prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Wach
- full professor at Cracow University of Economics
Membership in scientific or artistic societies/organisations/institutions
Academy of International Business (AIB)
Conducted 2013-12-01 at position: czlonek
Academy of International Business - Central and Eastern Europe Chapter (AIB-CEE)
Conducted 2017-09-01 at position: członek zarządu
European International Business Academy (EIBA)
Conducted 2013-01-01 at position: członek
Positions in journals editorial offices
Associate Professor
Conducted 2016-01-01
Członek Redakcji
Conducted 2010-09-01
Editorial Board Member
Conducted 2018-08-01
Editorial Board Member
Conducted 2017-01-01
Editorial Board Member
Conducted 2019-06-01
Redaktor Naczelny
Conducted 2013-01-01
Redaktor Naczelny
Conducted 2015-01-01
seen 1345 times