dr inż. Krzysztof Wołoszyk
- Assistant professor at Institute of Naval Architecture
- Zastepca dyrektora ds. ogólnych at Institute of Naval Architecture
Social media
- krzwolos@pg.edu.pl
Assistant professor
- Workplace
- Budynek Wydziału Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa (dawny WOiO)
- Phone
- +48 58 347 2739
- krzwolos@pg.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Random field modelling of mechanical behaviour of corroded thin steel plate specimens
The objective of this work is to explore the possibility of corrosion degradation modelling of thin steel plate specimens with the use of random field approach. The mechanical properties are obtained via the nonlinear Finite Element Analysis with the use of an explicit dynamic solver. The fully nonlinear material model is adopted to obtain the proper stress-strain response. Sensitivity analysis considering the main statistical...
An enhanced method in predicting tensile behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens by using random field approach
The present work investigates the possibility of using random field techniques in modelling the mechanical behaviour of corroded thick steel plate specimens. The nonlinear Finite Element method, employing the explicit dynamic solver, is used to analyse the mechanical properties of typical specimens. A material model considering full nonlinearity is used to evaluate the stress-strain response. The influence of major governing parameters...
Numerical assessment of ultimate strength of severe corroded stiffened plates
The objective of this work is to investigate numerically (using the non-linear FEM and the approach stipulated by the Common Structural Rules) the severe nonuniform corrosion degradation effect on the ultimate strength of stiffened plates and compare the results to the already published experimental works. Different factors governing structural behavior of corroded stiffened plates are investigated, such as corrosion degradation level,...
Obtained scientific degrees/titles
Obtained science degree
dr inż. mechanical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
seen 6249 times