagadnienia jest występowanie dużych przemieszczeń i dużych obrotów brył. Prowadzi to do pojawienia się nieliniowości. Dodatkowym utrudnieniem jest pojawienie się przestrzennego ruchu brył, oraz konieczność radzenia sobie z bardzo rozbudowanymi układami elementów. Poszukiwany jest uniwersalny algorytm działań prowadzących...
Mechanika, ACiR, lato 2021/22, (PG_00047526)
Zapoznanie studentów z niezbędną wiedzą dotyczącą modelowanie w mechanice, głównymi pojęciami itwierdzeniami statyki. Wprowadzenie metod modelowania tarcie posuwistego i oporów toczenia. Zapoznaniez relacjami naprężenia- odkształcenia, oraz z pojęciami naprężenia dopuszczalne elementów rozciąganych,ściskanych, zginanych i skręcanych. Prezentacja metod wyznaczania naprężeń oraz linii ugięcia belek,układy statycznie niewyznaczalne....
Mechanika ciała stałego i płynów II, W, Inż. Materiałowa, sem4, lato 21/22 (PG_00039796)
Zapoznanie studentów z podstawowymi prawami kinematyki i dynamiki ciała stałego i mechaniki płynóworaz ukształtowanie umiejętności rozwiązywania zadań praktycznych, w zakresie zagadnień dynamiki ciałastałego i mechaniki płynów
Kinematyka i dynamika maszyn, Wykład, Mechatronika, Inżynierskie, sem3, zima 22/23 (PG_00055405)
Zapoznanie studenta z najważniejszymi pojęciami teorii mechanizmów i maszyn. Przeglądu rodzajów mechanizmów. Wprowadzenie pojęć analizy strukturalnej. Prezentacja wybranych metod wyznaczania położeń, prędkości i przyspieszeń. Prezentacja metod dynamiki mechanizmów. Wprowadzenie do zagadnień drgań swobodnych i wymuszonych układów dyskretnych.
Mechanika analityczna, lato 2021/22, PG_00050046
Opis położenia, prędkości i przyspieszenia punktu oraz bryły i układu brył w ruchu dowolnym. Drgania własne i wymuszone układów o 1 i o wielu stopniach swobody. Więzy i ich reakcje, równania więzów. Współrzędne uogólnione. Przemieszczenia przygotowane. Zasada prac przygotowanych. Siły uogólnione. Ogólne równanie dynamiki analitycznej. Zasady mechaniki analitycznej do opisu dynamiki układu punktów i brył w układach z więzami....
Układy Wieloczłonowe - Wykład, sem.02, zima 23/24 (PG:00057034)
Kinematyka i dynamika maszyn, Wykład, Mech&Bud.Masz, Inżynierskie, sem3, zima 24/25 (PG_00055380)
Metody obliczeniowe w dynamice maszyn, W+P, Mechatronika/Mgr, sem.1, lato 22/23, (PG_00057022)
Mechanika (PG_00047526),W+C, ACiR, sem 4, wiosna, 2023/24
Układy wieloczłonowe, Wykład, Mechatronika, Magisterskie, sem2, zima 24/25 (PG_00057034)_kopia
Kinematyka i dynamika maszyn, Wykład, Mechatronika, Inżynierskie, sem3, zima 24/25 (PG_00055405)
Metody obliczeniowe w dynamice maszyn, Wykład, Mechatronika, Magisterskie, sem1, wiosna 23/24 (PG_00057022)
Mechanika ciała stałego i płynów II W, Inż. Materiałowa, sem4, lato 22/23 (PG_00039796)
Przedmiot służy zapoznaniu studentów z podstawowymi prawami kinematyki i dynamiki ciała stałego i mechaniki płynów oraz kształci umiejętności rozwiązywania zadań praktycznych, w zakresie zagadnień dynamiki ciała stałego i mechaniki płynów
Układy wieloczłonowe, Wykład, Mechatronika, Magisterskie, sem2, zima 24/25 (PG_00057034)
Metody obliczeniowe w dynamice maszyn, W+P, Mechatronika/Mgr, sem.1, lato 21/22, (PG_00057022)
Mechatronics and mechanism theory
Kinematyka i dynamika maszyn, Wykład, Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn, Inżynierskie, sem3, zima 23/24 (PG_00055380)
Kinematyka i dynamika maszyn, Wykład, Mechatronika, Inżynierskie, sem3, zima 23/24 (PG_00055405)
Metody obliczeniowe w dynamice maszyn
Mechanika (PG_00047526),W+C, ACiR, sem 4, wiosna, 2024/25
Conducted classes
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Kinematics and dynamics of machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Computational methods in machine dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Kinematics and dynamics of machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Specialization: Mechatronic Design
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Mechanika analityczna
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Specialization: Mechanical and Mechatronic Technologies in Space Engineering
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Kinematics and dynamics of machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Engineering Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Computational methods in machine dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics and dynamics of machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanika analityczna
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Specialization: Mechanical and Mechatronic Technologies in Space Engineering
Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Specialization: Mechanical and Mechatronic Technologies in Space Engineering
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Computational methods in machine dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Kinematics and dynamics of machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of solids and fluids I
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanika analityczna
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Specialization: Mechanical and Mechatronic Technologies in Space Engineering
Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Specialization: Mechanical and Mechatronic Technologies in Space Engineering
Computational methods in machine dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Space Mechanisms and Constructions
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Field of study: Space and Satellite Technologies
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology -
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of solids and fluids I
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics II
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and Robotics
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Mechatronics
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Mechanics I
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Mechatronics
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of solids and fluids I
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyField of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Mechatronics
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of solids and fluids I
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Specialization: Applied Mechatronics
Mechanics of solid state and fluids II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Field of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Design and Production Engineering
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Design and Production Engineering
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Specialization: Applied Mechatronics
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Mechanics of solid state and fluids II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of solid state and fluids I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Field of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids I
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids I, II
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Solig Mechanics and Fluid II
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of solid state and fluids I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Analytical mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of solid state and fluids II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Specialization: Applied Mechatronics
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids I
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids I, II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Specialization: Applied Mechatronics
Analytical mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Analytical mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics of solid state and fluids II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Seminar in English Language
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer-Aided Design and Operation of Machines
Mechanics of Solids and Fluid I
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids I, II
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics -
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids I
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Theory of mechanism and machine dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Mechanics of solid state and fluids I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Theory of Motion and Machines
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer-Aided Design and Operation of Machines
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Seminar in English Language
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer-Aided Design and Operation of Machines
Theory of mechanism and machine dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Strength of Materials I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Specialization: Applied Mechatronics
Mechanics of solid state and fluids II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids I, II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids I, II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of solid state and fluids I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Mechanics of Solids and Fluid I
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Mechanics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Mechanics of solid state and fluids I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics of Solids and Fluid I
Faculty of ChemistryField of study: Materials Engineering
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Strength of Materials I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Medical and Mechanical Engineering
Theory of mechanisms and machine dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Nanotechnology
Theory of Motion and Machines
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer-Aided Design and Operation of Machines
Analytical mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Mechanics of Solid State and Fluids I, II
Faculty of Applied Physics and MathematicsField of study: Materials Engineering
Mechanics I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Diploma/Final Project
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Specialization: Applied Mechatronics
Methods of discretization and calculation of systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer-Aided Design and Operation of Machines
Applied mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: International Design Engineer
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Analytical mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -
Mechanics I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Mechanics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Theory of mechanism and machine dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Methods of discretization and calculation of systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Specialization: Computer-Aided Design and Operation of Machines
Mechanics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Basics of Mechanics
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and InformaticsField of study: Control Engineering and Robotics
Theory of mechanisms and machines dynamics
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics I
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Multibody systems
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechatronics
Mechanics II
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringField of study: Mechanical Engineering
Reviewed papers list
Analiza dynamiczna kolumnowego żurawia w stanach nieustalonych w warunkach offshore
mgr.inż. Jerzy Krukowski - Politechnika Gdańska - 2014
Projekt linii rozlewniczej do dezodorantów typu rolon
inż. Bartłomiej Bondarczuk - Politechnika Gdańska - 2014
Projekt linii rozlewniczej do dezodorantów typu rolon
inż. Jan Kapliński - Politechnika Gdańska - 2014
Sterowanie silnikiem DC z zastosowaniem regulatora PI i regulatora rozmytego
inż Tomasz Wysocki - Politechnika Gdańska - 2013
Sterowanie silnikiem DC z zastosowaniem regulatora PI i regulatora rozmytego.
inż. Tomasz Nowicki - Politechnika Gdańska - 2013
seen 2594 times