dr inż. Łukasz Smakosz
- Assistant professor at Department of Structural Mechanics
Research fields
total: 21
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
A random field-based simulational identification of possible levels of material imperfections of adhesive-bonded joints
PublicationRecently, structural adhesives have become significant in the shaping of structural elements, especially in thin-walled structures, where they replace or supplement traditional connection methods. However, adhesive-bonded joints are highly susceptible to internal structural imperfections due to their application technique and the nature of the adhesive. These material inconsistencies impact the strength parameters and the mechanical...
Impact of thermal and humidity conditions on structural epoxy adhesives during medium-term exposure
PublicationAn experimental program was undertaken to evaluate the performance characteristics, strengths and limitations of two commercially available two-component structural epoxy resin adhesives under varying thermal and humidity conditions, focusing on their performance in scenarios relevant to engineering applications. The following adhesives were selected for investigation, 3M Scotch DP490 and DP125 Gray. In practice, DP490, a high-rigidity...
Mechanical performance investigations of a post-tensioned inter-module connection in steel buildings
PublicationConnections in modular steel structures are critical for maintaining structural integrity and facilitating ease of installation. Traditional methods, such as on-site welding, require adherence to complex technical specifications. In contrast, post-tensioned steel bolts offer a viable alternative by potentially reducing on-site labor by up to 50 %, providing substantial strength and simplifying assembly. To accurately assess the...
Year 2024
Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance of an asphalt pavement layer
PublicationThe purpose of the proposed numerical model is to analyze the cracking of the wearing course in a pavement overlay, assuming a pre-existing crack that passes through the binding layer and base. The computations employed the author's simulation-based Monte Carlo material model, which describes the failure process of a Semi-Circular Bend (SCB) specimen during standard laboratory testing of asphalt concrete. A key feature of this...
Year 2023
Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance degradation of asphalt concrete subjected to environmental factors
PublicationThe paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary...
The Idea of Using Adhesive Bonds in Shaping of Cold-formed Thin-walled Beam-columns
PublicationThe chapter concerns the idea of using adhesive bonds in the shaping of cold-formed thin-walled beam-columns. The idea of adhesive-bonded connections is not new but is unlikely to have been used in the design and shaping of thin-walled beam-columns in civil engineering up to date. Metal bar structures, including (due to economic reasons) thin-walled structures, are the most common and effective means to build engineering superstructures/loadbearing...
Year 2022
The use of a two-phase Monte Carlo material model to reflect the dispersion of asphalt concrete fracture parameters
PublicationThe work covers comprehensive laboratory tests of semi-circular bending (SCB) of asphalt concrete samples. The results of two test series, including four and 32 SCB specimens, indicate a substantial scatter of force–deflection (F-d) histories. The numerical analysis is aimed to reflect the maximum breaking load and fracture energy of the samples, pointing out their random character. The original simulation-based fictitious Monte...
Year 2021
Edgewise Compressive Behavior of Composite Structural Insulated Panels with Magnesium Oxide Board Facings
PublicationEdgewise compression response of a composite structural insulated panel (CSIP) with magnesium oxide board facings was investigated. The discussed CSIP is a novel multifunctional sandwich panel introduced to the housing industry as a part of the wall, floor, and roof assemblies. The study aims to propose a computational tool for reliable prediction of failure modes of CSIPs subjected to concentric and eccentric axial loads. An advanced...
On Wrinkling in Sandwich Panels with an Orthotropic Core
PublicationThis paper deals with the local loss of stability (wrinkling) problem of a thin facing of a sandwich panel. Classical solutions to the problem of facing instability resting on a homogeneous and isotropic substructure (a core) are compared. The relations between strain energy components associated with different forms of core deformations are discussed. Next, a new solution for the orthotropic core is presented in detail, which...
Year 2020
Flexural behavior of composite structural insulated panels with magnesium oxide board facings
PublicationThe current report is devoted to the flexural analysis of a composite structural insulated panel (CSIP) with magnesium oxide board facings and expanded polystyrene (EPS) core, that was recently introduced to the building industry. An advanced nonlinear FE model was created in the ABAQUS environment, able to simulate the CSIP’s flexural behavior in great detail. An original custom code procedure was developed, which allowed to include...
Year 2019
The statistical impact of experimental result scatter of asphalt mixtures on their numerical modelling
PublicationThe paper presents selected test results of asphalt mixture conducted in low temperatures. The obtained parameters are highly diverse. It concerns ultimate breaking loads, stiffness parameters related to Young's modulus but also the fracture course. Statistical analysis upon the results makes it possible to relevantly estimate the material-defining parameter values. Such a random approach leads to the mean values of breaking and...
Year 2018
A material model of asphalt mixtures based on Monte Carlo simulations
PublicationThe paper aims to numerically reflect mineral-asphalt mixture structure by a standard FEM software. Laboratory test results are presented due to bending tests of circular notched elements. The result scatter is relatively high. An attempt was made to form a random aggregate distribution in order to obtain various results corresponding to laboratory tests. The material structure calibration, its homogenization and finite element...
Failure mode prediction for composite structural insulated panels with MgO board facings
PublicationSandwich panels are readily used in civil engineering due to their high strength to weight ratio and the ease and speed of assembly. The idea of a sandwich section is to combine thin and durable facings with a light-weight core and the choice of materials used allows obtaining the desired behaviour. Panels in consideration consist of MgO (magnesium oxide) board facings and expanded polystyrene core and are characterized by immunity...
Numerical simulation of asphalt mixtures fracture using continuum models
PublicationThe paper considers numerical models of fracture processes of semi-circular asphalt mixture specimens subjected to three-point bending. Parameter calibration of the asphalt mixture constitutive models requires advanced, complex experimental test procedures. The highly non-homogeneous material is numerically modelled by a quasicontinuum model. The computational parameters are averaged data of the components, i.e. asphalt, aggregate...
Year 2017
Analiza doświadczalna i numeryczna paneli warstwowych z okładzinami z płyty cementowo-magnezjowej i rdzeniem z polistyrenu ekspandowanego
PublicationPanele warstwowe są chętnie stosowane w budownictwie ze względu na wysoki stosunek wytrzymałości do masy, oraz łatwość i szybkość montażu. Idea przekroju warstwowego polega na łączeniu cienkich i wytrzymałych okładzin z lekkim rdzeniem. Dobór materiałów składowych pozwala na swobodę kształtowania cech paneli. W rozprawie opisano panele z okładzinami z płyty cementowo magnezjowej i rdzeniem z polistyrenu ekspandowanego, charakteryzujące...
Year 2016
Experimental and numerical evaluation of mechanical behaviour of composite structural insulated wall panels under edgewise compression
PublicationA composite structural insulated sandwich panel (CSIP) is a quite novel approach to the idea of sandwich structures. A series of natural-scale experimental test is required each time a change in panel’s geometry is planned and a reliable computational tool is required to precede actual laboratory testing with virtual simulations. An attempt of creating such a tool has been made with use of a commercial FEM code ABAQUS, in order...
Year 2014
Evaluation of strength, deformability and failure mode of composite structural insulated panels
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wytrzymałościowych na zginanie i ściskanie paneli kompozytowych CSIP. Panele składają się z 2 sztywnych okładzin cementowo-magnezjowych zbrojonych włóknem szklanym oraz miękkiego rdzenia ze styropianu. Panele charakteryzują się m.in. niskim ciężarem, szybkim i łatwym montażem oraz wysoką wytrzymałością, ognioodpornością, odpornością na korozję i izolacyjnością cieplną.
Experimental and numerical evaluation of mechanical behaviour of composite structural insulated panels
PublicationComposite structural insulated panels (CSIPs) are novel prefabricated elements for structural applications. Panels under consideration are made from glass-fibre reinforced magnesia cement boards as facesheets and expanded polystyrene foam (EPS) as a core. Quasi-static full-scale and model bending tests under monotonic loading were performed to recognize mechanical properties of CSIPs in flexure. In addition, tensile, compressive,...
Year 2012
Analiza eksperymentalna i numeryczna kompozytowych płyt warstwowych
PublicationPłyta warstwowa jest kompozytem o bardzo atrakcyjnych właściwościach - dzięki swojej budowie jest elementem jednocześnie wytrzymałym i lekkim. Idea pozwalająca na osiągnięcie tych własności bazuje na współpracy materiałów o różnych parametrach wytrzymałościowych, co prowadzi jednocześnie do pewnych trudności w analizie i projektowaniu. Celem niniejszej pracy jest lepsze poznanie zachowania płyty warstwowej z okładzinami z płyty...
Badania wytrzymałościowe na zginanie i ściskanie nowoczesnych budowlanych paneli kompozytowych SIP.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wytrzymałościowych na zginanie i ściskanie nowych na polskim rynku budowlanym paneli kompozytowych SIP. Panele składają się z 2 sztywnych okładzin cementowo-magnezjowych zbrojonych włóknem szklanym oraz miękkiego rdzenia ze styropianu. Panele charakteryzują się m.in. niskim ciężarem, szybkim i łatwym montażem oraz wysoką wytrzymałością, ognioodpornością, odpornością na korozję i izolacyjnością...
Badania wytrzymałościowe nowych paneli kompozytowych w budownictwie mieszkaniowym
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wytrzymałościowych na zginanie i ściskanie nowych na polskim rynku budowlanym paneli kompozytowych SIP. Panele składają się z 2 sztywnych okładzin cementowo-magnezjowych zbrojonych włóknem szklanym oraz miękkiego rdzenia ze styropianu. Panele charakteryzują się m.in. niskim ciężarem, szybkim i łatwym montażem oraz wysoką wytrzymałością, ognioodpornością, odpornością na korozję i izolacyjnością...
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