(Field of Science):
- architecture and urban planning (Engineering and Technology)
- civil engineering, geodesy and transport (Engineering and Technology)
- mechanical engineering (Engineering and Technology)
- environmental engineering, mining and energy (Engineering and Technology)
(Field of Science)
Ministry points: Help
Year | Points | List |
Year 2025 | 140 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
Year | Points | List |
2025 | 140 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
2024 | 140 | Ministry scored journals list 2024 |
2023 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List |
2022 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2021 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2020 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2019 | 140 | Ministry Scored Journals List 2019-2022 |
2018 | 40 | A |
2017 | 40 | A |
2016 | 35 | A |
2015 | 35 | A |
2014 | 40 | A |
2013 | 40 | A |
2012 | 35 | A |
2011 | 35 | A |
2010 | 32 | A |
Points CiteScore:
Year | Points |
Year 2023 | 10.2 |
Year | Points |
2023 | 10.2 |
2022 | 9.2 |
2021 | 7.7 |
2020 | 6.9 |
2019 | 5.7 |
2018 | 5 |
2017 | 4.5 |
2016 | 4.6 |
2015 | 4 |
2014 | 3.5 |
2013 | 3.5 |
2012 | 3.3 |
2011 | 3.2 |
Impact Factor:
Sherpa Romeo:
Papers published in journal
total: 40
Catalog Journals
Year 2025
Metamodel-based optimization of a high-tension cable barrier in crash tests with a large SUV
PublicationRoad safety barriers play an important role in improving road safety. Cable barriers are one of the types of road barriers. Cable barriers have favorable collision-related properties, especially in terms of the safety of the vehicle occupants. Despite the continuous development of road barrier systems, the current European standard EN1317, which is used to evaluate the performance of road barriers, does not take into account all...
Multiphysical simulation of iron-based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA) activation embedded in concrete structures
PublicationShape memory alloys (SMAs) are a well-known type of smart material that recovers its original shapes upon activation. This unique property makes SMAs attractive for pre-stressing applications in civil engineering. Iron-based SMAs (Fe-SMAs) are particularly promising for civil engineering applications because of their low cost,...
Year 2024
Advanced seismic control strategies for smart base isolation buildings utilizing active tendon and MR dampers
PublicationThis paper investigates the seismic behaviour of a five-storey shear building that incorporates a base isolation system. Initially, the study considers passive base isolation and employs a multi-objective archived-based whale optimization algorithm called MAWOA to optimize the parameters of base isolation. Subsequently, a novel model is proposed, which incorporates an interval type-2 Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy logic controller (IT2TSFLC)...
Anisotropy and compaction gradient assessment on rammed earth specimens through sonic tomography approach
PublicationRammed earth is a traditional construction technique that has recently gained attention because of its benefits from an ecological perspective. The conservation of the existing valuable cultural heritage sites and the quality control of new constructions built with this material require the development and application of practical inspection techniques. This paper explores the application of sonic tests and sonic tomography as...
Controlling nodal displacement of pantographic structures using matrix condensation and interior-point optimization: A numerical and experimental study
PublicationThis study presents an innovative approach for the precise control of nodal displacements in pantographic structures. The method is founded on the Matrix Condensation of Force Method, seamlessly integrated with an Interior Point Optimization algorithm. This combination offers a unique advantage by allowing users to manipulate displaced nodes within a defined coordination domain. Furthermore, this approach introduces the Interior...
Development and experimental validation of a novel double-stage yield steel slit damper-buckling restrained brace
PublicationThis research is focused on the development and experimental validation of a novel double-stage yield steel slit damper-buckling restrained brace (SSD-DYB) system designed for seismic resistance of steel structures. The SSD-DYB integrates the energy dissipation capability of a steel slit damper (SSD) in its initial segment, enhancing performance in the case of lower seismic intensities levels while employing a larger segment for...
Rotational stiffness of a connection made using a single prestressed bolt
PublicationThe often overlooked rotational stiffness of connections utilizing a single prestressed bolt leads to the common assumption of treating such connections as pinned or even modeling them as rigid. Nevertheless, considering the friction between interconnected elements, it is evident that the actual rotational stiffness lies between these simplified assumptions. This study is dedicated to quantifying this stiffness and addressing the...
Three dimensional simulations of FRC beams and panels with explicit definition of fibres-concrete interaction
PublicationHigh performance concrete (HPC) is a quite novel material which has been rapidly developed in the last few decades. It exhibits superior mechanical properties and durability comparing to normal concrete. HPC can achieve also superior tensile performance if strong fibres (steel or carbon) are implemented in the matrix. Thus, there exist the unabated interest in studying how the addition of different types of fibres modifies the...
Year 2023
Enhancing seismic performance of rigid and semi-rigid connections equipped with SMA bolts incorporating nonlinear soil-structure interaction
PublicationNowadays, using smart connections can improve the performance of buildings with some recentering features that are from the superelastic behavior of Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs). It seems that there is different rigidity between the designed connection and the real one in Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs), which can be considered as a problematic issue due to the importance of connections in seismic performance assessment. This...
Load introduction to composite columns revisited—Significance of force allocation and shear connection stiffness
PublicationThe AISC 360-16 Specification recommends that the design shear force between parts of a composite column in the load introduction area shall be calculated based on the force allocation at ultimate limit state. Applicability of this straightforward method to the load levels that usually arise in slender composite columns is questionable, as this capacity-based force allocation is only true when the axial force is equal to the plastic...
Modelling of laminated glass PVB walls of buildings exposed to vehicle impact with different speeds
PublicationThis paper presents an analytical model, developed for laminated glass subjected to a low-velocity impact. It has the ability to capture glass cracks as well as large non-linear deformations. It is based mathematically on the firstorder deformation concept, which considers the effect of membrane and transverse shear as well as bending. This theory uses damage mechanics to capture the glass cracking. For this purpose, several experiments...
Predicting seismic response of SMRFs founded on different soil types using machine learning techniques
PublicationPredicting the Maximum Interstory Drift Ratio (M-IDR) of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs) is a useful tool for designers to approximately evaluate the vulnerability of SMRFs. This study aims to explore supervised Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to build a surrogate prediction model for SMRFs to reduce the need for complex modeling. For this purpose, twenty well-known ML algorithms implemented in Python software are trained...
Year 2022
Control of the bridge span vibration with high coefficient passive damper. Theoretical consideration and application
PublicationThe research was carried out due to the problem of vibration on the lively pedestrian drawbridge across the Motlawa River in the city of Gdansk. In the design stage, the main span of the footbridge showed unfavorable dynamic properties, which may create a comfort problem for pedestrians. The first vertical bending eigenfrequency was recognized as 1.64 Hz. The original design of the footbridge was equipped with a driving cylinder...
Estimation of nonstructural stiffness in instrumented steel frames
PublicationLateral stiffness of nonstructural components may significantly influence the initial stiffness of the entire structure and consequently alter its dynamic characteristics. While methods for simulating structural members are well-established, approaches for modeling nonstructural components that also participate in seismic response are notably less developed. In this paper a simplified, physically-intuitive approach for estimating...
Experimental and numerical investigations on RC beams with stirrups scaled along height or length.
PublicationBelki żelbetowe (RC) ze zbrojeniem poprzecznym (strzemiona) poddane czteropunktowemu zginaniu zostały zbadane eksperymentalnie i numerycznie. Belki były skalowane wzdłuż wysokości lub długości. Były przezbrojone, aby uniknąć płynięcia zbrojenia podłużnego. W pierwszej kolejności przeprowadzono badania laboratoryjne na belkach żelbetowych ze strzemionami. Ze względu na brak podobieństwa geometrycznego zaobserwowano dwa odrębne tryby...
Incremental dynamic analysis and fragility assessment of buildings founded on different soil types experiencing structural pounding during earthquakes
PublicationThe effect of the soil type on buildings experiencing pounding during earthquakes is investigated in this study using the incremental dynamic analysis and fragility assessment methods. Three 3-D structures with different number of storeys (4, 6 and 8) were considered in this study. Three pounding scenarios between these three buildings were taken into account, i.e. pounding between 4-storey and 6-storey buildings, between 4-storey...
Uncertainty quantification of modal parameter estimates obtained from subspace identification: An experimental validation on a laboratory test of a large-scale wind turbine blade
PublicationThe uncertainty afflicting modal parameter estimates stems from e.g., the finite data length, unknown, or partly measured inputs and the choice of the identification algorithm. Quantification of the related errors with the statistical Delta method is a recent tool, useful in many modern modal analysis applications e.g., damage diagnosis, reliability analysis, model calibration. In this paper, the Delta method-based uncertainty...
Year 2021
Finite element analysis on failure of reinforced concrete corner in sewage tank under opening bending moment
PublicationW artykule omówiono mechanizm uszkodzenia żelbetowego zbiornika ściekowego w narożniku ściany, który uległ uszkodzeniu podczas próby wypełnienia na skutek nadmiernych przemieszczeń poziomych ścian pod wpływem otwierającego momentu zginającego. Aby wyjaśnić przyczyny awarii, przeprowadzono kompleksowe obliczenia metodą elementów skończonych (MES) żelbetowego zbiornika w warunkach odkształcenia płaskiego. Beton zamodelowano za pomocą...
Numerical and experimental study on effect of boundary conditions during testing of stiffened plates subjected to compressive loads
PublicationThis study analyses the effect of boundary conditions during testing on the structural behaviour stiffened plates with different thicknesses subjected to compressive loads. The goal of the compressive tests is to analyse the ultimate strength of a stiffened plate. During the test, relevant physical quantities are measured and investigated. The supporting structure's behaviour is investigated by analysing the force-displacements...
Year 2020
Experimental and computational study on mechanical behaviour of carpentry corner log joints
PublicationThis work concerns experimental and numerical research on carpentry joints used in historic wooden buildings in southeastern Poland and western Ukraine. These structures are mainly sacred buildings, and the types of corner log joints characteristic of this region are primarily saddle-notch and dovetail joints; thus, these two types of joints were analysed in this study. The modelling of historic timber structures is a complex...
Random field modelling of mechanical behaviour of corroded thin steel plate specimens
PublicationThe objective of this work is to explore the possibility of corrosion degradation modelling of thin steel plate specimens with the use of random field approach. The mechanical properties are obtained via the nonlinear Finite Element Analysis with the use of an explicit dynamic solver. The fully nonlinear material model is adopted to obtain the proper stress-strain response. Sensitivity analysis considering the main statistical...
Year 2018
Experimental study of shear strength and failure mechanisms in RC beams scaled along height or length
Publication -
Experimental study of shear strength and failure mechanisms in RC beams scaled along height or length
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki doświadczalne efektu skali w belkach żelbetowych bez zbrojenia pionowego. Belki żelbetowe były zeskałowane wzdłuż wysokości i długości. Zaobserwowane 3 różne mechanizmy zniszczenia w doświadczeniach. Wyniki efektu skali porównano z niektórymi wzorami analitycznymi z literatury.
Historical carpentry corner log joints—Numerical analysis within stochastic framework
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical analysis performed on historical, traditional carpentry corner logjoints of two basic topologies: the short-corner dovetail connection and the saddle notch connection. These types of carpentry joints are commonly used in currently preserved objects of wooden architecture. All connections have been modelled in pinewood, which has been defined in the Finite Element software MSC.Marc/Mentat...
Numerical assessment of ultimate strength of severe corroded stiffened plates
PublicationThe objective of this work is to investigate numerically (using the non-linear FEM and the approach stipulated by the Common Structural Rules) the severe nonuniform corrosion degradation effect on the ultimate strength of stiffened plates and compare the results to the already published experimental works. Different factors governing structural behavior of corroded stiffened plates are investigated, such as corrosion degradation level,...
Year 2017
Experimental and numerical assessment of size effect in geometrically similar slender concrete beams with basalt reinforcement
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono doświadczalne i numeryczne wyniki badań efektu skali w geometrycznie podobnych smukłych belkach betonowych ze zbrojeniem bazaltowym. Doświadczenia zostały symulowane stosując metodę elementów skończonych w oparciu o model sprężysto-plastyczny z degradacją sztywności i nielokalnym osłabieniem. Otrzymano dobrą zgodność wyników doświadczalnych z numerycznymi.
Seismic pounding behavior of multi-story buildings in series considering the effect of infill panels
PublicationThe aim of the present paper is to study the influence of the infill panels on the seismic pounding response of adjacent structures in series. The contribution of the masonry infill has been simulated using equivalent diagonal compression struts. Steel frames have been assumed to have elastic-plastic behavior with 1% linear strain hardening. The dynamic contact analysis has been utilized where contact surface model (target and...
Year 2016
Experimental study of the post tensioned prestressed concrete corbels
PublicationThe results of experimental investigation of 6 symmetrical double prestressed corbels of variable shear span to depth ratio and variable location of prestressing bars are presented in the paper. The post ten- sioned corbels were prestressed with Macalloy 1030 bars of 25 mm in diameter. The results of the tests were compared with the cracking and load carrying capacity of corbels reinforced with passive reinforce- ment. As a result...
The influence of reinforcement on load carrying capacity and cracking of the reinforced concrete deep beam joint
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental research of the spatial reinforced concrete deep beam systems orthogonally reinforced and with additional inclined bars. Joint of the deep beams in this research was composed of the longitudinal deep beam with a cantilever suspended at the transversal deep beam. The cantilever deep beam was loaded throughout the depth and the transversal deep beam was loaded at the mid-span by longitudinal...
Year 2015
FE investigations of the effect of fluctuating local tensile strength on coupled energetic-statistical size effect in concrete beams
PublicationThe effect of fluctuating local tensile strength on a coupled energetic-statistical size effect in plain concrete beams under bending was numerically investigated. First, the influence of varying autocorrelation length of the random field describing a spatial variation of local tensile strength was studied. Next, the influence of the coefficient of variation of local tensile strength was analyzed. The numerical FE investigations...
Year 2013
Experimental investigations of size effect in reinforced concrete beams failing by shear
PublicationW artykule omówiono wyniki doświadczalne efektu skali w zbrojonych betonowych belkach niszczących się przez ścinanie. Doświadczenia wykonano dla belek o różnych wymiarach ze zbrojeniem stalowym i bazaltowym. Podczas doświadczeń pomierzono siłę oraz szerokości lokalizacji i rys. Wyniki porównano z modelem skali wg Bazanta.
Year 2012
FE calculations of a deterministic and statistical size effect in concrete under bending within stochastic elasto-plasticity and non-local softening
PublicationW artykule przedstawiony wyniki obliczeń MES deterministycznego i statystycznego efektu skali w belkach betonowych podczas zginania. Zastosowano model w ramach stochastycznej sprężysto-plastyczności i nielokalnego osłabienia. Belki były geometrycznie podobne. Wyniki porównano z modelem efektu skali Bazanta.
Identification of the Vistula Mounting tower model using measured modal data
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problem identyfikacji pięcioparametrowego modelu zabytkowej wieży twierdzy Wisłoujście. Poszukiwane parametry wyznaczono jako rozwiązanie problemu minimalizacji błędu średniokwadratowego pomierzonych dwóch pierwszych częstości i pierwszej postaci drgań własnych. Do tego celu wykorzystano hierarchiczną procedurę minimalizacji przy zastosowaniu analizy wrażliwości. Analiza numeryczna potwierdziła efektywność...
Non-linear FEM analysis of pounding-involved response of buildings under non-uniform earthquake excitation
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to show the results of the study investigating the influence of non-uniform earthquake excitation, due to spatial seismic effects connected with the propagation of seismic wave, on the pounding-involved response of two buildings. The three-dimensional non-linear FEM analysis has been conducted using the detailed models of colliding structures. Acceleration records for different structural supports have been...
Year 2009
Historic bridge modelling using laser scanning, ground penetrating radar and finite element methods in the context of structural dynamics
PublicationPraca dotyczy modelowania MES zabytkowej konstrukcji mostowej przy użyciu danych geometrycznych pochodzących ze skanowania laserowego oraz georadaru. Z uwagi na brak badań materiału budujcego most, przeprowadza się analize wrażliwości konstrukcji na zmiany modułu sprężystości granitu.
Non-linear FEM analysis of earthquake-induced pounding between the main building and the stairway tower of the Olive View Hospital
PublicationCelem artykułu jest dokładna, trójwymiarowa analiza MES dotycząca zderzeń pomiędzy budynkiem głównym a konstrukcją wolnostojącej klatki schodowej szpitala Olive View podczas trzęsienia ziemi San Fernando w roku 1971. Wyniki analizy pokazują, iż kolizje mogą prowadzić do znacznego wzrostu odpowiedzi lżejszej konstrukcji klatki schodowej, powodować uszkodzenia w miejscach kontaktu oraz potęgować uszkodzenia u podstawy tej budowli....
Year 2008
Earthquake-induced pounding between equal height buildings with substantially different dynamic properties
PublicationZderzenia pomiędzy konstrukcjami budowlanymi podczas trzęsień ziemi mogą prowadzić do znacznych uszkodzeń czy nawet całkowitego zniszczenia. Celem niniejszego artykuły jest analiza zderzeń pomiędzy budynkami o jednakowej wysokości i różnych parametrach dynamicznych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań numerycznych przeprowadzonych na nieliniowych modelach dyskretnych o skupionych masach z wykorzystaniem nieliniowego modelu lepkosprężystego...
Year 2007
FE-analysis of failure behaviour of reinforced concrete columns under eccentric compression
PublicationArtykuł omawia obliczanie słupów żelbetowych poddanych ściskaniu mimośrodowemu z uwzględnieniem lokalizacji odkształceń. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu MES i sprężysto-plastycznego prawa konstytutywnego rozszerzonego o długość charakterystyczną mikrostruktury za pomocą teorii nielokalnej.
Year 2006
Crack identification using wavelets on experimental staticdeflection profiles
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje metodę lokalizacji uszkodzeń w belce wspornikowej za pomocą transformaty falkowej statycznej linii ugięcia. Efektywnośc proponowanej techniki jest sprawdzona na podstawie badań eksperymentalnych. Do pomiaru statycznej linii ugięcia proponuje się metodę fotogrametryczną.
Pounding force response spectrum under earthquake excitation
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono możliwość wykorzystania spektrum siły zderzenia jako zaproponowanego przez autora narzędzia pomocnego przy projektowaniu budynków narażonych na zderzenia podczas trzęsień ziemi. Przedstawione wykresy spektrów pokazały, iż właściwy dobór parametrów budowli, takich jak szerokość przerwy pomiędzy budynkami, okres drgań własnych konstrukcji, liczba tłumienia, masa, współczynnik ciągliwości, czy też przesunięcie...
seen 2405 times