dr inż. Maciej Sac
- Assistant professor at Department of Teleinformation Networks
Research fields
Social media
- macsac@pg.edu.pl
Assistant professor
- Workplace
Budynek A Elektroniki
room EA 603 open in new tab - Phone
- 583472367
- Maciej.Sac@eti.pg.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Variable Fractional Delay Filter Design Using a Symmetric Window
In this paper a numerically efficient method for designing a nearly optimal variable fractional delay (VFD) filter based on a simple and well-known window method is presented. In the proposed method a single window extracted from the optimal filter with fixed fractional delay (FD) is divided into even and odd part. Subsequently, the odd part is discarded and symmetric even part of the extracted window is used to design a family...
Verification of the Analytical Traffic Model of a Multidomain IMS/NGN Using the Simulation Model
In this paper we verify the previously proposed analytical traffic model of a multidomain Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for delivering multimedia services based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). For this reason a proper simulation model used, in which not theoretical queuing system models but the operation of real network elements and standardized call scenarios are accurately implemented. Consequently,...
Gain deficit effect in the fractional delay filter design by the window method
Metoda okien jest sposobem szybkiego i skutecznego projektowania filtrów ułamkowoopóźniających. Jednakże wzmocnienie tak zaprojektowanego filtru różni się od zakładanej wartości idealnej. To zjawisko, nazywane deficytem wzmocnienia, negatywnie wpływa na jakoś projektowanego filtru. Artykuł poświęcono wynikom badań oraz metodom korekcji tego problemu. Omówiono wpływ współczynnika korekcji deficytu wzmocnienia na charakterystykę...
Obtained scientific degrees/titles
Obtained science degree
dr inż. information and communication technology (Engineering and Technology)
seen 2491 times